Gaming Thread

You seem to be fixated on the tiniest of details that make up a very small minority of what I would consider "real" changes. If something does not offer me enough of a new experience to hold my attention, I'll quickly get bored. The game is fundamentally the same each playthrough (and so the gameplay needs to be good to make up for that). Having the choice between crawling through a vent that I previously did not, or using cloak to bypass some lasers instead of just stacking boxes and jumping over is not my idea of a truly unique experience. Neither are the ineractions during the "verbal battles". I'm not going to waste my time playing a game for 30 plus hours, just to see a whole twenty minutes of truly alternate material.

guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree then, because the fact is if you choose different dialogue options then at the very least your second playthrough will be completely different, and i mean completely different. the way everyone reacts, the events you can do, how things play out, its more than just the 3 pillars of gameplay scenario you laid out. if you aren't willing to give it a shot and don't enjoy the gameplay enough then that is what's holding you back, not the games actual content. but again, agree to disagree.

i'm super pumped for the new dlc though, it's going to be 2 giant compounds supposedly, you can play it outside of the game by clicking on it on the main menu (fuck that, i'll do a 4th playthrough), you get your augs turned off and tortured so it'll have some mega mgs sections with no radar or anything, tons of big characters and it includes wayyy more info on the story. super fucking pumped.

i'm not pumped about either of those games though, more like you should say we're waiting for the only 2 games that matter in october; FUCKING RAGE AND BF3 YEAH. I plan on pretty much raping the shit out of my machine with Rage on max, and ID + Bethesda? hello open sandbox world with amazing art direction/style/dialogue and the best shooting mechanics/technical progress out there. Battlefield 3 i'm less pumped for since I'm not a huge multiplayer guy, but i'm pretty stoked to see how the frostbite 2 engine ends up working out and what they can do since they really are kicking the shit out of MW3.

Hell, I'm considering getting an ati 6990 for these bad boys since my intel i5 2500k is basically the 3rd best processor currently on the market (and the others really have no affect on game performance) but the hefty $700 price tag is pretty intense. I might just keep playing dxhr and morrowind and force myself to wait for bf3 and rage and then end up getting whatever comes out in the next series of ati cards since no doubt they'll be as powerful as the 6990 but for pretty much half the price.
i'm not pumped about either of those games though, more like you should say we're waiting for the only 2 games that matter in october; FUCKING RAGE AND BF3 YEAH!

Yeah! I mean NO. The FPS genre is literally my least favorite genre aside from something like The Sims. I'll play very specific ones, but nothing can put me to sleep faster than the obnoxious, and dare I say it, ultimately non skill based multiplayer (1v1 or 2v2 is quite different though...).

As much as I want to be interested in Rage, I can't. I don't care how good the graphics are, that doesn't matter. It's just going to turn out to be another boring ass Doom 3, but with cars.
lies and slander. i don't see how it can't be awesome considering they're working with bethesda on it and they have stated they used bethesda as a reference and talked to them since they wanted to make a free and open world where you felt that you really had choice as opposed to a hallway crawler like doom 3. basically its going to be fallout 3 but with a lot less rpg elements, a lot better graphics, the shooting/combat of an ID game (but a little more in depth) and a much more detailed and driven game (lots of freedom but obviously it'll be pointing you towards missions a bit moreso than fallout per say).

we'll see when it's released, but honestly i'm really pumped about it (except for the driving parts) and think that interacting with all the people, moving from town to town, taking missions and affecting each town, having a more open and free world all combined with the fact that ID are the masters of the fps genre will create a truly deep and choice filled fps that eclipses the other linear ones by taking some of what makes the bethesda games great, and applying it to the already great ID formula.
Conrifmed: Imperial Legion faction and rebel Stormcloaks. So tell me, Neverboard, who will you side with?

Whoever ends up being the most interesting. If they are interesting, then they are probably more intelligent. If they are more intelligent, they'll probably have bigger and better plans for the future. I'll just pick up the slack for any shortcomings they might have. :lol:
Well, let's say they turn out equally interesting, do you support the idea of the Imperial Empire now that the Septim dynasty is dead and it's now run by a warlord? Or do you wish Skyrim to be independent, as the Elves and Argonians have already succeeded?

I'll go Stormcloak all the way. The Empire story line has played out, I'm ready for war and succession.
Hmm, the rebels would have a harder time doing anything without the main characters. But with the main character, the balance of power can shift. I'll just help the rebels take over the Empire, but then I'll just make them all my servants afterwards. I could use a new and shiny hat.
Wait, RAGE is going to be open world? Now I'm intrigued...any RPG elements at all?

i do not believe so, not in a character sense anyway. i think overtime you just get money which you can use to buy weapons and basically you upgrade your weapons to make them more powerful (the basic weapon is a crossbow kind of weapon and you can upgrade it to have ammo where you can mind control enemies in a crazed frenzy, electric shots you can shoot into water to zap all the enemies in the area, exploding shots etc). essentially you do quests for people in different towns in the giant open wasteland (you get to each town via driving and theres some vehicle combat which i'm not too pumped about, but we'll see how it works) and can go to different towns/meet new people/do new quests/interact with or save the town/kill bandits/buy stuff etc. so i'm assuming you get reputation and whatnot when you help out the towns, do missions for the mayors etc and that brings you through the games story, but in terms of rpg elements i think its just upgrading the weapons which is why i said like fallout 3 but an fps with no rpg elements.

either way i'm still pumped because the open world/choices/interactions and customization combined with super tight shooting mechanics/great world and art design sound really cool.

in terms of skyrim i'm not sure what that other group is, but i'll probably be whatever ISN'T the imperial legion haha. doing all their shit for them is pretty lame and i've gotten a bit tired of it, though i assume if you work for a rebel group you become hated by the townspeople and loved by people in villages/outskirts kinda like in morrowind with the nerevarine/horator stuff. i've been the "hero" so often in elder scrolls games that i think it'd be cool again to be the rebel trying to fuck shit up who is loved by all the village/wilderness people and secret societies instead of the typical loved hero with his statue in the town square. i'm glad there are different choices this time.

i'm definitely pumped for interacting with all the factions this time around for sure, now that there is so much more mastery of the technical aspect, i'm sure their reputation system and how all the actions you do affect the game will be vastly increased. being dragon born and basically having tons of powers, saving townspeople, raiding dungeons, killing raiders/dragons and taking down the imperial legion to bring freedom to skyrim will be pretty fucking badass. i saw the HD version fo the quakecon trailer and fuckkkkk the game looks good even on xbox360. definitely will be upgrading my pc with a new graphics card for this bad boy even if it means sucking it up and getting a 6990 (hopefully it'll have gone down from 700 by then >_<)
Great answers. :D

All we know at this point, is the east will be pro rebel and the west will be pro Empire. The east includes Winterhold (the Dunmer city) and the west includes Solitude. (The White Witch of Lorkhan and the largest trade port in Skyrim)
one thing i noticed in the full demo they showed that i didn't notice in the quakecon vids (obviously because of the crowd yelling)


anyone else find this song familiar? hmmmm? :p when that came on i went OH FUCK YEAH and then realized how much of a gigantic nerd i am for having that response