Gaming Thread

i did not, i didn't know about fallout until my brother gave me fallout 3 and said YOU NEED TO FUCKING PLAY THIS, NOW. i've been meaning to at least play fallout 2, but i dunno how much i'd like it. i highly agree on the setting just being bland, and even though it is preference i think most people feel that way. i don't think i've ever heard someone say the capital wasteland sucked and new vegas was great. there were some good setpieces in new vegas and some of the big hills/vistas were cool, but honestly it was nothing in comparison to fallout 3 and seeing dc in the distance, being able to visit the mall etc.

i really hope they keep the city setting, because seriously with idtech 5 and what they're doing with rage, they could make an amazinggg city for fallout 4. it'd be a huge shame just to do another desert/tundra instead of some desolate city with people scavenging and forming packs.
Yeah, Fallout 3 was far superior in most respects. My biggest problem with New Vegas was the very abrupt, short-lived, and poorly executed final battle.
I decided to play the PC version of Oblivion.........FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

I added many mods and texture enhancers that it makes this game look amazing. Realistic weather, new character models (which look amazing btw) realistic water and even random shooting stars at night. I also included the immersive indoor mod and a menu changer. The oblivion menu is so much better now. No massive texts, but smaller. Everything has been changed and it just looks and feels so much better.

This is going to be awesome.
I decided to play the PC version of Oblivion.........FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

I added many mods and texture enhancers that it makes this game look amazing. Realistic weather, new character models (which look amazing btw) realistic water and even random shooting stars at night. I also included the immersive indoor mod and a menu changer. The oblivion menu is so much better now. No massive texts, but smaller. Everything has been changed and it just looks and feels so much better.

This is going to be awesome.

Good luck. I had mine modded to hell within the first week when it originally came out, and still I could never actually enjoy it. Later I added the huge conversion mods and it still blew to me. Barely anything about the game was intruiging, and the setting was mundane.

Skyrim looks like it's going to be exactly like Oblivion, except without most of the suckiness.
Good luck. I had mine modded to hell within the first week when it originally came out, and still I could never actually enjoy it. Later I added the huge conversion mods and it still blew to me. Barely anything about the game was intruiging, and the setting was mundane.

Skyrim looks like it's going to be exactly like Oblivion, except without most of the suckiness.

I think the game appeals to a particular niche, mainly DnD players. Both Steve and myself have been pen and paper nerds for years and I think that's why we enjoy it so much. I can see where everyone BUT a DnD nerd might absolutely hate it, though.
I see this argument quite a bit, and it still makes absolutely zero sense to me. I used to PnP also for about six years, and there has never been a video game that has come anywhere close to capturing that feeling. Too much of it is scripted, and the only real "adventure" in an open world RPG is running around stumbling into new places to explore. Problem with Oblivion is everything looks the same for the most part. Plus, don't get me started on the combat differences between PnP and Oblivion.

I mean sure, if you want to just "geek out" and actively "RP" while you're playing the game, I can sort of get that. Although to me that's kind of like talking to a picture on a wall, expecting some kind of reaction out of it. Plus, if I really wanted to "RP" I would just play the PnP version.
Well, yeah, NOTHING captures the feeling of pen and paper RPGs. I just think it's the setting/world that I like. I'm also a huge fan of sorcerers in DnD3.5 and I've been having a lot of fun playing a mage. As far as actively RPing while playing an xbox game, that's pretty fucking retarded sounding... In fact, I'd hope for everyone's sake that nobody has ever done that. :lol: Different strokes.
As far as actively RPing while playing an xbox game, that's pretty fucking retarded sounding... In fact, I'd hope for everyone's sake that nobody has ever done that. :lol: Different strokes.

Heh, you would be suprised. There were people on the Bioware forum talking about how that's exactly how they played Oblivion. I don't believe that they were actually talking out loud, but they said that they would roleplay any given scenario with an inner monologue.
:lol:!!! I must admit though, my imagination does play quite a bit into the game and I think that's what allows me to overlook some of it's issues.

looks so much better
are there any overhaul mod packs for Oblivion like there are Morrowind? Since Morrowind is so old there are a ton of mod packs which take all the best mods and put them together to make the game look absolutely amazing, but since Oblivion isn't as old I haven't found as many full packs due to people not being able to find the absolute best mods and put them together into a fully functioning pack. thus i've had to just combine and mix and match graphics/gameplay mods to make it good and thats not as complete as something like the Morrowind Sound and Graphics overhaul which makes the game look arguably as good/better than oblivion and makes the game better than oblivion for sure.

almost all the oblivion mods i've seen aren't that great or are just ridiculous shaders and then qarls texture pack and a bunch of nude mods. people who play bethesda games really like making nude elven chick models which is pretty creepy but i guess its to be expected.

morrowind is so fucking amazing and is a true example of why pc gaming is great. 10 years later and it looks better than oblivion with carefully put together mod packs, and i'm seriously having an insane amount of fun replaying it (plus there's so much shit to do its baffling and the landscapes are actually unique instead of oblivions randomly generated forests). i started playing at 10, told myself i'd play 1 hour and i ended up stopping at 12:40.

i'd say oblivion is an 8.7/10 and morrowind is a 9/10; if skyrim can take what made morrowind great and combine it with what made oblivion great + new gameplay and graphics? i'll fucking nut in my pants.
Man, I know it's entirely subjective, but Oblivion isn't anywhere remotely close to Morrowind's league. It basically went so many steps backwards. It's not like the worst game ever or anything like that at all, but I wasted so much time (seriously almost 100 hours) with it trying to find something to like about it. The only thing that I can honestly say that I really enjoyed was the Mage, Thief and Dark Brotherhood quests. I also read every text I found, but they were boring as shit compared to Morrowind.

The dungeons were actually kind of cool at first, but then you soon realize that there were literally three types of dungeons with very little variation, and so going far to some nondescript location in search of adventure (i.e. a "scary dungeon" just led to more of the same. Even the vampires were dull.

Then you have the actual gameplay mechanics of the game; some of the worst I've ever played, and I'd rather play a menu based RPG over that crap.

-Level scaling, with leveling loot that was just awful.

-One of the most horribly convoluted and unintuitive leveling schemes (Morrowind is similar in that respect though) imaginable, that actually works against your supposed "class".

-Shitty stealth. You go from it being bad, to you being completely broken to the point where you may as well just have Golden Gun mode on with invincibility.

-Boring NPCs. There were a few that made me laugh, and maybe one I remotely cared about at all. The rest were just dull, dull, dull, dull.

-Shitty combat. Yeah, the year is 2006 and we still have some steallar Doom/Hexen combat happening. The game was an FPS trying to disguise itself as an RPG. The most used method to fight? Backpedaling.

-Shitty spell system. It's just like Stealth; it goes from awful, to mega-retardedly strong, especially after you can start making customs.

People went goo-goo-ga-ga when it first arrived in 2006, because the 360 was new and Oblivion had some of the best graphics a console had ever seen. And it played like a tech demo too.

Sorry for crapping all over something some of you enjoy, but I seriously cannot stand that game at all. It's about a mind-numbing of an experience as I've ever had with any game and just can't understand how Bethesda thought it was a great idea. No amount of graphics can make up for abysmal gameplay mechanics, boring dungeons, boring characters and a boring story. :yuk:

I actually kind of envy those that can stand to play it.
On the FO3/NV topic, I think it's mostly the people that played the old Fallouts that loved New Vegas more, since FO3 is a total breach in the style of the Fallout games, whereas New Vegas is more like the first two again. I personally enjoyed NV more, because it brought back a lot of the tings I loved about FO1 and 2, and FO3 just didn't feel like a Falout game to me.
:lol: Be a bit more definitive. Those games were absolutely similar, if not the same damn thing repackaged and polished a bit.
On the FO3/NV topic, I think it's mostly the people that played the old Fallouts that loved New Vegas more, since FO3 is a total breach in the style of the Fallout games, whereas New Vegas is more like the first two again. I personally enjoyed NV more, because it brought back a lot of the tings I loved about FO1 and 2, and FO3 just didn't feel like a Falout game to me.

This is definitely it. Without a reference of the original Fallouts, NV and 3 come across as pretty similar, but there's a lot of details which really make NV retain a certain feel of the older games. I enjoyed it way more than FO3 because of this.
This is definitely it. Without a reference of the original Fallouts, NV and 3 come across as pretty similar, but there's a lot of details which really make NV retain a certain feel of the older games. I enjoyed it way more than FO3 because of this.
Exactly. Someone who hasn't played FO1 and 2 probably won't even notice the difference, but it's absolutely there.