Gaming Thread

Some Skyrim stuff I thought was interesting

-6 types of dragons excluding special named dragons
-Late in the main quest, a dragon companion is gained, who may be called upon anywhere outdoors
-One dragon shout will render you in a sort of ghost form, allowing you to fall any distance unharmed
-One of the Conjuration perks allows you to animate two nearby corpses
-A shit ton of lesser joinable factions have been confirmed
sounds fucking badass, especially if that ghost spell ends up being a levitate esque spell (fucking pleaseeeee, i loved levitate in morrowind). i haven't been following skyrim info much but there seems to be so much stuff i can't even imagine how many hours i'm going to put into that game. even playing morrowind right now i've put in soo many it's absurd, but with all the stuff skyrim will have, the graphics engine/world rendering allowing far more unique places and all that i'll basically be playing that game from the release date up until january at least.
Very excited for Diablo 3.

I can't decide whether to buy Skyrim for the Xbox or the PC... any hints?
I have hopes they won't bomb Diablo 3. Anyway, I think it's safe to say that god-awful WoW is on it's way out.

Sorry for the triple post, but you know what would be fucking awesome?

A Fallouty game set in Jurassic Park. Dinosaurs and WRPG. A T-rex could be ultra rare and scare the living shit out of you more than any Dragon or Death Claw.
It's being ported to the PC, not the consoles. It's being developed on the consoles.

Any other time I would buy it for PC, but being the game that it is, I think the experience would be better on the consoles. I never really gave much of a shit about the mods anyway unless they're dungeons and such. Feels almost like cheating.
Yep that's what I meant. You'll feel like you're playing an awful port on the PC, but it'll be moddable, so fuck consoles :D

And not all mods are cheating. Some enhance textures, create a more immersive experience, streamline mechanics, make the user interface more friendly, etc.
Yeah I've modded most of my other titles, and there are good mods out there, especially for Morrowind. As long as the mods are available on the consoles, I really can't see why I would buy the PC version. Maybe when I get a brand new PC with top of the line everything and can make the graphics scream it will be interesting, but I can do without everything on max settings. As long as it looks good, I'm happy. It's all about the gameplay anyway, right?

Honestly, if the mods will be interchangeable between the consoles and the PC, i.e., you can create it on PC and put it online for consoles to use as well, I can't see a reason to buy it on PC. Unless you have a $3000 gaming rig, it just doesn't seem worth it. Granted, I will miss my Q for auto run and my space bar for jumping and such, but it's a small price to pay for 32" of Skyrim awesomeness on the comfort of my couch without having to worry about spilling shit on my keyboard because I'm so addicted I can't tear myself away, :lol:.
Even if some mod support is allowed for consoles, it won't be the same. with the amount of tweaking you do for things and having a large part of the process be on your end (though there are a lot of auto installing big mods, true) as well as the switching out load orders, using different tools to tweak things etc, it just really wouldn't be anywhere near the same. i could see them having some of the bigger auto install mods allowed on the consoles, but the modders will almost positively be doing almost all of it on pc and really for mods, the pc is the way to go.

i can understand those that would do the console though, even though i think it'd be awful. i have a super mega intense gaming rig and demand perfection out of my games performance/graphics but not everyone wants that so they're willing to exchange it and while i'd never do that, i can definitely see the reasoning behind it. i like the vanilla games as well but with mods you can reallly change things and i don't mean like huge gameplay element overhauls (i like to keep the gameplay normal unless its really broken) but for example in morrowind i have like 6 tools active, tons of fucked with settings in morrowind graphics extender, 64 mods from that morrowind sound and graphics overhaul and it looks absolutely stunning and plays better than morrowind ever has before. with the pc there's a lot of freedom and control which i really love in games and as such i'm willing to pay a high price for an awesome computer to be able to unleash the max potential of all the games (especially elder scrolls ones).

anyone buying bf3 tomorrow? i'm thinking of picking it up either tomorrow or over the weekend since i'm sure the store will be packed and crazy and i'm still super into The Witcher right now, but i'm definitely pumped to play it single player and online (which is unique for me because i don't play ANYTHING online).