Gaming Thread

I liked Fallout a lot but didn't find much replay in going back and doing everything over. I don't want to put my points into hacking so I can read up on the history, really, or turn on the defense bots when I can just own them myself. It would be cool to see more of this world, though.
Apparently Obsidian (id est, mostly ex-Black Isle staff) is making it.

Yep. Definitely have way more hope for it knowing Obsidian is doing it. Granted, aspects of KOTOR 2 were FUBAR which was really the last full blown game they worked on outside of Neverwinter Nights 2.

I hope, considering the amount of Fallout 2 staff are at obsidian, it has aspects closer to the original games.
What was so bad about the ending?


I mean, sure, you die, but at least it's a change from the traditional sappy ride-into-the-sunset ending. True they could have made it a little more logical (why does Fawkes refuse to do it for you, and why does no amount of Rad-X help?), but still, it wasn't that bad.
I think the fact that you weren't able to continue exploring after the fact, unlike in The Elder Scrolls, was a major disappointment to me.

I just loaded a previously saved game and played it from there after I beat it so I could explore everything before beating it again.
What was so bad about the ending?

Doesn't matter anymore! They confirmed that the Broken Steel update will indeed remove the ending and that there will be no more ending!

Retconning retcon FTW!


Not to mention this little fun portion:

"The game also slightly tweaks the moments leading up to the ending, adding the ability to send one of several of your companions to complete the final task of the game, instead of doing it yourself."


"Hines only detailed one of the perks though, called Puppies! If you pick the Puppies! Perk when Dogmeat dies he gets reincarnated automatically as a puppy, which you can go to certain areas to add back to your group."

And even better:

"The new pack also raises the level cap from 20 to 30 and greatly increases the enemy difficulty level.

"Enemies are a lot tougher," Hines said. "You start seeing new enemies at level 18.

"Advancement from 20 to 30 takes a ton of experience points.""

Sup dudes, just bethesda here, delivering the game that should have been delivered last year.
True, Fallout 2 also had post-ending stuff, but what's the use in exploring if you're already level-capped when you're through 1/4 of the game?

Go back to New Reno and go out with that chick at the Cat's Paw. And now you can get the Fallout Manual by Father Tully, too. Make all your stats maxed out. Now with that, you can go seriously fuck up the folks in Vault City, goddamn bigots.

And the level cap thing is complete bullshit. It's completely unfair to people who wanna see just how many perks they can get. And it makes the Swift Learner perk absolutely useless. Seriously, why waste a choice on that, when you can get another one that adds to your stats?