Do what you will. You're right though, I'm an arcade snob. I mean, as of next year, I'm dedicating the majority of my life to traveling to US regionals, Evo, and I plan on taking a few trips to Japan for SBO and X-Mania (if they have an X-mania, anyhow.) I'm even moving to Austin in May to room with my buddy who works at Arcade UFO. Depending on a few prospects I have for jobs right now, I may actually spend a few months in Japan as well. I had to cut it out for 2 years for school

but I've still been in training mode like mad. Suffice to say, The better part of my life for almost a decade now has been spent playing competitive fighting games (ST, 3s, HnK, GGXAC, CVS2, etc) and going to tournaments, both arcade and otherwise. My point being, I've been playing with what's considered to be arcade standard for years now and I'll be damned if I start using anything other than what's readily available at all major tournaments. Also, LizardLick isn't the only distro

it's not hard to find better suppliers, either. You just have to know where to look. My point wasn't even about the buttons going out, that's a quick switch. It's the matter of the PCB being shot and you not having another one on hand. What would you do, jury rig a HRAP or TE?

Also, before you discount the chances of a PCB being shot during a tourney as very slim, take my word on it. I've been to more tournaments than most people have been inside a gamestop. It happens FREQUENTLY