I keep thinking about it, but does it ever really feel like more than anything other than recycled Zelda "action" sequences? Or possibly some Landstalker?
Play the through the demo, and let me know what you think. You are in for a surprise.
I keep thinking about it, but does it ever really feel like more than anything other than recycled Zelda "action" sequences? Or possibly some Landstalker?
Seriously. Even if this is true, imagine the women that fall for it![]()
John stop taking the damn bait all the time!You do it, too, you just don't realize it, because you are a natural.
Look, let's drop it, but let me leave it at this, the women I know are good women. Intelligent women with good taste in music and some of them are more educated than I am.
Graphically, from a "technical" view it's not impressive at all considering it's 2011 and based off of 2005 hardware. Artistically though, it's amazing.
I'm glad Enemy enjoyed it, but to me it's just turning out to be yet another "yeah, it was decent, but nothing truly remarkable" kind of game. Rather, it seems like it's only going to be worth replaying for beating it one more time on the highest difficulty and that's all. I could list all of the reasons as to why I feel the game offers very little at all in the way of actual choice, and how none of the augments outside of hacking matter one bit...but you should probably play it for yourself and draw your own conclusions.
Opinions and such, but the game is nowhere near a 10/10. That's also a score that's liberally handed out like candy left and right anymore--to mostly shitty and recycled games. It's probably one of the best games of the current generation, but that's honestly not saying much for this generation of games. There were also a lot of random comments about how it was so similar to the Metal Gear games, and I never saw it. But after playing it, it feels like it really could be from that series. Mostly because the gameplay boils down to two things: stealth or shoot, and shooting is never worth it if you're trying to whore experience. But then at the same time, the experience is mostly worthless since pretty much all of the augments are for convenience only.
Nah. The game really is lopsided and it's almost a tie between stealth and shooting as far as real choices go. The other two of the "four pillars" are so marginalized that they may as well not even exist. In the end, the game is not an RPG at all, it's another shooter with a lot of good voice acting and a few purchaseable upgrades. The stealth however is significantly better than in the previous Deus Ex games, and despite the fact that there's a lot less choice than there should have been, the stealth is so damn fun I did not really care...too much.
That is a pretty fair assessment, although I think the Splinter Cell games did some things better, and HR does many things better. At the very least, I don't feel like I wasted my money at all, but if I were going to play it on the console, I would probably rent it. But then that's the magic of hindsight isn't it? Hacking on a console will be utter bullshit though, but I could see everything else actually being easier.
i give a 10/10 to morrowind, fallout 3, the original mass effect, metal gear solid 2, the original halo, goldeneye, deus ex, half life 2, and deus ex human revolution. that's about it.
Pretty much everything on that list besides Planescape Torment doesn't really seem like the kind of thing that I'd enjoy.