Gaming Thread

I thought you already had it? you posted a picture of your character from the beta, how could you not have it now?
also duh, gotta be sith. in KOTOR while you can be evil i don't recall you being able to be truly sith, and so this time around i found it awesome to be the evil dude (i'm a sith marauder, the inquisitor is probably what i'll do for my next character but i like lightsaber combat and sheer asskicking brutality more so i wanted to start out with that).
I thought you already had it? you posted a picture of your character from the beta, how could you not have it now?
also duh, gotta be sith. in KOTOR while you can be evil i don't recall you being able to be truly sith, and so this time around i found it awesome to be the evil dude (i'm a sith marauder, the inquisitor is probably what i'll do for my next character but i like lightsaber combat and sheer asskicking brutality more so i wanted to start out with that).

Because I never bought it? Also the beta's are for short, set amount of times.
I've been replaying Mass Effect again, and for the life of me can't understand why anyone would bitch about the loss of inventory in the second game. The second game is pretty much superior in just about every way possible, other than having kind of a weak "story". It more than makes up for that though by having much improved squadmate interaction and quests. It also has a vastly superior art design and production.

There are only two good ammo types in the first game: Armor Piercing (Tungsten) and Anti-Personnel Rounds (Shredder). Nothing else comes anywhere close at all, and your inventory is constantly bombarded with constant useless crap.

For armors you're only going to ever use whatever the best is that you can currently get, in the end it comes down to Colossus/Predator (Colossus is overall better though). There's no true customization in that regard. It's not like you're going to wear a shitty armor just because you like the way it looks. You're also going to use a Medical augment that reduces cooldown and gives you regen along with the a Kinetic whatever that also reduces cooldowns.

There's really only one good weapon for the player character: Pistols. They blow away Assault Rifles in both accuracy and damage (with Marksman), and if you're using a weapon based class anyway you'll be able to get Marksman with a 95% uptime. For squadmates Sniper Rifles are a pretty great choice since they don't miss that often and can shoot from maximum range. Assault Rifles are an okay backup for up close situations where you get swarmed, but it doesn't happen that often. I usually just keep a Sniper on Garrus and have Ashley use one on open maps. Snipers have their use for the player, but they are only a better choice over the pistol on the Citadel attack at the end of the game, so there's no reason to put any points into them until last.

People said the reason Biotics were "gimped" in the second game is because they were too strong in the first. That's not an accurate assessment at all. The most powerful classes are Infiltrator and Soldier. You can literally have permenant Immunity up and just go in and clear the room with a pistol way faster than "crowd controlling" a room and slowly killing off enemies with biotics/shotguns/tech explosions. You don't need to make enemies helpless when you don't take damage and can kill them so quickly.

The only thing I kind of miss from the first game was the Lift/Throw combo (especially outside and in the Citadel) and Singularity being better than what it is in the second (due to shields/armor/barriers). People also complain about how the fights always take place on staged sets, but so what? They play out way better than how most interior fights went in the first game. The best thing about the second game is that there's a reason to actually play ALL of the classes.
I'm still downloading it. After 8 god.

Yeah I think all together you are looking at 25GB download. Well If you are wanting to play with us, Max and I are getting together on one of the servers but I have no idea which one. I have a character on the Keller's Void server with the The Galactic Republic if you want to play a Republic character. The server Max and I will be playing on will be with the Sith.
I'm just reminding you all, Obsidian did a better job with Star Wars than Lucas and Bioware combined. Yet, Lucas Art's condemned the shade of grey and depth they introduced to such a generic, black and white series.

Does TOR contain this amount of mastery? No. I know it doesn't, because I've played it, too.

But go ahead, disregard what Obsidian did to this legendary franchise.

I'm just reminding you all, Obsidian did a better job with Star Wars than Lucas and Bioware combined. Yet, Lucas Art's condemned the shade of grey and depth they introduced to such a generic, black and white series.

Does TOR contain this amount of mastery? No. I know it doesn't, because I've played it, too.

But go ahead, disregard what Obsidian did to this legendary franchise.

What does Obsidian have to do with whether or not someone wants to play TOR? You're suggesting that you can't enjoy more than a single offering from a single developer? :tickled:
Besides, who the hell goes into an MMORPG thinking that it's going to have much in the way of depth compared to what can be done with a single player game?
In case you missed it, the Shadow of the Colossus/Ico collection was released in September. I knew that they had been planning on relasing it for a while, but never saw any actual release date announcements. For those that have never gotten to play either, you're doing yourself a disservice by skipping out. Ico is so much better now that it's available in widescreen, and both games look quite a bit better with the higher res textures.

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I've been playing TOR as well, hella fucking fun. Some stuff gets repetitive and there are some tasks that feel really stereotypical mmo, but overall it's amazing what they've been able to do and how (for the most part) having so many players fits in with the world and feels natural. I can't even imagine the fact that there are still all the other classes; I at least want to do 1 game as a jedi and 1 as a bounty hunter so i've got a longgg haul ahead of me haha (and i'm only a level 17 sith marauder on dromund kaas now).

are they ever going to make it so you can transfer your character to other servers? at some point it'd be cool to play with you guys (right now i mostly do everything single player but i group up with people occasionally) but making an entire new character is basically starting a new game and doing that just to be on a specific server would be pretty rough.
Yeah I think all together you are looking at 25GB download. Well If you are wanting to play with us, Max and I are getting together on one of the servers but I have no idea which one. I have a character on the Keller's Void server with the The Galactic Republic if you want to play a Republic character. The server Max and I will be playing on will be with the Sith.

Cool! I finally finished downloading it after about 24 hours and I'm completely blown away by it. It's nothing new, of course, aside from cutscenes and such, but it's really, really good even for a non-sandbox MMO. It's very epic. It's like KOTOR in MMO, which is awesome. Graphically it's not as good as Eve but I don't care...MMOs rarely have amazing graphics and besides, it's all about the gameplay.

I'm on a Euro server with my Jedi Warrior for now, but I'll be starting up a Sith character soon, possibly a Sith Inquisitor. If you guys are forming a guild I might put him on a US server. Awesome!
I played quite a bit of the beta, but I'm refraining from getting the game until I've at least finished Batman Arkham City and Assassin's Creed 4. This could be sometime in the summer at this rate.