Gaming Thread

Not at all...quite interesting. The more you write and create, the more your creativity will blossom. Keep it up, John...I'd really like to read some of your stuff.
Stormo in particular but anyone, we talked about traditional fantasy writing before. I've been writing for a bit, but mostly developing lore and such. In addition to generic elves who I can't put a unique take on for the life of me, I opted using real cutures for humans the way Bethesda did. Men of the west being English influenced, the East being Roman influenced and ruled by a council/dictator, south being Indian influenced, north of course Scandinavians.

Is this lame?
It's never lame as long as you bring it in a good way. You can cram a story full of clichés, stereotypes and age-old concepts, as long as you deliver them in a good story, with good characters and good events, it's all good.

Mind you, if I may, I think you're planning too much ahead. I'm writing a hope-to-someday-become-a-novel story, and I find that the setting develops as I write, ideas keep coming into my head and changing the setting and world during writing. If you've got the aptitude for writing, you'll notice it'll happen to you too. So best thing is, don't put too much thought into your setting because it'll definitely change afterwards as you write. Expect your world and characters to become defined as you go along, and by the time you're done, nothing of your original concept will remain.

So my advice, write, write, write for several chapters and don't look back. When you're done, re-read what you wrote and add the ideas you get then to the ideas that have already formed during the original writing. Then rewrite using your new ideas (the process should go perfectly automatically). Repeat this for about ten times (a good book is made by about seven to thirteen rewrites) and Bob's your uncle!
I have an extra Sigil with your name on it.

Shit, not only did I have a decent character with a couple years of skill training, but I had a ton of awesome ships (several battleships, assault frigates, and battlecruisers. I was working my way up to heavy assault ships).
So, Evil Ryu and Oni Akuma look interesting enough in SSF4:AE. Evil Ryu looking less like an Akuma clone and more like Ryu with Akuma attributes. Well, more-so than his previous incarnations of the character. Oni Akuma looking like a take on Gouken is a strange thing. I need to get down to Austin to play it out. Grr, I'm ready to move back to Texas so I can be competitive again and hit up tournaments. :(