Gaming Thread

when the inevitable remake of the original films comes out in the next decade or so, who do you think could do the films justice? or at least not completely butcher them? For some reason I think J.J Abrams could pull it off
when the inevitable remake of the original films comes out in the next decade or so, who do you think could do the films justice? or at least not completely butcher them? For some reason I think J.J Abrams could pull it off

Mark Hamill was never that great of an actor, but he wasn't terrible either, and sadly gave a greater performance through the OT than everyone combined in the prequels. He is Luke.

The Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher chemistry will never be reproduced on screen though. It just isn't possible, and their attitudes and interactions are what prevented much of the OT from falling too deep into the campy side.

The films will never be remade though until Lucas dies, if even then. No doubt he has enough postmortem paperwork to ensure that it would take a Star Destroyer centuries to blast through. I'm also just going to assume that the "reason" you think Abrams would do a good job is because of how he handled Star Trek. I thought that movie was excellent, but it was excellent because of how far removed it was from the way (the original series and movies) Star Trek had been before.

Guillermo del Toro, it would look awesome.

No thanks. I like most of his movies quite a bit too, but I don't need Yoda to suddenly sprout a third eye in the middle of his forehead, or need Bib Fortuna growing five new head tentacles, each producing five eye stalks of their own. You know he would do that too.
Mark Hamill was never that great of an actor, but he wasn't terrible either, and sadly gave a greater performance through the OT than everyone combined in the prequels. He is Luke.

The Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher chemistry will never be reproduced on screen though. It just isn't possible, and their attitudes and interactions are what prevented much of the OT from falling too deep into the campy side.
that wont stop hollywood lol

The films will never be remade though until Lucas dies, if even then. No doubt he has enough postmortem paperwork to ensure that it would take a Star Destroyer centuries to blast through. I'm also just going to assume that the "reason" you think Abrams would do a good job is because of how he handled Star Trek. I thought that movie was excellent, but it was excellent because of how far removed it was from the way (the original series and movies) Star Trek had been before.
this would though, but if george lucas is the idiot we all know he will probably give away the rights when he dies.
i don't think so. i could see him keeping them in the family and having them hold onto it so all his relatives can be financially secure forever with the rights to all that and whatnot. remaking those movies would be such a horrible travesty and honestly i doubt anyone in his family or he would want to do something like that. the only person allowed to rape star wars in his mind is him dammit!

that said i don't follow any of the new star wars bullshit. the original trilogy was my fucking favorite when i was a kid, and i had all the toys, games blah blah blah but never got into any of the outside fiction or the other trilogy (fuck that shit except episode 1 which still had some sort of connection for me despite blowing huge chunks). i'll basically watch the original vhs forever and maybe the dvds (i think i have them ripped on my pc to watch) but i won't keep buying these follow ups until he finally releases someday the original cuts of the movies, except remastered in whatever way possible yet untouching the actual content on dvd or blu ray. imagine how many people would buy that shit.
I REALLY loved Shenmue back when I had a dreamcast. It was such an underrated game, and seriously back in the day was so unique because to have an open world game like that, where you had people living their own lives was pretty much unheard of (as far as I was concerned). it wasn't overly videogame-y either, a lot of the actions like doing jobs were really mundane tasks turned into mini games, and some of them could be boring, but it really felt like a real adventure in a way that on paper seemed so fucking stupid, yet when it came down to it was fun as hell and super addicting (plus the fighting was pretty badass and i think that qte stuff was in its infancy back then).

that said, i never was able to play shenmue 2 (i don't believe). wasn't it japan only? i remember not being able to get it and being realllyy disappointed because i loved the first, but now that there are emulators i think i might try to find a dreamcast one and see if i can play it somehow since i lost the power cables and input cables to my dreamcast (d'oh!)

i'm also on my 2nd playthrough of deus ex hr right now. first time through i was a stealthy and mostly non lethal guy (except for some areas where i really wanted to take people out, not going to insane lengths not to kill anyone) but now i'm being a hugeee asshole, demanding compensation for all tasks, being super cold, killing everyone (wiping out purity first in the plant with a revolver, fuck yeah) and basically just being a giant douchebag. it's crazy how much versatility is in the game and how it really adapts to your actions, plus i'm finding secrets i haven't even discovered before despite playing detroit at least 5 times including the leak! (such as the guy under the stairs at sarif when you first get there who is talking shit on you whom you can confront, plus hearing all the different reactions to how you handle the hostage situation).

considering i'm super pumped to see how a lot of decisions play out doing the opposite, i'm insanely pumped, though this time around i used a trainer so i could get all augmentations from the start (as lame as it sounds i don't want to have to rebuild my hacking skill and have to hack every single thing in the game super slow again, no thanks, i like picking up where i left off) and it's still wicked fucking fun to see how the world reacts to you. i can't wait for the dlc thats supposed to come out in october, even though the premise sounds kinda lame i'm sure they'll do a great job and it'll give me room for my 3rd playthrough being 100% non lethal and ghost and doing the last of the options that i haven't touched. pretty good playtime overall for a non bethesda game.
I do. But there is also the irony that other people took his ideas and made them better. (Is that irony?)

Anyway, I can say this is by FAR the best Mortal Kombat game story wise. I still prefer the mechanics of the PS2 versions better, though. Still waiting for my friend to beat Deus Ex so I can play it. :(

The gameplay on the ps2 games were spotty, at best. In fact, the only reason the fighting game community even purchased Armegeddon was because it had a port of UMK3, which ended up being a really, really crappy port. :lol: I can see where MAYBE you liked the whole launcher system or whatnot, but that's only scratching the surface of the horrors that lay within. There were MULTIPLE infinites due to juggle property glitches and a lot of hitbox issues. Even outside of that the games were so unbalanced only a few select characters were playable on a high level. Moloch from Armegeddon comes to mind (easiest infinite ever.) Unfortunately, bad coding is nothing new for the MK team... They just got lucky with UMK3. It's about time that they went back to the fundamentals of the one game they got right. MK9 is hands down the best MK to date, competitively speaking. :kickass: If you ever want any tips on the game, I believe would probably be your best bet...
enemy-Shenmue 2 later came out on Xbox, but I got a disc speed converter for my Dreamcast and got the European import.

Japanese was the only way to play that game. Really helped that I was taking Japanese in school at the time, I didn't need subtitles after awhile.
that's some BULLSHIT. when i replayed morrowind i forgot that the arena was only used for taking on faction heads and other stuff (like i just finished the 4th trial and had to fight venim) and i was hugely disappointed. vivec is such a fucking awesome city and the arena being its own entire area rules, but not having battles in there sucks. i could see how skyrim might not be a place for it to make much sense, since we haven't seen any of the towns (especially the main town, the arena made sense in the grand aylied imperial city, but probably not so much in small mountain towns) i could see how it wouldn't fit in.

i'm still on my 2nd deus ex playthrough and man did it come at the best time. i used a trainer to get most of the augs from the start so i could get the full experience, leaving some out to build up to later, and now a mod pack was just released which allows access to all the debug menus, all the maps etc. i'm going to have so much fucking fun beating this play through as an asshole (it's crazy how much the game responds to your actions, i saved sanders the first time and now that i blew him away there have been tonsss of differences and reading the news paper articles which react to you is fucking great) and then going back again using the level skipping tool and using all the crazy debug shit. hr is so worth the money i paid for the augmented edition it's insane; considering i'll get 3 play throughs of different styles, a bunch of hours fucking around with the debug, AND the dlc. i can't imagine any game i'll have spent more time on than HR aside from maybe GTA3 when it first came out and revolutionized the genre.
What makes it even more bullshit is Skyrim had 12 arena teams in the god damn lore. But they still found time for bullshit like
-Vampires (I remind you there are zero vampires in Norse Mythology. None.)
-Possible lycans (It's been heavily hinted at)
-And tavern brawls

Anyway, bam, starting it tonight!

good luck and make sure you search every inch of every level! the amount of secrets, hints to the original (if that interests you), easter eggs and other things will blow your mind! plus read everything like news papers to see how the world interacts to some things you do and how they relate it to the public.

also one big hint:

-lower the luminosity to 0 - 2, somehow the game at even the default luminosity looks fucking insanely bright (like night time looks like day) and it doesn't look the way it should look unless you have it at 0 (not like doom 3 esque darkness, just a lot more moody and actually looks like night and whatnot, definitely the way to do it)

i'm not sure if they allow that on consoles, but if they do you really need to. its a shame you're not playing it on pc because the options are sooo tweakable (things like turning off post processing to see the game in a bit more normal color light is very interesting for a second playthrough) and the new debug mod is great, but still ont he console it should be rad.