Gaming Thread

I know what those are. I've seen people become very good at using them, and how quick you can execute various moves. I personally couldn't use one, but I am sure with practice it can be done.

E-Bortion knows more about this than I do.
I don't know if you play an instrument (most who post here seem to), but I know for a fact that my own performance is going to jump up quite a few levels using buttons over the stick. I've been playing for years alternating between what was at the local arcade and using a Saturn pad, and then later Arcade-In-A-Box customs until finally the TE--but I still have execution errors sometimes. My P1 performance is also much better than P2.

Certain things like dashes, walking and crouching dragon punches will literally be 100% accurate without having to worry about the throw or engage of the stick, as well as online lag causing your crouching attack to be standing instead. You also won't ever mistakenly jump if you "spazz out" in a clutch situation swinging the stick too far past forward or backward, and you can even do walking 360s and 720s. Can't wait.
I've noticed executed moves were spot on the frame data with a hitbox stick. I don't know the response times from a hitbox stick and a joystick so i don't know.

Also......SANWA! Very responsive Japanese parts. I don't like to play with any other parts.
There are people who prefer HAPP parts. It just depends on the person. Sticks & parts are always a personal preference really. I just started using Sanwa parts so I don't play with anything else. People who start off playing with American parts stick with it because that is just what they are use to playing on. There really isn't a right or wrong way :p
There are people who prefer HAPP parts. It just depends on the person. Sticks & parts are always a personal preference really. I just started using Sanwa parts so I don't play with anything else. People who start off playing with American parts stick with it because that is just what they are use to playing on. There really isn't a right or wrong way :p

Yes and no. I cannot stand 95% of the "Happ" style sticks--and I grew up in the arcades using them. The responsiveness on them just suck...badly. The only kind like that that I've ever really liked were some of the average kind used in Capcom cabinets, but especially those found on the X-Men vs Street Fighter cabinet. Those were some of the "quickest" sticks I've ever played on, even moreso than the Sanwa. Problem is, you can't actually buy those anymore, and everything (Happ style) that MAS systems, Arcade-In-A-Box and Lizardlick sells blows in comparison.

Some people simply refuse to even attempt at learning something new. That's the biggest problem, and their execution suffers because of it. I have a friend who would always have custom (crappy) MAS sticks made, or he would order random Happ sticks to put in the arcade cabinet setup that he had, and I absolutely could not stand them at all. To me they were much worse than using a Saturn pad. It took me all of two days to adjust to the Japanese style. I also bought my first Jap stick with an octagon gate, but quickly learned how much better the default square is--generally speaking. My friend can't stand the square, yet constantly has problems in SF4 because the dead spaces are wider, and he has one of those really funky bat tops that you replace the ball top with, trying to emulate a Happ stick. But they aren't even remotely close! :lol:
anyone tried out the STALKER complete 2009 mod? supposedly it makes the game have wayyy better graphics and fixes a bunch of gameplay mechanics. i've got stalker on steam from when my brother gave me a pack of games for my bday but i never got around to playing it (and am considering doing it this weekend after i finish up my HR playthrough). anyone try it/have any opinions on it? should i play it with the mod or without? it says it doesn't change core gameplay but ive heard manyyy mods say that.
I haven't played Stalker without that mod. I don't really play it that much either (keep putting it off, not because it's bad or anything), but it looks "good" with the mod. Can't imagine playing vanilla. It's also actually supposed to fix quite a few bugs that were never patched.




I had a ps3 madcatz stick that i gave to someone and i am letting someone borrow my Tekken 6 Pad (I don't like it, american parts feel like crap)
The hitbox arcade sticks are going to be banned because they allow you to hit back, forward, up, and down at the same time. This causes a lot of weird properties in different games, especially in MVC3. Other than that, you need to stick with a regular arcade stick. Getting used to one of those hitbox things is really detrimental in the long run. Let's say your stick craps out or they stop producing them and you don't want to have to hack your own pcbs and make your own boxes, then what? Let's say you're playing a tournament where the controllers are furnished, then what? Just apply a little logic to it and you'll see why you should go elsewhere. Also, Siemitsu >> Sanwa. Sanwa's are not just too sensitive but they don't fit nearly as flush. Siemitsu, all the way.
The hitbox arcade sticks are going to be banned because they allow you to hit back, forward, up, and down at the same time. This causes a lot of weird properties in different games, especially in MVC3. Other than that, you need to stick with a regular arcade stick. Getting used to one of those hitbox things is really detrimental in the long run. Let's say your stick craps out or they stop producing them and you don't want to have to hack your own pcbs and make your own boxes, then what? Let's say you're playing a tournament where the controllers are furnished, then what? Just apply a little logic to it and you'll see why you should go elsewhere. Also, Siemitsu >> Sanwa. Sanwa's are not just too sensitive but they don't fit nearly as flush. Siemitsu, all the way.

I'm not really sure what the Hitbox does that conflicts with games any longer. Initially you could hold left and right at the same time and it would actually block in both directions (contextually anyway), so crap like Wolverine's near instant slash to behind could actually be blocked by simply "blocking". This was fixed with the very next revision and as far as I know, they no longer allow you to do anything funky that cannot be done on a stick. They just allow you to do everything in a much more controlled manner. Just an FYI too; they never invented this type of controller. They just streamlined it and made it available to those who did not want to spend twice as much to have some random person make it for them if they couldn't make it themselves. I also doubt they are going to just let rampant bugs and exploits remain when their goal is to sell something people will actually be able to use in the areas they are buying it for.

Yeah, I get your "what if, what if", but it's kind of aggrandized. People play on more than just sticks at Evo, and there are numerous ways to get what you need for a stickless controller that's not a gamepad. Plus, Lizardlick would literally have to go out of business (not likely anytime within the next five years at least) before you couldn't easily get replacement parts. Also, I would never play at a tournament that did not allow you to bring your own controller anyway, so I don't have to worry about that. The only reason to stay bullheaded about the "must play with a stick" mentality is if you play at the arcade quite a bit. There's nothing worth mentioning around here that's closer than two hours away. I typically play at a local store where 20 - 30 people show up every two weeks. The rest of the time it's just with friends or on Lagbox Live.

Sanwa and Seimitsu are a preference too. I'll keep using Sanwa buttons, but I replaced my stick with a Seimitsu. They are said to wear slightly faster, but it also just seems much more responsive for me. I'm also not entirely sure what buttons were in my Arcade-In-A-Box custom either. They were supposed to be Sanwa, but they are nothing like those found in the TE Fightstick. Not only could you activate them by barely breathing on them, they seemed to be more flush with the panel. They were actually pretty awesome, except for the fact that I could never rest my pinky anywhere near the board and had to keep it lifted--I was constantly grazing the last two buttons again and again.
just beat Human revolution again killing everyone, getting to spin taggart around by his head completely snapping his neck and driving 2 arm blades through sarifs smug chest was pretty sweet. god damn this game is amazing, a 2nd time through and i was still having a blast. now just to wait for that dlc and try out all the debug stuff/mods.

unfortunately i did not get a chance to try the stalker mod since it's too late but i'll download that tomorrow and check it out; i wish they would finish up the 2012 edition that they're currently working on (and supposedly halfway through) as i'm sure it'd be even better but this will still do and people have told me i'll really like it so i'm stoked.
Do what you will. You're right though, I'm an arcade snob. I mean, as of next year, I'm dedicating the majority of my life to traveling to US regionals, Evo, and I plan on taking a few trips to Japan for SBO and X-Mania (if they have an X-mania, anyhow.) I'm even moving to Austin in May to room with my buddy who works at Arcade UFO. Depending on a few prospects I have for jobs right now, I may actually spend a few months in Japan as well. I had to cut it out for 2 years for school :( but I've still been in training mode like mad. Suffice to say, The better part of my life for almost a decade now has been spent playing competitive fighting games (ST, 3s, HnK, GGXAC, CVS2, etc) and going to tournaments, both arcade and otherwise. My point being, I've been playing with what's considered to be arcade standard for years now and I'll be damned if I start using anything other than what's readily available at all major tournaments. Also, LizardLick isn't the only distro :lol: it's not hard to find better suppliers, either. You just have to know where to look. My point wasn't even about the buttons going out, that's a quick switch. It's the matter of the PCB being shot and you not having another one on hand. What would you do, jury rig a HRAP or TE? :lol: Also, before you discount the chances of a PCB being shot during a tourney as very slim, take my word on it. I've been to more tournaments than most people have been inside a gamestop. It happens FREQUENTLY :lol:
I've been playing with what's considered to be arcade standard for years now and I'll be damned if I start using anything other than what's readily available at all major tournaments.

Ok? If you're satisfied with what you've been doing all along, no one is saying you need to change anything. Plus, you kind of have to stick with using a stick anyway if you end up at the arcades all of the time.

Also, LizardLick isn't the only distro it's not hard to find better suppliers, either. You just have to know where to look.

No need to be insulting, I was just using them as a widely known example.

My point wasn't even about the buttons going out, that's a quick switch. It's the matter of the PCB being shot and you not having another one on hand. What would you do, jury rig a HRAP or TE? Also, before you discount the chances of a PCB being shot during a tourney as very slim, take my word on it. I've been to more tournaments than most people have been inside a gamestop. It happens FREQUENTLY

As a matter of fact, if you had read my initial post; what I am currently doing is rigging a TE, so yeah...that's exactly what I would do. :lol:
I'm not a fool. While I've not travelled around the US as much as you say you have, I've been to enough tournaments over the last twenty years myself to know what issues can pop up. Personally, I always just bring the stick I use at home as well as a backup, unopened TE. I'd end up doing similar with any converted boxes too if I were to get that serious about it. /shrug