Gaming Thread

Playing The Witcher 2. The graphics are amazing. Here is a screenshot


Yeah, that was a good game, although I was majorly disappointed by the combat that they mega-hyped up. It initially starts off kind of hard and then the difficulty goes inverse to what it should. The story is great, but unless they've come out with an update in the last four months, the talents suck ass, and all you need is Quen and a few sword skills.
Just got through beating Ninja Gaiden II again on xbox360. Man, I wish they made games like this more often. By this I mean hack and slash designed for the hardcore gamer. Games that require a knowledge of system mechanics, how the frames work, etc. Bayonetta was amazing like that too. These games you can beat and be PROUD and boast of actual skillfulness. I love it :kickass:
RAGE ending spoiler! (scroll past really fast to avoid :p

could not agree with you more. i was beyond disappointed because it felt like the game was really picking up and then it just fucking STOPS. i mean seriously, what the fucking hell id. i had read in interviews they already planned on this being a series so part of the reason the ending is so shit is because it's just sequel bait; that entire ending is just to set up the next game (which is dick on their part because that's a messed up thing to do and it shows they think they're so impervious that the game couldn't possibly sell anything but absolutely amazing). they could've at least done some intense ending things like had buddies crash in and help you out, even more new enemies, shown some mutant testing, had one gigantic mega boss you have to deal with (like the one giant mutant they've shown in pictures but that never appeared in the game, and i'm not talking about the dead city one, there was another).

all in all it was a really fucking disappointment and took all my excitement that had been building and crushed it.

on an opposite note HOLY FUCK the human revolution dlc was good. i beat it in a marathon 7 hour session today and it was flat out fucking AWESOME. had some cool connections to the original game, a hugeee map with tons of stuff to do and different settings, interesting characters, great story, some really fucked up shit that would make you squirm and really feel a connection to what was going on and put weight on your actions, lots of choices (i'll get at least 2 more playthroughs to see all the choices and how what you do affects the situations), explains a lot of things in the game that people might have thought were loose ends (though i'm glad this wasn't in the game originally because it would've felt a bit out of place, revisiting this way definitely feels right though), graphics engine updated and looks really good/performs really well.

overall i just cannot have enough praise for it. some people may find $15 a bit much for a 7 hour dlc (you can beat it in 5 if you rush) but the quality is so fucking top notch it more than makes up for it. this is real fleshed out stuff that even tops some of the levels in the original game.
they could've at least done some intense ending things like had buddies crash in and help you out, even more new enemies, shown some mutant testing, had one gigantic mega boss you have to deal with (like the one giant mutant they've shown in pictures but that never appeared in the game
Nope, you get to yawn and kill a few waves of mutants, which you can easily do with some low-end weapons, as final battle instead. It wasn't even tense. Ridiculous.
Indeed, I found myself quite bored and basically just using up the rest of my wingsticks. This practice of sequel bait ending is bullshit normally, but this particular ending was so fucking awful i couldn't believe it. it really felt like the game was picking up and would be heading into a super intense last chapter, but then it just ends essentially saying HELL YEAH YOU GOT TOGETHER AN ARMY AND ARE READY TO FIGHT THE AUTHORITY; SAVE YOUR MONEY AND GET PUMPED FOR WHEN YOU CAN CONTINUE THE STORY THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN CONCLUDED (or at least wrapped up in a way that has some closure with the fight still continuing) IN THIS GAME BUT INSTEAD WILL BE IN THE SEQUEL!

bullshit. it was like if Empire ended with Luke jumping into his x-wing and flying off into the distance to save his friends while yoda sighed and watched him depart as the screen faded to black and the credits rolled.

anyone seen this? i'm not going to jump on it when it comes out, but it sounds pretty fucking sweet and could potentially be fucking badass. i'll wait for a month or so after they come out, see how they score in reviews, features, how much of a difference they make etc but i'm thinking i'm definitely going to want one as it sounds like a fucking behemoth of power. i've been sticking with my intel i5-2500k which is great and the i7's wouldn't help all that much, but a top of the line from that new amd series might be enough of a power increase to warrant an upgrade. now they just need to announce new graphics cards so i can start getting fucking juiced for my new uber gaming pc build and then use my current gaming pc for my main computer and more casual gaming on the side.
There was a massive 744mb update last month. Quen and a few sword skills? Where you playing it on Easy?

Here you go

The Wither 2.0 Patch Notes

No, I wasn't playing it on "easy", thanks for the pointless assumption though. Normal was too easy so I played "Hard" or whatever it was that was below Insanity. The game was not difficult at all (after the first few levels...) if you've played a) Demon's Souls and b) Arkham Asylum. The combat was loosely based off of those two games. After you get Quen level 2-3 and midway through the sword tree, you don't need anything else. Everything else is just "fluff" that doesn't add nearly as much. Almost all of the signs other than Quen were trash except for Aard on a single fight in the game. The Alchemy tree was "ok" for the enhanced Mutagens if you were lucky enough to find the good ones that you would actually want to use. The only end of tree special that was any good was Heliotrope, but it took too many worthless slots, or slots picked up just for extra health and a mutagen slot in the Sign tree to reach.

That update doesn't really address talents, mostly just camera, lockon and carry through issues. Difficulty is probably much lower overall too.

I suggest you finish the game and at least pay attention to what the talents are doing before commenting. It's obvious you don't know much about the game.
I'm not even through the Training Talents yet, and I have found use for all the signs that I have thus far. Maybe you are just awesome at video games and you can blow through something like The Witcher 2 with minimal effort. *shrugs*
I'm playing The Witcher because I actually was never able to get past 2 hours or so in before starting the 2nd one and I gotta say wow, it's so much more in depth. The original Witcher makes The Witcher 2 look like a dumbed down console game in comparison and it's pretty refreshing. I don't like the combat as much (but to be fair i just started and am sure it'll get better) but the active pause, camera modes, controls, inventories, styles, everything is just so complex and extensive that you seriously get lost just trying to figure things out yet at the same time it's a thrill figuring everything out and then being able to apply it. I haven't had to read so much tutorial in a game in a long time yet the result is an extremely deep and rewarding experience beyond many others. I could hardly put it down last night and am beyond pumped to play through it and see all of what it has to offer considering how complex and deep it already is; it's a true pc game for sure with a great story, great world, and even to this day still has great graphics when maxed out.
I'm playing The Witcher because I actually was never able to get past 2 hours or so in before starting the 2nd one and I gotta say wow, it's so much more in depth. The original Witcher makes The Witcher 2 look like a dumbed down console game in comparison and it's pretty refreshing. I don't like the combat as much (but to be fair i just started and am sure it'll get better) but the active pause, camera modes, controls, inventories, styles, everything is just so complex and extensive that you seriously get lost just trying to figure things out yet at the same time it's a thrill figuring everything out and then being able to apply it. I haven't had to read so much tutorial in a game in a long time yet the result is an extremely deep and rewarding experience beyond many others. I could hardly put it down last night and am beyond pumped to play through it and see all of what it has to offer considering how complex and deep it already is; it's a true pc game for sure with a great story, great world, and even to this day still has great graphics when maxed out.

The only part about that game that I didn't like were "The Swamps". I wanted to get through that place ASAP.
I'm playing The Witcher because I actually was never able to get past 2 hours or so in before starting the 2nd one and I gotta say wow, it's so much more in depth. The original Witcher makes The Witcher 2 look like a dumbed down console game in comparison and it's pretty refreshing. I don't like the combat as much (but to be fair i just started and am sure it'll get better) but the active pause, camera modes, controls, inventories, styles, everything is just so complex and extensive that you seriously get lost just trying to figure things out yet at the same time it's a thrill figuring everything out and then being able to apply it. I haven't had to read so much tutorial in a game in a long time yet the result is an extremely deep and rewarding experience beyond many others. I could hardly put it down last night and am beyond pumped to play through it and see all of what it has to offer considering how complex and deep it already is; it's a true pc game for sure with a great story, great world, and even to this day still has great graphics when maxed out.

The combat is not really as "complex", but it is still actually quite fun until you realize how to ruin it forever with Igni. I also really enjoyed the talents in that game. Even if much of them were just +X more damage or +Y reduction, it felt slightly more open as far as being able to make your own particular "build". I have to agree with you though about the combat modes. I kind of miss having "strong" or "quick", "single" or "group" and "monster" vs "human" styles. In TW2 I think it's just "steel" vs "silver" weapons.

It was also a much darker game overall in atmosphere. My original experience with the game was simply "it's pretty good, but with a lot of flaws" mainly because I played it when it first came out before the EE patch that fixed a lot of things, especially the excrutiatingly LONG loading times (they went down from 30-45 seconds to 6 after the patch).

Graphically it's not awful by any means, but it was never groundbreaking either when it first arrived. And compared to TW2...
I'm not sure which story I like better though, because I think the narrative in TW2 is just fantastic, but the story in the first just felt a little more mature. I could easily recommend both games for different reasons, but I still cannot help but be majorly let down by the talents in TW2.

And Liver, it's not that I'm just that good, it's that I'm a powergamer who goes out of his way to make the most efficient characters possible in every game I play. The sad fact is that outside of the +health talents from the various trees, none of them but Quen and the sword talent that allows you to hit multiple targets with one swipe (this was actually mostly good because it "fixed" a flaw in the combat system) are simply not worth it. Or rather, they are more like extra icing on a cake you've already finished. Once you actually get Quen 2-3, you'll never ever find any reason to use any other skill for the useage cost other than Aard. Sure, you CAN slog through a weak character to make a "sort of" efficient Igni caster, but you'll be halfway through the game before it even begins coming into form, and it's applications are very limited. Bombs are also actually pretty broken as well, and if you want to pickup the bomb talent in the Mutagen tree, you can cheese your way through the game. Although it's kind of expensive at the start.
Yeah I'm pretty excited because I've only gotten to the first town; I had planned on playing it before The Witcher 2 but never ended up having the time. Now going back I can get into it a lot more because I understand some gameplay mechanics that were evolved in TW2, I understand the characters, the settings, i have the enhanced edition, it's older so my comp can run it at max settings with no performance loss which means it looks great (seriously, at max it really does look great) and more. It's funny, I'm actually glad I ended up beating TW2 first because it got me into the world, the characters, a lot of the signature gameplay aspects so now going back instead of feeling overwhelmed with new things there is still a learning curve, but I understand the signs, alchemy, different types of weapons, characters etc so in the end having done the second one allows me to appreciate the first one EVEN MORE.

Also so far yeah it does seem even darker than TW2 which i'm digging; last night I got up to the first town and seriously had to force myself to put it down. It is a tiny bit dated but I'm quite enjoying it (I like TW2 better still but this is still a great game). After I finish this I'm going to play TW2 2.0 again so I'll get to transfer over my save and see how it works as well as experience all the new stuff they added. Basically I'll be playing this series up until Skyrim.
Interesting. Well. I'll express what I think about the game once I finish it. So far I like it and it is absolutely beautiful on my system. I have everything maxed out "besides UberSampling" and I do have to say this is a very beautiful looking game.
indeed. even the dlc has lots of replay value, and not just compared to other dlcs, even compared to other full games. i hope they come out with more because i'll gladly buy it as long as it's as lengthy and filled with content/story info as this one was.