Gaming Thread

i hate that all the best games come out in fall; looking forward to deus ex human revolution, skyrim and all the other games means i'm essentially looking forward to summer being over and a new semester starting. so if it's close to the release, summer is over, if it's far away, summer is still going strong but i won't be playing the games. what a waste. good thing i still have stalker, alpha protocol, portal 2 and the rest of the bethesda games to play/finish.
Already preordered it on Steam. Let's hope the computer is less of a cheating bastard than it was in V though, spawning armies next to your army out of nowhere, and then when you defeated them and were left with the bruised, battered remains of an army, spawning another one!
But when it comes to picking a mate, I think Liara is the best choice. Ashley is racist cunt, Miranda looks weird and has a manly jaw, Samara is just plain disgusting looking. And Kelly is a whore. A sexy whore. :)

Speaking of Mass Effect, I just beat the Overlord DLC. The ending was extremely disturbing. I usually pick Renegade options, but there was no way I couldn't save that guy.
But when it comes to picking a mate, I think Liara is the best choice. Ashley is racist cunt, Miranda looks weird and has a manly jaw, Samara is just plain disgusting looking. And Kelly is a whore. A sexy whore. :)

Speaking of Mass Effect, I just beat the Overlord DLC. The ending was extremely disturbing. I usually pick Renegade options, but there was no way I couldn't save that guy.

Not sure I agree on the manly jaw:


But Liara has the personality of a wet newspaper (at least in ME1). Tali > all other mates. Mostly because they won't let me pick Wrex though :bah:
I dreamed ME3 was out and they had another sacrifice mission like the first one, except this time you didn't get a choice and it had to be Liara. :bah:
That would have been nice. I'd let Liara sit on top of that nuke on Virmire in a heartbeat.

Tali and Wrex are the only characters I give a shit about. The others are either annoying or have bland personalities.
Tali was nice in the first game, but the second game elevated her WAY too much to Ms. Fanservice status, and it destroyed the character. As for Wrex, meh.

Liara > Wrex > Thane > Tali > Miranda > Grunt
Everyone > Jacob.
I've always kind of liked Ashley for some reason. Certainly more than Kaiden, who always ends up taking one ("one" in this case being a nuke) for the team. Miranda was a cool character, and as Lord Foul pointed out, her appearance is based on Yvonne Strahovksi's, who I think is one of the hottest women ever, so I'm okay with Miranda's appearance.

And yeah, i agree with "Everyone > Jacob." What a douche.
I've always kind of liked Ashley for some reason. Certainly more than Kaiden, who always ends up taking one ("one" in this case being a nuke) for the team. Miranda was a cool character, and as Lord Foul pointed out, her appearance is based on Yvonne Strahovksi's, who I think is one of the hottest women ever, so I'm okay with Miranda's appearance.

And yeah, i agree with "Everyone > Jacob." What a douche.

Yyvonne yes. Miranda, no.
Yyvonne yes. Miranda, no.

i don't see any difference between them tbh (obviously one is computer generated so not exactly the same but they look pretty fucking similar to me) but the real one is a serious babe. sadly i killed wrex so i never got to see a bunch of stuff and i'm strongly considering going back and doing me1 and me2 all over again to get a good save for me3. losing wrex, legion and one other choice i made that i regretted are a huge bummer and i know it kinda defeats the purpose to not play off of what choices you made, but i feel like i'm seriously missing out not having 2 characters.
its true about tali being awesome in the first game, but she kinda got less interesting in the second game. As for A&K, I hated Ashley throughout the first game, but in the end I realized I cared even less about kaidan, he was pretty boring. Plus he was the ranking officer and all.

People here are ignoring the one true great person here (besides kasumi <3 )

i'm strongly considering going back and doing me1 and me2 all over again to get a good save for me3. losing wrex, legion and one other choice i made that i regretted are a huge bummer and i know it kinda defeats the purpose to not play off of what choices you made, but i feel like i'm seriously missing out not having 2 characters.

these are things you can do after you've completed 3. Main big go should be the one you've done from the start.
yeah i guess you're right, if i just go back and make a new one it kinda defeats the point of there being weight on the choices if i'm just trying to get the perfect ending etc. doesn't make much sense for me to want branching storylines and really deep gameplay if i just go fuck it up by making it exactly what it normally would be if it only had one haha