Gaming Thread

Good god, the auto save feature in HoMM6 fucking sucks. Every single auto save that I tried loading in the tutorial (it saves right before the first real hero fight) loads with my hero stuck way off on the side on top of a waterfall. The game also had like four auto saves and every single one of them loaded me there. So uh...if you plan on playing this, plan on nothing but manual/quick saves for everything.

Also Stormo, if you've never played this series yet, King's Bounty is a very fun alternative version of the HoMM games, and in fact, I would actually say a much better produced one. You can get all of the games and expansions for pretty cheap on Steam I think, and if you like this kind of game a lot, I know you'd like it. There are also some very nice fan made game "manuals" that have all of the spells/bonuses/artifacts/abilities etc in a MUCH greater detail with nice pictures too.
Yeah King's Bounty is fun, Armoured Princess especially, but it does get tedious after a while. That, and you can only suffer so many dialogue windows talking about "The Legendary Knight, Bill Gilbert" without groaning.

Also, the autosave feature doesn't glitch out for me, personally.
fucking hell, i don't know who that is but you've posted a bunch of quotes from her at random times and whatever project she's involved in i want her to GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM IT, NOW. she's seriously embarassing and most likely fucking the living shit out of whatever she's involved with and at the same time is perpetuating and providing fodder for so many stupid sexist/bigoted people with all the stupid shit she spouts it's outrageous. it's finally becoming accepted that women play games and such and there are great women involved in making games (the deus ex human revolution story/overall writer is a woman and yet the story isn't cut short so other women can make dinner or devoid of violence/mature themes) yet she's really fucking it up for everyone else.
That's Hamburger Helper, one of the lead writers for Dragon Age. She did Orzimar in Origins, and then wrote the gay Anders sequences in 2, go figure.

So yeah, I bought orange box for the first time. I know I'm years behind but I told myself I wouldn't bother with ANY PC games until I got a beast of a machine. So, I've got some catching up to do. I could have played hl2 and portal on 360 but yeahhh, I refuse to play fps on a pad. It's just counter-intuitive. Either way, I have to say hl2 and portal are a BLAST. I've been glued to it for the last day really hard. Also, The Binding of Isaac is hella fun and a pretty solid challenge. :kickass:
holy FUCK that skyrim footage looks AMAZING. i realized today that it comes out 2 weeks from today, and for my bday my brother got me a copy of it on steam so i'm all fuckin ready, just gotta go 2 more weeks of playing the witcher to keep me occupied and then i will become a fuckin hermit.
edit: that one stone city looks a lotttt like the one in the witcher 2 when you exit the fog (vergen); i wonder if they got the inspiration from the witcher 2 or if that was in development long before (obviously it was before the witcher 2 came out, but i mean they've obviously shown screens/concept art so it could've come from there)
damn, quite the difference from the morrowind ones. i was watching more footage and holy shit, seriously skyrim looks amazing. i plan on putting that shit on the highest settings i can run at while still having a smooth and good framerate, so i'm hoping its well optimized (if they can get that shit running well on the consoles then c'mon, it should logically be alright on the pc unless they're douches) which it seems it might be due to the minimum and recommended specs they posted. all the ai, things going on in the world, unique landscapes, textures, it just looks fucking amazing, kinda like if the witcher 2 were fully open world (thats the only flaw i find in the witcher 2, it can be really linear and limiting at times in level design but amazing in graphics).

of all people you can't put off playing it man, come on! pirate it and buy it later, rent it, jailbreak your xbox and dl it or something; you not playing it for weeks is a crime! i'm a huge elder scrolls fan, but not as much as you and i'll have it preloaded and playing that shit day one pumped out of my mind and i would be upgrading hardware if there were actually some new things that were worth it (i have 8 gb ram and going higher really doesn't do much, my i5 2500k is pretty much the highest in terms of usefulness, an i7 wouldn't help all that much in terms of gaming but would cost a lot more and my 6950 ati 2gb is pretty much the best you can get right now except for a 4 gb one that is just a couple tens higher and is like 300-400$; only thing i'm considering is getting an ssd hd or whatever thats called).