Gaming Thread

the thing is too many games come out too fast. sounds obvious, but i think now it's at its worst peak. so many consoles, pc only games, online gaming, downloadable content, additional maps and levels and graphics upgrades. it's just too fucking much.

Only if you're not a jaded gamer. I am still only ever truly pleased by maybe six titles per year at most. Then again I also really am only into action/adventure, roleplaying and strategy. The majority of the first person style games; RPG elements or no, typically play exactly the same and put me to sleep, depsite the fact that there may be a different story or skins. Hell, even Arkham City turned into a "I could have just rented this" game after I finished it. Not only was it very short, it didn't feel anywhere near as remarkable as the first game. Even though if you ask the majority, they would just gush over it because of the supposed "free roam" aspect. As if that really matters.

Yeah, just to a lesser extent. It works like in Fallout 3.

There was never any danger in Fallout 3 aside from the Deathclaw areas though. Some of the Ghoul areas could be a little "harder" than the others early on, but never to the point where you could not do them. So I really can't understand how this method is supposed to add back any true sense of danger. Then in NV the only really tough enemies were those flying bugs that hit like trucks and came in swarms.
"Truly pleased"? I only play maybe six titles per year at most.

Let's talk about Nintendo.

They have lost huge amounts of money and stock in the last few months, and most people are predicting the Wii U is going to bomb, and they will become a third party developer like Sega.

The sooner the better, as far as I'm concerned. "Wii U" sounds like an expansion to the Wii, not a new console. Not to mention everyone thinks this brick of a controller with a screen in the middle is a terrible gimmick.
There was never any danger in Fallout 3 aside from the Deathclaw areas though. Some of the Ghoul areas could be a little "harder" than the others early on, but never to the point where you could not do them. So I really can't understand how this method is supposed to add back any true sense of danger. Then in NV the only really tough enemies were those flying bugs that hit like trucks and came in swarms.

Your 1337 skillz are no match for any game!
"Truly pleased"? I only play maybe six titles per year at most.

I don't play too many more than that actually. Maybe a game a month if I'm lucky, but usually they are just rentals or an older game that I am replaying or finally getting around finishing. I think I honestly only play maybe a total of three or four console games a year (depends on the year) for longer than a day or two. The rest are just really short or really boring and a disappointment. I typically still just use the consoles for fighting games.

I have a bunch of PC games that are half finished as well, but I skipped out on a lot of PC games between 2004 - 2010 other than the few "big" RPGs.

The only games that I can remember being excited about and playing all the way through this past year would be: The Witcher 2, Dark Souls, Arkham City, Dead Space 2, and right now I'm working on the ho-hum HoMM6, waiting for Skyrim. I never finished Deus Ex (3/4 of the way finished...). Of those games, only Dark Souls and Dead Space 2 left me satisfied. The Witcher 2 came close. Not sure what happened with HR, but I just did not feel compelled to finish it, so it's on my "to do" list.

Last year it was Bayonetta, God of War 3 (huge disappointment) Mass Effect 2 (replayed the hell out of that), New Vegas and Lords of Shadow.

I've had Halflife 2 and the expansion sitting on my computer since forever. Ended up getting to the last stage before stopping briefly and then lost my save and never felt bothered to replay it yet (plan on it), even with the cinematic mod. I've had STALKER on my drive for about two years and haven't spent more than six hours total on it, and I also can't beat F.E.A.R., because it grows insanely boring a little halfway through. Beat Bioshock once, and as good as it was the first time, it's almost unbearable to replay.

Stranger Danger!
Is Mass Effect 3 here yet?
FUUUUUUUUUUUUU March is far away...

No shit. That's actually a game that I am truly excited about. If it turns out to be yet another in a seemingly endless series of disappointments, I am probably just going to go into a self-imposed gaming media blackout and just wait until after games have arrived and then read up on them. Kind of like "Oh hello there, nice to meet seemingly don't suck!". The only other two games that I can think of for 2012 that I want to play are Diablo 3 (but everyone already knows how it will play, so there's no suprises) and Kingdom's of Amalur (but if it ends up like just a better Fable, I dunno if I'll finish it).

Your 1337 skillz are no match for any game!

Wanna play Battletoads?
my current setup:

There was never any danger in Fallout 3 aside from the Deathclaw areas though. Some of the Ghoul areas could be a little "harder" than the others early on, but never to the point where you could not do them. So I really can't understand how this method is supposed to add back any true sense of danger. Then in NV the only really tough enemies were those flying bugs that hit like trucks and came in swarms.

Yeah but there were definitely variations in the difficulty of those groups. some sewers would be packed with glowing ones and others would be packed with 1 shotgun shot kill regular ghouls, and the deathclaw areas had different difficulties as well. Fallout 3 is a lot easier than the elder scrolls games though so i'm not too worried; i only died a few times in FO3 but it was fun and the difficulty of the areas was well done (running into a patch of supermutant overlords would make me holy fuck and run away/bust out my biggest guns) so if it's like that for skyrim that should be pretty good.

i hope they start making some info about fallout 4 public after skyrim comes out. i'm super pumped for skyrim obviously and will be playing that shit like crazy, but it's obvious they're working on fallout 4 and i can't WAIT to see what they can do for the next gen of graphics, gameplay mechanics etc. they could make a fucking sweet wasteland, so i'm seriously hoping its not another bullshit desert or alaska (they mentioned once when asked that "you liked the mojave didn't you?" which would make me fucking crazy if they did another desolate one). with all that they know about the current console tech/moving into the next gen they'll have sooo much power at their disposal that they could make an nyc or la wasteland that would be beyond fucking awesome.
God damn it.

I've been watching a stream of the leak and the Morrowind style raspy voice is gone, in place of a dumb sounding English accent. Not the sexy kind of English accent, the really annoying kind.
God damn it.

I've been watching a stream of the leak and the Morrowind style raspy voice is gone, in place of a dumb sounding English accent. Not the sexy kind of English accent, the really annoying kind.

Collector's Edition looks nice, but not $90 nicer...;thumb;1

The book looks worth maybe $20 - $25, and the dragon about the same. I'm not sure who, if anyone actually cares to pay for a making of with games either.
Sdraw, not for sure how you feel about regular peripherals (outside of arcade sticks) but you seem like me, picky. I picked up a PDP fightpad the other day for use with Touhou Project, Super Meatboy, and other platformers/shmups where I didn't think that busting out my behemoth was necessary. What makes this controller special isn't just the layout, it's the fact that each button and even the stick itself uses micro-switches as opposed to rubber actuators. It's seriously the most comfortable and accurate pad I've ever played on. There's a matte grey finish as well out there. I believe the controller runs at $35 and is available at most Gamestops.



There's this finish too:

Seriously, take my word for it and BUY IT. :kickass: Fuck, if you don't like it I'll pay you in full and pay shipping to take it off your hands. It's that good. I'm going to pick up at least 2 more in case they go obsolete.
God damn it.

I've been watching a stream of the leak and the Morrowind style raspy voice is gone, in place of a dumb sounding English accent. Not the sexy kind of English accent, the really annoying kind.

raspy voice for whom? dark elves? i wouldn't see that as a surprise as in oblivion most of the dark elves had really lame wussy voices as well, and that was quite disappointing as the morrowind dark elf voices were awesome and badass as shit. having the different races have different voices really made them distinct; you wouldn't want an argonian speaking in a regular accent and having the accents of each of the different kinds be dumbed down is just mega lame. its a fucking fantasy game, i demand variation and fantasy!

if you were talking about something else then nevermind but my point still stands in pissing me off haha. one thing i hated about the guards in oblivion was they were all imperial AND looked exactly the same except for the crest on their uniform. compare that to morrowind where every town/area had their own guard with a distinct uniform and different voices (though most, if not all were dark elf i believe, but some were female and they did have different voices) and you have bland, lame guards in oblivion and unique, interesting, and downright intimidating (especially the ordinators, dudes were fucking BOSS) guards in morrowind.
Sdraw, not for sure how you feel about regular peripherals (outside of arcade sticks) but you seem like me, picky. I picked up a PDP fightpad the other day for use with Touhou Project, Super Meatboy, and other platformers/shmups where I didn't think that busting out my behemoth was necessary. What makes this controller special isn't just the layout, it's the fact that each button and even the stick itself uses micro-switches as opposed to rubber actuators. It's seriously the most comfortable and accurate pad I've ever played on. There's a matte grey finish as well out there. I believe the controller runs at $35 and is available at most Gamestops.

I'm going to go out on a limb and just say right now that you've never played with a Sega Saturn pad circa 95-98 (not the "replica" editions). Those had by far the best possible D pad ever created for fighting games, and the controller itself was very comfortable to hold. I have a friend who has that Fight Pad, and I simply cannot stand it. The analog may use microswitches, but for fighting games it's absolutely horrible. Sure, it's a small step up from the default 360 pad, but it's still terrible for that purpose. For games that don't need to use the analogs, I'm sure it would be good...

I'm not trashing your opinion or anything, but I simply cannot use those with fighting games. It has way too much give and it's so "loose" that you bypass inputs more often than not unless you're focusing more on your thumb than actually playing. It's main purpose seemed to be for fighting games, yet it's still not even a second best to a decent stick and should only be considered if you cannot afford one. For real though, the Saturn pad was insanely good and there's never been another D pad like it. They brought them out again for the PS2 and a USB version for PS3/PC, but they still aren't 100% identical to the originals. Pretty much everything about the layout is the same, except the D pad is "off" compared to the original, even if it looks the same. I still have four of the originals and the USB version. The Saturn was the best Capcom machine ever.
To quote myself, "I picked up a PDP fightpad the other day for use with Touhou Project, Super Meatboy, and other platformers/shmups where I didn't think that busting out my behemoth was necessary." I'm clearly not using it for fighters. Also yes, Saturn pads are the best. My buddy Dark Geese is a pad player and swears by them. I've played on them many, many times. If I could find a legitimate replica for 360 that's all I'd use for platformers. Considering that's not an option though and probably never will be, I don't really use them for comparison. Also, :lol: Like I'd using anything but an arcade stick for fighters. The ONLY fighter I can play on pad is Tekken. <3 that TX Tekken.