Gaming Thread

Dead Island looked fucking lame to me tbh. All these new zombie games are just really overdoing the zombie fad (sooo sick of it) and that just had a clever trailer which got people all pumped, and looks like it's just another hack and slash. if i'm wrong though and it's great please let me know; since there aren't any good games out until Rage next early october i'm pretty much doing morrowind and my 2nd dxhr playthrough (though that should be done by next weekend).

Totally agree. I'm all for zombies, but Hesus Christy why the Hell does everything have to be completely oversaturated with them anymore? It was cool when 28 Days came out, and Resident Evil had been doing it for years prior, but then suddenly everything is made up of "Not Zombies", or "Speed Zombies", or "Lima bean Zombies". Hey, this gameplay is really fucking boring; but who cares, add zombies and it's like a completely new game!

I don't care how many reviewers might say Dead Island "is great". It's looks lame as fuck, like the worst parts of Borderlands and Dead Rising.
Lan party anyone? :lol:


Finally finished my Deus Ex - Unatco Return remix/new version/whackyness. It's pretty fucking weird and out there and I decided to stop because I was just tweaking with so many things it was getting out of hand.

It'd be awesome if you'd check it out even if you haven't played the game; if you have I think you'll appreciate some of the jokes. keep in mind its not supposed to be an amazing sounding song, it's more just to have fun and take that song and make it whacky and connected to the game.
haven't really checked out footage for skyrim till the three part demo on machinima, i better get a little cooker and mini-fridge cause im never leaving my room, it's the game i've been waiting for for years....
Dead Island is one of the coolest and most annoying games ever. WHERE ARE THE FUCKING GUNS?!?!?!?! I understand the whole melee thing is cool and all, but where are the goddamn guns? This game pisses me off.

It's basically Fallout 3 with zombies.
Deus's good, but suffers from over production. It isn't open enough, and I just finished the second boss and already almost have all the augments.

I don't know what this means at all. How can a game be overproduced? It's not music.

I also have no idea what "open enough" means in a game that was never meant to be an "open world" or sandbox game.

I do think that most of the augments are fluff though and that the game doesn't have enough ways to make each playthrough feel genuinely different from the previous (even after just a single playthrough). Is this what you meant?
I don't know what this means at all. How can a game be overproduced? It's not music.

I also have no idea what "open enough" means in a game that was never meant to be an "open world" or sandbox game.

I do think that most of the augments are fluff though and that the game doesn't have enough ways to make each playthrough feel genuinely different from the previous (even after just a single playthrough). Is this what you meant?

@ the first thing yeah what do you mean overproduced? Yes they spent 4 years on it so they could get the greatest game possible, but I think what you're referring to as overproduced is simply a comprehensive and deep art design that they spent a shitload of time on whereas a lot of other games don't have nearly the attention to detail they do, as well as a specially composed soundtrack meant to specifically tie into the philosophy/themes/atmosphere of the game. it doesn't feel big budget or overproduced to me, it just feels amazing, cohesive and immersive, something most games don't get right

@ the second thing I can see where you'd say it's not open enough but there again I'd disagree. It's one of the most open games out there aside from truly sandbox games like gta, saints row, bethesda games etc. You can tackle all objectives at any order (such as the example where you can shutdown the antenna in drb turf early and the game responds), everything in the game reacts to what you do be it dialogue, news papers, available objectives etc, you can go anywhere at any time; just what exactly isn't open about that? last night i was in detroit and did my stuff but was nearing the end of my play so i basically saved my game twice, then went on a rampage killing everything, throwing shit all over the place and just sandboxing it up and felt NO limitations whatsoever for this kind of game.

@ the third one i also disagree. yes you can get most of the augmentations, but that's to account for different playstyles. for those who go non lethal, totally silent and get every piece of xp, you're going to ahve pretty much every aug. however there will be people who will hack nothing, just run and gun through etc, and they need to be able to at least have some. i'll admit it was scaled a bittt too high considering most people use stealth, but i think overall it came fairly close to what it needs to be.

and you guys saying there's no replayability is just crazy. if you don't like the game enough to replay it i can accept that, but saying it's not different enough to replay multiple times is absurd. i can list a tonnn of examples right off the top of my head

how you deal with zeke sanders in the hostage situation is totally different; if you let him go then you see him later and he helps you, everyone says how could you let him get away, the papers mention it, sarif chastises you etc, if you kill him sarif says good job, everyone else congratulates you, the paper reports on how it was a bloodbath, if you knock him out everyone congratulates you, you can interrogate him in prison later, and still there's the situation of the hostages, how if you wait at sarif industries too long they die and you have no chance to save them, how if you miss it they die, or how you can save them, how you can save josie and if you saved greg then they hit you up to help you later, and much much more.

all that is just the first part of the game, and those things even translate into later such as if you let sanders go he sets a trap for you to avenge his brother and sandoval, etc. all the decisions impact something else later. if you have wayne let you into the morgue then he confronts you when you get back to detroit, and if you absolve him he says thanks or if you crush him he tries to kill you; plus lets not forget the pritcherd side mission where you investigate your parents and depending on what you do (i missed it even the first time) you either get the mission or don't and it's very touchy and takes a true eagle eye to spot and accomplish, thus why i'm doing it this time around


I mean really, the game reacts to you so much it's flat out absurd, combine that with the fact that you can take on the game lethal, non lethal, both, adaptive, 100% ghost, and that's just for combat. there are multiple decisions you can make in dialogue with each character, that not only changes that scenario, but has overarching effects on the rest of the game. even the smallest decisions make a hugeee difference, and you can go through the game 3 times until you've been able to make every single choice. you won't find everything on your first time through either (even i didn't and i was searching and trying to get EVERYTHING) so you can go back for that, plus trying different angles such as doing objectives early, not doing certain things, etc.

simply put there's enough replay in the game for 4 playthroughs, if you count the 4th as you've done everything and are now doing the dlc that will come out in october. if you guys didn't like it fine i can understand that you don't want to go back, but to say there's no reason to is simply assinine since i can't think of any game that has more replayability in terms of going back other than Alpha Protocol (hell, dxhr has even more replayability than the witcher 2, and that had an entire plot branch that you have to choose from!). My current playthrough feels COMPLETELY different than my first one, in terms of how i'm playing it, how characters are reacting, my relationships, what i have/have not been able to do and there's no denying that. this time the ending sequence will definitely not say that i tried to help people/stay moral (if you're a total jackass it says you abused your power). I'm about 90% as engrossed this playthrough than I was the first, even though i know the story, all the side missions and everything else, i'm still able to see totally different scenarios play out, hear some dialogue/situations from npcs i missed out on, easter eggs, and basically be a whole new adam jensen.
and you guys saying there's no replayability is just crazy. if you don't like the game enough to replay it i can accept that, but saying it's not different enough to replay multiple times is absurd. i can list a tonnn of examples right off the top of my head

You seem to be fixated on the tiniest of details that make up a very small minority of what I would consider "real" changes. If something does not offer me enough of a new experience to hold my attention, I'll quickly get bored. The game is fundamentally the same each playthrough (and so the gameplay needs to be good to make up for that). Having the choice between crawling through a vent that I previously did not, or using cloak to bypass some lasers instead of just stacking boxes and jumping over is not my idea of a truly unique experience. Neither are the ineractions during the "verbal battles". I'm not going to waste my time playing a game for 30 plus hours, just to see a whole twenty minutes of truly alternate material.

Meaning, emphasis on the production could have gone toward other things.

I realize it isn't a sand box game, but the first one felt a lot bigger.

I agree that some things could have been improved that were not because it was too busy being "polished". That still doesn't mean that it was overproduced to me though; only that there was a slant in focus. I also don't feel the first Deus Ex was a lot bigger. Total playtime for me at least was longer with Human Revolution, but I think it was also more linear.
Three/four more weeks until:

This and This.

You need to watch the first and second prologues of the second link. It sounds a hell of a lot like someone trying to channel Cate Blanchett doing her Galadriel intro in LOTR.