"Truly pleased"? I only play maybe six titles per year at most.
I don't play too many more than that actually. Maybe a game a month if I'm lucky, but usually they are just rentals or an older game that I am replaying or finally getting around finishing. I think I honestly only play maybe a total of three or four console games a year (depends on the year) for longer than a day or two. The rest are just really short or really boring and a disappointment. I typically still just use the consoles for fighting games.
I have a bunch of PC games that are half finished as well, but I skipped out on a lot of PC games between 2004 - 2010 other than the few "big" RPGs.
The only games that I can remember being excited about
and playing all the way through this past year would be: The Witcher 2, Dark Souls, Arkham City, Dead Space 2, and right now I'm working on the ho-hum HoMM6, waiting for Skyrim. I never finished Deus Ex (3/4 of the way finished...). Of those games, only Dark Souls and Dead Space 2 left me satisfied. The Witcher 2 came close. Not sure what happened with HR, but I just did not feel compelled to finish it, so it's on my "to do" list.
Last year it was Bayonetta, God of War 3 (huge disappointment) Mass Effect 2 (replayed the hell out of that), New Vegas and Lords of Shadow.
I've had Halflife 2 and the expansion sitting on my computer since forever. Ended up getting to the last stage before stopping briefly and then lost my save and never felt bothered to replay it yet (plan on it), even with the cinematic mod. I've had STALKER on my drive for about two years and haven't spent more than six hours total on it, and I also can't beat F.E.A.R., because it grows insanely boring a little halfway through. Beat Bioshock once, and as good as it was the first time, it's almost unbearable to replay.
Stranger Danger!
Is Mass Effect 3 here yet?
FUUUUUUUUUUUUU March is far away...
No shit. That's actually a game that I am truly excited about. If it turns out to be yet another in a seemingly endless series of disappointments, I am probably just going to go into a self-imposed gaming media blackout and just wait until after games have arrived and then read up on them. Kind of like "Oh hello there, nice to meet you...you seemingly don't suck!". The only other two games that I can think of for 2012 that I want to play are Diablo 3 (but everyone already knows how it will play, so there's no suprises) and Kingdom's of Amalur (but if it ends up like just a better Fable, I dunno if I'll finish it).
Your 1337 skillz are no match for any game!
Wanna play Battletoads?