Gaming Thread


Whooaa hey boy howdy, I've been behind the times!

Here let me do it some more: I think part of your problem is that you use bold phrases when you state your own opinions that are actually insulting a lot of the time. Max said he like ME1 and you followed that up by saying "If Mass Effect is your favorite game ever, you have seriously shitty taste in games. Period."

That's an insult, my friend. Of course Max, like most others, doesn't give a shit when he gets insulted (unlike you), so he didn't react to it. That said, you still apologized for it, so you KNOW that it wasn't the right thing to say. Why did you say it in the first place then?

Form your opinions better, stop trying to sound like a tough macho thugged out badass and just be cool. Then you won't have to constantly apologize for saying the wrong things and tell people you "have more growing up to do". Your tough guy facade falls flat when you're constantly telling people you're weak and have much improvement to do.
Actually, I'm going to see my friends because I have better things to do than argue with you, even if your intentions are in my best interest. And they ARE appreciated.
I have not heard of that, and that is extremely odd. Are you trying to do it in the actual game or in the setup launcher? You can modify everything in the game and it doesn't need to restart so if you have an issue either in game or out of game try the opposite. That seems highly odd and I didn't notice any problems with it at all, but then again I was pretty much at max. They don't affect performance that much aside from in the cities so you could always just keep whatever it has/disable/lower some of the other settings (for me personally I kept ssao at normal and dof at normal because they didn't make a huge difference at max and ate up a lot of performance, also i didn't know that the post processing thing adds a lot of the black and gold color filter so next time i'm going to go through without post processing on and see how it looks as i did the same with duke nukem forever and it looked better). i noticed for me personally at least the launcher settings were a bit wonky for some reason but once i got in the game and set everything from there it was pretty legit, nixxies did a really good job making the pc version truly a pc version for what it is.

i'm pissed that i missed 2 side quests and steam didn't give me the achievements for like 5 of them that i DID do. the only achievements i missed out on are foxiest of the hounds and the pacifist one as well as one quest one i didn't even knew existed, so i'm debating for my next playthrough going back with a trainer activated to get all the hacking augs from the start (tbh i hacked every single thing in the game and while it was fun, i can't imagine hacking every single thing AGAIN so it'd be super easy just to go in with everything maxed and make hacking take like 2 seconds).

It's a driver problem. They're probably going to release another patch to combat it because there is some stuttering going on in the game when there shouldn't be, and on systems that would make CERN jealous.

I found a few tweaks that help a bit, like turning down the prerendered frames to 1 instead of 3 in the nVidia control panel...that actually did pretty well. I have all the uber stuff off because it's just a pain like it is. It's sad, really...I could pretty much run it with whatever I want but their coding is utter shit on the PC version. I'll wait for the patch and in the meantime continue on.

The graphics are about like Mass Effect now, so I'm not complaining in the least. I don't like super realistic-looking graphics anyway.
I quite disagree, but it's all opinions so of course it doesn't matter. I don't rate every game a 10/10 either, and I still believe deus ex HR is a 10/10. it does what deus ex did and adds its own flair and brings it into a modern age. yes it's like metal gear solid but what's wrong with that?

I never listed that as a negative. Fact is though, as similar in some respects as it is to Metal Gear, it falls flat on it's face when it comes to the boss fights. The boss fights in the Metal Gear series are mostly fleshed out and inventive characters and fights. In HR it's more like they were only put in there at the last second because some random "action comittee" said "hey, it's an action game, you have to have boss fights!", so it was done half-assed. You can disagree about that too, which is fine, but that's the opinion on that subject by and large.

As far as the "story" goes; the main storyline was above average, but where it fell on it's face again with with the little touches, especially most of the ebooks. In the original Deus Ex, most of the random technical papers or reports that you would read felt like something that really could be possible, or that they were truly explaining the evolution in science in a living and breathing world. In HR it's just a bunch of boring technical readouts that really are not interesting at all to read. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with "not getting it". Please, try being a little less arrogant. Even if you liked the main plot, that doesn't mean the rest of it was fleshed out the way it should have been. Still a good story, but you cannot make the claim that a game is great just based on the story alone. Not when it's mostly an action game.

Most people will probably not approach the game the same way I do when I play games, but I always go for the powergaming, how-fast-can-I-break-it mode and even on the hardest difficulty it was too easy and the augments mostly garbage. By the time I was halfway through the Hong Kong missions I had pretty much 75% of the augments you could pick up. Most of what was left was junk like steady sights, lung upgrade, seeing through walls, running silent/sprint faster and the energy cell upgrades. I literally had everything else maxed out and had not even faced the second boss yet.

I don't believe it's a 10/10 at all, but then again I've been playing games since before Enemy was born, so maybe I'm just some jaded, crusty old man. I do think though that it's definitely a must play at least once all of the way through kind of game. I just feel that it reached for the sun and slammed into the moon instead. So much missed potential that could have made a really good game into a truly lasting experience.

ME1 is probably my favorite game ever.

Same. And not because I like "dumbed down, consolized for the masses" games either. It was the first game that I've ever played that successfully combined that epic cinematic feel that "game designers" kept trying to shove down everyone's throats, with some fantastically fun gameplay. It didn't feel like one was trying to shove the other out of the way so it could shine more. It truly felt like I was a part of this "Massive" new universe and in an epic sci-fi movie akin to the first three Star Wars. No other game left me as impressed, even though it had so many terrible flaws too (mostly the squad AI). It was still great. ME2 was even better in some respects, but much worse in others. Supposedly they are trying to combine the best of both in ME3 as well as making the action parts even better...but yeah, we'll see. Oh, and for those complaining about the controls and such--if you played it on the console it was fucking horrible. I rented it when it first came out and was like "fuck this shit!" it was so bad. But then once it arrived on the PC, I was like "fuck yeah!" since you know...mouse/keyboard > controller for many genres, and it was an infinite improvement.

BTW, I didn't hate DA2.

Neither did I, but you kind of have to admit that it was about as satisfying as fast food.
I never listed that as a negative. Fact is though, as similar in some respects as it is to Metal Gear, it falls flat on it's face when it comes to the boss fights. The boss fights in the Metal Gear series are mostly fleshed out and inventive characters and fights. In HR it's more like they were only put in there at the last second because some random "action comittee" said "hey, it's an action game, you have to have boss fights!", so it was done half-assed. You can disagree about that too, which is fine, but that's the opinion on that subject by and large.

As far as the "story" goes; the main storyline was above average, but where it fell on it's face again with with the little touches, especially most of the ebooks. In the original Deus Ex, most of the random technical papers or reports that you would read felt like something that really could be possible, or that they were truly explaining the evolution in science in a living and breathing world. In HR it's just a bunch of boring technical readouts that really are not interesting at all to read. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with "not getting it". Please, try being a little less arrogant. Even if you liked the main plot, that doesn't mean the rest of it was fleshed out the way it should have been. Still a good story, but you cannot make the claim that a game is great just based on the story alone. Not when it's mostly an action game.

Most people will probably not approach the game the same way I do when I play games, but I always go for the powergaming, how-fast-can-I-break-it mode and even on the hardest difficulty it was too easy and the augments mostly garbage. By the time I was halfway through the Hong Kong missions I had pretty much 75% of the augments you could pick up. Most of what was left was junk like steady sights, lung upgrade, seeing through walls, running silent/sprint faster and the energy cell upgrades. I literally had everything else maxed out and had not even faced the second boss yet.

I still think it has to do with many people not getting it, and again as I pointed out this wasn't specifically directed at you. You may have gotten it and simply not liked it, but the past week or so people have just been pouring out with things they are confused by/turning into criticisms and it is apparent that most simply don't get it.

The boss fights supposedly were a choice by the team because they wanted to throw the player into a state that they weren't comfortable with. They wanted to pretty much use them as a way to break up the flow so the player couldn't get too comfortable with their playstyle (such as the different techniques/things that happen during each boss fight) and really be forced to mix it up. I personally did not mind them and actually enjoyed the 3rd one, but I can see where people would not.

In terms of the ebooks I partially agree that is a negative, but by no means takes away from it's 10/10 status in my book. With the books they did get a little bit too scientific and kinda lost a lot of the personality that the deus ex ebooks had, where you actually felt you were learning something about the world and engrossed in the world, whereas the idea behind the ebooks is that the ones that give you points are all related to how these new augmentations came to be. so all the point assigned ebooks relate to darrow or augmentation technology, and are an attempt to flesh out the background of the technology. whether or not that works is up to the person (i still found them interesting) and i thought a lot of the other books were good, though not as good as deus ex.

the augmentations thing I think also doesn't apply because I got almost all of the augs but I was doing everything, most people would not and a lot of those "useless" augs are actually quite useful such as being able to breathe the toxic gas allows you to get to a lot of secret areas, the seeing through walls allows you to punch through walls to eliminate enemies as well as plan your attack, the extra energy cells allow for increased cloaking time and the high jump allows you to get to many secret areas. they all have their own purpose.

overall i still think it is a 10/10 game though i can see the criticisms. if people can't accept that some things might be askew for design choices or consolization (which happens in every game now, luckily hr on pc wasn't that bad in that regard) then they won't be able to fully enjoy it. but as it stands compared to the other games in the genre and in this generation, i think it's uniqueness, depth, great story, great design and great gameplay freedom are all things that no games out now can match and hopefully will be emulated in the future. go back and try a couple more play throughs and see how you feel after you do a bunch of different play styles, it might change your mind since the game is meant to be deeply explored as opposed to doing a quick run (though that is still enjoyable to some in its own right and works, it's just not where the game really shines).
Can someone help me?

I'm trying to play Two Worlds 2, and like, the very left side where the loot window is, is cut off half way and I can't see the weapon status. I assume it's because I have an old TV, but it wasn't a problem on Red Dead. Or Oblivion. Or any other game.
What I meant to say was that maybe the game's settings have the resolution optimized for widescreen, where, if you have an old TV, it should be 14:9 or 16:9. Look in your game's options menu and adjust it. The fruity language was a joke about Two Worlds' awful ye olde butcherede Englishe voice acting.
Well, since I can't fix Two Worlds I'm taking it back, decided to rent the new Mortal Kombat. How is it? Any extra modes like the PS2 versions? I figured I'll wait for my friend to beat Human Revolution so I can take my time borrowing it rather than rushing to beat the rental in time.
yeah good plan, rushing to beat hr is a terrible idea and the best way to do it is seriously explore everything, think about everything and just really soak it in.

i'm playing morrowind again now that i beat hr, and playing this really makes me remember what i don't like about oblivion. don't get me wrong, i do enjoy oblivion very much, but morrowind just sucks me in so much more, has way cooler towns, many more of them, insanely diverse locations, stealing is way cooler, there are so many more cool items, the spell system is deeper and more rewarding and basically everything except the lack of speech rules. i'm basically doing the nerevarine trial things so i just got the shadow sheild but first i gotta unload my loot; the only downside i can imagine in this game would be that merchants have nowhere near enough money to buy anything close to a 20,000 item (i just buy a bunch from them and find the highest i can and it works out ok); i don't miss fast travel at all since it actually requires me to use the striders a bit but actually explore as well. with the sound and graphics overhaul too the game seriously looks better than oblivion as well, it's fucking ridiculous.