Gaming Thread

^ which translation? There was one that was supposed to be a comedic changing of the text. I played up until you first enter 600ad and gave up. Everything was obviously re-texted by a 10 year old kid. not funny.

There's two porno ones which actually got old by the time Marle got sucked into that black hole, so I deleted it.

This one's the actual translation, like word for word, plus all the cut scenes that got taken out of the US version
I used to play WoW, but when you get to the maximum level it simply becomes a chore, no longer are you trying to complete quests that expand on a storyline, but just grinding and questing and working to get your next piece of armour that will be discsarded in a week because it's not the best any more. Becuase of that I soon gave it up.

I've been trying the LOTR Online trial, it seems pretty cool, it's pretty much the same as WoW but it seems to really try get rid of the grinding, including an actual storyline that's always being added to... Not to mention, Middle-earth is way more badass than Azaroth.
There's two porno ones which actually got old by the time Marle got sucked into that black hole, so I deleted it.

This one's the actual translation, like word for word, plus all the cut scenes that got taken out of the US version

Where might one get a copy of this? Is it a typical SNES rom or is it another system rom? And I'm sure the porno one was what I played - it was so absolutely retarded... like me... but less funny.

Incidentally, I think I'm going to start playing Shadow of Destiny finally. I've owned it for a while, but never played it - any reviews from you folks?
Where might one get a copy of this? Is it a typical SNES rom or is it another system rom? And I'm sure the porno one was what I played - it was so absolutely retarded... like me... but less funny.

Incidentally, I think I'm going to start playing Shadow of Destiny finally. I've owned it for a while, but never played it - any reviews from you folks?

I found it on this site:

you have to get a copy of CT, then apply this patch to it.
Fallout New Vegas just confirmed by Bethesda

not a sequel but another Fallout game in the same universe

Welp, looks like I can kiss my social life goodbye. AGAIN.

It also makes sense. Fallout was such a great game but in dire need of expansion pack-esque additions. It's so awesome and could really go on for the next ten years or so. The last time I checked, the apocalypse was worldwide...why not have different games for different locales? Major cities like NY, LA, San Fran, Vegas, Paris, Madrid, Rome, Berlin, Moscow, Beijing, etc. Actually, China would be fucking cool because it would fit with the original Fallout 3 story, since there was an attack by China.