Gaming Thread

Seriously. Even if this is true, imagine the women that fall for it :lol:

You do it, too, you just don't realize it, because you are a natural.

Look, let's drop it, but let me leave it at this, the women I know are good women. Intelligent women with good taste in music and some of them are more educated than I am.
Graphically, from a "technical" view it's not impressive at all considering it's 2011 and based off of 2005 hardware. Artistically though, it's amazing.

I'm glad Enemy enjoyed it, but to me it's just turning out to be yet another "yeah, it was decent, but nothing truly remarkable" kind of game. Rather, it seems like it's only going to be worth replaying for beating it one more time on the highest difficulty and that's all. I could list all of the reasons as to why I feel the game offers very little at all in the way of actual choice, and how none of the augments outside of hacking matter one bit...but you should probably play it for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

Opinions and such, but the game is nowhere near a 10/10. That's also a score that's liberally handed out like candy left and right anymore--to mostly shitty and recycled games. It's probably one of the best games of the current generation, but that's honestly not saying much for this generation of games. There were also a lot of random comments about how it was so similar to the Metal Gear games, and I never saw it. But after playing it, it feels like it really could be from that series. Mostly because the gameplay boils down to two things: stealth or shoot, and shooting is never worth it if you're trying to whore experience. But then at the same time, the experience is mostly worthless since pretty much all of the augments are for convenience only.

Nah. The game really is lopsided and it's almost a tie between stealth and shooting as far as real choices go. The other two of the "four pillars" are so marginalized that they may as well not even exist. In the end, the game is not an RPG at all, it's another shooter with a lot of good voice acting and a few purchaseable upgrades. The stealth however is significantly better than in the previous Deus Ex games, and despite the fact that there's a lot less choice than there should have been, the stealth is so damn fun I did not really care...too much.

That is a pretty fair assessment, although I think the Splinter Cell games did some things better, and HR does many things better. At the very least, I don't feel like I wasted my money at all, but if I were going to play it on the console, I would probably rent it. But then that's the magic of hindsight isn't it? Hacking on a console will be utter bullshit though, but I could see everything else actually being easier.

I quite disagree, but it's all opinions so of course it doesn't matter. I don't rate every game a 10/10 either, and I still believe deus ex HR is a 10/10. it does what deus ex did and adds its own flair and brings it into a modern age. yes it's like metal gear solid but what's wrong with that? they couldn't remake deus ex exactly the same, yet they managed to take everything that makes it great and put it in. no games out have such a deep story, philosophy behind it, dedicated commentary and view on the world and it's game world, characters with personality etc. the game is a hybrid of genres and becomes it's own just like the original game and hopefully will do what the original should have in terms of impact on the industry but wasn't able to due to sales. if people now actually make deep games and potentially cyberpunk games instead of twitch military shooters i'll be a happy guy.

i give a 10/10 to morrowind, fallout 3, the original mass effect, metal gear solid 2, the original halo, goldeneye, deus ex, half life 2, and deus ex human revolution. that's about it. i strongly feel that this game does more than any game of this generation in terms of depth and truly creating an artistic experience, such as how the color palette, style, characters and everything else goes along to create metaphors and images of the world we could be moving towards. it's insanely deep, and i highly disagree with your comment on only being stealth.

for most of the game i was xp farming by doing silent takedowns, but at times i'd pick off the entire room with a silenced pistol with laser sight, once i eliminated an entire dock of soldiers by turning the robots and turrets against them and simply observing from a high shipping container, another time i took a turret, reprogrammed it, carried it with me into the next room and blew everyone away, and many times my social interactions allowed me to simply skip an area.

i think the problem isn't the game, it's the players. this isn't singling you out, but a lot of people were complaining about the story and not understanding it, but yet they didn't read all the emails, books, talk to everyone or pay attention. if they just made that all 100% in your face if you run through it gunning (which a deus ex game really isn't, though you can if you want) then there'd be no reason for the side material. i read all that and completely understood the story, the characters, the motivations, everything. also not using the environment and thinking out of the box will make it seem limited, such as you can turn off cameras by shooting a stun gun dart at them. or you can break through a wall and sneak completely around an area, or many other things.

overall it's an obscenely deep game with an amazing story, really makes you think where we are in society and where we're going due to all the medical research and extrapolation in the game (they had a consultant who owns a biotech firm hugely invested in the game and doing a lot of research and work for them to include real things in there to make the extrapolations accurate) and overall has more gameplay elements than many games combined. to me, this is what invisible war should have been, and is a true deus ex game. i strongly hope this influences future games to come so we can have more depth, direction, meaning and style behind future games as opposed to the same drab thing done over and over (i get that there's indie games and whatnot, but you should be able to make a first person shooter that isn't all shadows and monsters or military).

tl;dr this is the game of a generation, everyone should play it, i stand by my 10/10, if other people can't appreciate it (not singling anyone out here) due to not investing the amount of time in truly exploring it in order to understand that then that is their loss. this should completely reorganize the way games are made and have true passion and depth in a game as well as a team that works on games for a long time instead of having massive teams work on a game for a year and then release a game with the exact same everything plus a few maps (coughcallofdutylickmynutscough).
WHAT THE FUCKING MOTHERFUCKING FUCK?!?!?! I just got the new Deus Ex and I'm TRYING to simply lower the FSAA and other graphics settings, BUT IT WON'T FUCKING LET ME!!! It's saying that there aren't enough resources for LOWER settings. WTF? Any other people having this problem?
I have not heard of that, and that is extremely odd. Are you trying to do it in the actual game or in the setup launcher? You can modify everything in the game and it doesn't need to restart so if you have an issue either in game or out of game try the opposite. That seems highly odd and I didn't notice any problems with it at all, but then again I was pretty much at max. They don't affect performance that much aside from in the cities so you could always just keep whatever it has/disable/lower some of the other settings (for me personally I kept ssao at normal and dof at normal because they didn't make a huge difference at max and ate up a lot of performance, also i didn't know that the post processing thing adds a lot of the black and gold color filter so next time i'm going to go through without post processing on and see how it looks as i did the same with duke nukem forever and it looked better). i noticed for me personally at least the launcher settings were a bit wonky for some reason but once i got in the game and set everything from there it was pretty legit, nixxies did a really good job making the pc version truly a pc version for what it is.

i'm pissed that i missed 2 side quests and steam didn't give me the achievements for like 5 of them that i DID do. the only achievements i missed out on are foxiest of the hounds and the pacifist one as well as one quest one i didn't even knew existed, so i'm debating for my next playthrough going back with a trainer activated to get all the hacking augs from the start (tbh i hacked every single thing in the game and while it was fun, i can't imagine hacking every single thing AGAIN so it'd be super easy just to go in with everything maxed and make hacking take like 2 seconds).
oh and for those of you who don't think deus ex HR is taking on character development/depth in a new way that should be continued in future games, i have one scenario for you. adam jensen mirror. look into that situation and tell me that's not amazingly well done and hard hitting; when i read into all that it hit me harder and provoked more of a response and attachment than any cutscene or dialogue could, it truly affected me more than any videogame i can think of in the past few years.
i give a 10/10 to morrowind, fallout 3, the original mass effect, metal gear solid 2, the original halo, goldeneye, deus ex, half life 2, and deus ex human revolution. that's about it.

Interesting. You're quite entitled to your opinions, obviously, and I'm not saying you're wrong for holding them, but to reflect on what you have said, I'd definitely not give Morrowind a 10 and without a doubt not Mass Effect or Halo. Mass Effect 1 just plain sucked and Halo 1 was awesome but way too much backtracking to earn that score. Half Life 2? No...maybe an 8 or 9 since the last 3rd of the game was a kind of disappointment. Half Life 1 is definitely a 10. I'd give Half Life 1 a 10 and I agree that, at the time of its nascence, Goldeneye deserved that score. Last and definitely not least, MGS2 was certainly not a 10. The first one came close but it was too short.

I'd only give that score to Half Life, Goldeneye (maybe for nostalgic reasons) the first Zelda for the N64 and maybe one or two others.
Mass effect was a pretty pivotal game because it brought the idea of choices and morality into a much wider audience, building upon what was really introduced into the mainstream in KOTOR. Mass effect was an amazing game and what truly makes it a 10 is the influence it has had on games after it and how it is universally loved by most and a classic. There may be some flaws yes, but overall it's amazing. when you talk about 10/10 games you have to take into account the gaming community at large and other aspects besides just what annoyed you and what didn't since a 10/10 is reserved for the truly amazing and groundbreaking games (which is why goldeneye is there even if now it does not live up to the standards the games that have built on it have set up).

Same thing with Halo in that while there may be flaws, it was the game that brought console fps really to the forefront and made even pc gamers envious. it had a great story, huge and immersive world, a lot of really tight gameplay elements, a (arguably, person to person) great story and really just launched a lot of gameplay elements such as the 2 weapon system. everything that has come after it has really taken a lot from it and even though i might like other games maybe better in terms of playability and what i want to play, I think Halo just trumps other games in terms of the effect it has on the industry and gaming in general and will always be thought of as a classic that really put microsoft on the map in gaming and made people realize the true possibilities of console fps gaming if done right.
If Mass Effect is your favorite game ever, you have seriously shitty taste in games. Period.

I won't even mention Elder Scrolls.

Planescape Torment
Shenmue 2
Ocarina of Time
Majoras Mask
Skies of Arcadia
Star Ocean 2
Persona 4
Final Fantasy 9
Devil Survivor
Digital Devil Saga
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario World
Mario RPG

Just to name a few. You need to stop playing PC games for awhile and realize what console gems you've missed out on. Mass Effect? You gotta be kidding.
I've heard great things about ME2 but I haven't touched it since the first one, as I said, just plain sucked. The controls were awkward and clunky, the protagonist, everything about him really, was laughable. The game worlds/environments sucked. The combat truly sucked. And what the fuck was with that shitty traveling you had to do to other planets and drive that shitty fucking car around and fight those stupid bugs in the ground? That's when I turned it off. Boring ass, clunky garbage right there. I don't care about the dialogue. To be honest, I've yet to play a game that made me seriously immersed in the story because of it. Actually I take that back...I think Fallout 3 had some awesome dialogue if I remember correctly. Some F bombs, too, if I remember. But yea. Mass Effect is pretty bad.

Halo is awesome. It's way better than ME. I could list maybe 100 reasons why. My favorite Halo isn't 1 though, which puts me in a major minority. It's actually 2. I think the levels are designed flawlessly and the BR in Halo 2 clears pathways with ease. It's so fun. It's also good because it's so fucking hard. Especially the co-op. The respawn system gets shit on but I think it actually makes the game better. Why? Because it means you have to take a much more tactical approach. No more rushing with guns blazing with no fear. You die, BOTH of you have to start over. That much alone makes it more tense. It makes the satisfaction of beating a difficult part of the game that much better.
The writing on Mass Effect is shit, the story in the second game was pure character recruitment, and it didn't progress the story of the trilogy whatsoever. The shooting mechanics were garbage, the level up system was worthless. The only good thing about it was building relations with squad mates.