Gaming Thread

This is my Oblivion guy. It took a long time to make a face that wasn't horrific.

My oblivion guy is terrible, I tried to make him look cool and rugged like the badass warrior he is but it turned out to look like a weird tanish dude with a slightly white face and a potato head. fucking ugly oblivion heads; should've just gone with a dark elf like i did in morrowind back when i was 12 and spent the game killing people and stealing their houses (put almost 100 hours into it). Luckily I've almost finished the thieves guild so after this i'm going to do morag tong, mages guild, couple of side quests, explore a bit, then go and give morrowind a REAL playthrough. Make a badass character, install all the graphics mods to make it look fucking good yet still vanilla style, goty edition so i'll get to play bloodmoon and tribunal which I never got to do and I'll beat the main quest again plus all the side ones which I'm very excited to do since its been so long. fuck yeah.
My oblivion guy is terrible, I tried to make him look cool and rugged like the badass warrior he is but it turned out to look like a weird tanish dude with a slightly white face and a potato head. fucking ugly oblivion heads; should've just gone with a dark elf like i did in morrowind back when i was 12 and spent the game killing people and stealing their houses (put almost 100 hours into it). Luckily I've almost finished the thieves guild so after this i'm going to do morag tong, mages guild, couple of side quests, explore a bit, then go and give morrowind a REAL playthrough. Make a badass character, install all the graphics mods to make it look fucking good yet still vanilla style, goty edition so i'll get to play bloodmoon and tribunal which I never got to do and I'll beat the main quest again plus all the side ones which I'm very excited to do since its been so long. fuck yeah.

Wait, you never did The Dark Brotherhood? Ho ho ho, you're in for a treat.
Wait, you never did The Dark Brotherhood? Ho ho ho, you're in for a treat.

The Dark Brotherhood, as well as Thieves Guild quests were the best part of the game. The Arena was kind of fun too, but you could cheese it pretty easily to the end. And good god do the original faces completely suck--and the bloom effect makes it so much worse. It's crazy how nice the new models look in comparison.

It will be nice to finally have a game that will allow the 580 GTX I purchased many months ago to finally be allowed to stretch it's legs. For real, I've been playing emulated DS and PS1/PS2 games and crap on a $500 card. I'm pretty curious about how Human Revolution will be on the PC at max settings as well, but from what I can tell, most of the DX11 stuff is just extremely subtle and typically not worth the resources. At the very least it will still blow away the consoles unless the outside studio that ported it screwed up somewhere.
Yeah the Dark Brotherhood was a lot of fun. And yeah, cheesing the Arena is easy: simply perform sideways power attacks to disarm your opponent, and because the rules of the Arena say "no looting, even off the floor," the poor bastard has to fight with his bare hands.
I haven't seen most of this thread, and was just looking to see what had been posted a few months prior is all. How else would I have been able to see that yummy, bloated Asari? Also, that games then/now picture was hilarious.
Evo 2k11:

It was just incredible. I met a lot of really nice people, and had the chance to be around some great players as well. Being able to play TTT2 and SFxT was a lot of fun. I already miss it. If you haven't watched the streams, you should.





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I know a lot of people like gaming tournaments but I just can't take them seriously haha. I know it takes major skill but stuff like the commentators, seeing that guy freak out and show his flag at the end and the huge crowd etc; it just doesn't feel right since it's videogames and not some actual sport. I can't imagine a bunch of scrawny dudes in their room doing thumb wars, tutorials and grunting while the rocky theme plays; it just doesn't sit right.