Gaming Thread

I am attending EVO 2011 this year. For those who don't know, it is the worlds largest video game fighting competition. I do not plan on winning, but I am going for the fun and experience. For this years tournament, they have the following games...

Mortal Kombat (9)
Blaz Blue
Tekken 6
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

I am participating in the SSFIV:AE tournament. Wish me luck! I'M GOING TO NEED IT! :P

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this is going to sound totally pussy but fuck it: how scary is STALKER? i've been loving shivering isles but don't want to wear it out and I have alpha protocol (been putting it off as i know its buggy and can get annoying) and STALKER on steam so i'm not sure if I should play it. reason being is I play games at night time in my pitch black room and i really don't like it when monsters pop out and go RAH 24/7 in a game, but i hear great things about it and really want to play it. is this a good night time game if i'm not planning to have a heart attack or should i play it at a slightly less spooky time or will i just flat out hate it?
Nah, STALKER has a lot of atmosphere but it's not that scary. Plus, in the beginning you'll mostly be fighting mutated animals and fellow STALKERs. It's not really a game that relies on the old pop-out scare, it's more about atmosphere, so go ahead and buy it :)
Trying very hard to find Vivec's (never used) voice files in the Morrowind construction set. I must know how he was supposed to sound...

Apparantly, his idle message said "It is lonely, to be a god" And "Yes Incarnate, I am Vivec. I can answer...all your questions."

But I can't find the voice files. Arg.
Nah, STALKER has a lot of atmosphere but it's not that scary. Plus, in the beginning you'll mostly be fighting mutated animals and fellow STALKERs. It's not really a game that relies on the old pop-out scare, it's more about atmosphere, so go ahead and buy it :)

thanks, yeah i already have it on steam (my brother got me like 5 games for a birthday) but haven't gotten around to playing it. that sounds good though as i really like games with atmosphere and a unique world/art direction as opposed to jumping out scares and whatnot so i'll definitely check that out tomorrow.

i can't even remember seeing vivec but hearing about it brings back some memories, reminds me how crazy long its been since i've played morrowind. some day i gotta go back and do it again because i remember loving it so much, but now that i've played oblivion (and still am loving it, 6 years later and the graphics are only justtt getting kinda crappy as forced AA + AF only goes so far) i don't know if i can go back to slamming my mouse button over and over again for combat and not hitting anything. definitely looking forward to updated combat (even a bit) in skyrim though i do want to try all the graphics mods and do morrowind again someday.
Morrowoblivion looks really interesting, wish I could run it

its crazy you say that, because i was actually coming here right now to ask about that :lol: , i remember morrowind so fondly from when i was 12 playing that and having never been in a game world like that, and i really want to do morrowind again to relive the world, weapons, non leveling; stuff i forgot about. the problem is the graphics, constant smashing of the mouse for combat and other things, so I was strongly considering morroblivion. they just had a new release on the 25th and some videos make it seriously look good (seems like they transfered all the stuff over plus made it better in some regards so its not some cheap mod, plus they have almost all the quests) so i'm strongly considering it as morrowind just transfered over into oblivion would be really cool. the only thing i'm concerned about is it feeling out of place and not having the feeling of morrowind (the same music, ui, some colorful graphics would feel out of place considering how drab morrowind was).

i know there are a bunch of morrowind mods out there now that make it look better so should i try doing morroblivion or getting a bunch of graphics mods and just replaying morrowind? i have the cd's at my moms house so i'll pick those up sometime soon (probably buried in my closet ugh) but i'm really torn between just re-doing morrowind with the updated graphics vs doing morroblivion (if it all went perfectly it could be amazing playing the great aspects of morrowind in that engine, like an expansion pack but way bigger since they're even working on tribunal and bloodmoon now which i never got a chance to do).

tl;dr anyone play morroblivion? good enough?
From what I understand, it's missing a lot of things, however there are some complete graphical overhauls that can make the original game look better than Oblivion.

I'd give you a link but I've never tried these, a Google search for Morrowind Modding Guide should do it. Also, I really reccmend the Morrowind Comes Alive mod, it really breaths some life into the game. It also uses Better Heads for all its NPCs, while leaving the originals alone, so you can enjoy the nostalgia factor of key NPC's like Caius.
Beldr (based on the Norse god Baldur) in Devil Survivor is officially the hardest boss battle I've ever fought in my life. Even with intense grinding, I had to end up cheating before I threw my computer out of the window.

It's a great game, though. A lot like Nocturne. With some Death Note, as your character can see the number of days someone has to live over their head.
Nintendo now days is not all that great. However, Nintendo will always be the reason why I have loved gaming ever since I was little. Nintendo does not seem to appeal to many gamers these days. Now it may be boring, but back then it was far from it.

<3 Nintendo

You know it's all just a bunch of talk until it happens, but Nintendo is making claims that the Wii U won't just be for the casual market, and that they are trying to get a lot of third party (as well as "mature") support this time around. If you've looked at the specs on it, it's a bit more powerful than either the 360 or PS3--and that's not even including the controller. I have no idea what they did that screwed up the Gamecube support either, but it was a pretty good system that just kind of fell off the map.

The controller though may be too difficult for third party ports to incorporate anything truly useful on, so it's more than likely going to be relegated to in house productions for the longest time. I've never been a fan of motion controlled games either--most of them just felt way too gimmicky and didn't actually add anything of value over using a standard controller (which were usually more precise anyway).

i hate that all the best games come out in fall; looking forward to deus ex human revolution, skyrim and all the other games means i'm essentially looking forward to summer being over and a new semester starting. so if it's close to the release, summer is over, if it's far away, summer is still going strong but i won't be playing the games. what a waste. good thing i still have stalker, alpha protocol, portal 2 and the rest of the bethesda games to play/finish.

You should be spending all of this "free" time to brush up on your fighting game skills.:Smokin:
modern warfare 3 looks pretty sick

if by sick you mean the exact same thing as the other modern warfare games but with more michael bay ridiculous scripted events then yeah.

today i realized how much i fucking love steam. these summer sales are badass as fuck, and the fact that i was able to buy deus ex goty and invisible war for $5 together (gotta replay them again before human revolution and reallyy explore them as much as possible despite not liking IW that much) is awesome. there are so many great deals i'm going to hit up like hitman blood money being $6, borderlands being $20 etc. i normally don't like buying many games since they just don't feel worth it, but steam has some great prices and i'm loving it and despite the drawbacks of some things i'm glad steam is the industry standard.
if by sick you mean the exact same thing as the other modern warfare games but with more michael bay ridiculous scripted events then yeah.

Michael Bay and his brothers in arms are some of the worst things to happen to Hollywood. I seriously hate all of his movies. Over the weekend I had the option of going to see either Super 8 or the most recent Boobs'n splosion movie that had a bunch of CGI toys doing nothing for 2 hours and 37 minutes. I chose Super 8, but was forced by some friends who "really wanted to see" and ended up "really liking" Dark of the Moon to see that instead. One of the most ridiculous piles of trash since Revenge of The Fallen...

Pretty sad that the 80's cartoon movie still blows away either of the three live action versions (which isn't saying much, since only an adolescent could really appreciate it), and cost almost 32 times less to produce.
Michael Bay and his brothers in arms are some of the worst things to happen to Hollywood. I seriously hate all of his movies. Over the weekend I had the option of going to see either Super 8 or the most recent Boobs'n splosion movie that had a bunch of CGI toys doing nothing for 2 hours and 37 minutes. I chose Super 8, but was forced by some friends who "really wanted to see" and ended up "really liking" Dark of the Moon to see that instead. One of the most ridiculous piles of trash since Revenge of The Fallen...

Pretty sad that the 80's cartoon movie still blows away either of the three live action versions (which isn't saying much, since only an adolescent could really appreciate it), and cost almost 32 times less to produce.

I haven't seen the transformers movies and don't plan to. Over the top explosions don't interest me either as the shock value is good for a couple minutes and then just becomes bothersome; I'm not a fan of modern warfare games for the same reason and will be getting battlefield 3 and not even touching mw3.