Gaming Thread

Looks interesting, albeit a bit God of War-ish. Hopefully it will be good. The premise is really cool but after watching that vid, it just feels a bit like another button mashing fest a la God of War, Dante's Inferno, Devil May Cry, etc. Not that there's anything bad about that, just that it's been done a million times before. I don't see how the devs are going on about how original it is; sure, it's cool to be able to invent your own combos and stuff, but I think the real test is gonna be the story and just how RPG it really is.
Looks interesting, albeit a bit God of War-ish. Hopefully it will be good. The premise is really cool but after watching that vid, it just feels a bit like another button mashing fest a la God of War, Dante's Inferno, Devil May Cry, etc. Not that there's anything bad about that, just that it's been done a million times before. I don't see how the devs are going on about how original it is; sure, it's cool to be able to invent your own combos and stuff, but I think the real test is gonna be the story and just how RPG it really is.

The point is that it's supposed to be RPG heavy like any other "real" RPG, but with combat that doesn't suck donkey balls like most. Until it's actually released, it's just a bunch of talk, but it's literally supposed to be a TES game for the roleplaying aspects with an action/adventure game combat system. In my mind that's the best of both worlds.

I also can't really take the "overdone" claim seriously when you have games with combat like Skyrim. Dragon Age 2, despite being bad in so many areas actually had fun combat for a change. Origins had just the same recycled and stale combat that had been done in literally every single isometric RPG up until then.
For those playing TOR:

I've going to be creating a guild on the Deadweight server this weekend.

Join up, you fuckers!

edit: me and steve are warriors, so I would especially appreciate other classes, especially inquisitors and imperial agents!
I tried, DW. But it's such a carbon copy of WOW, I can't. The writing is garbage. The quest are garbage. The graphics are garbage, the animations are abysmal. The gameplay and mechanics are lol. Looking at Guild Wars 2.... I just can't see myself investing this kind of time in this day and age.

I played 10 hours give or take, with an open mind set, Bioware grudges aside, can't do it.
GW2 is gonna be like the predecessor, right? As in, no subscription? If so, I'm goan git it.

I think I'm just so much of a Star Wars fanboy that I'd play TOR regardless. There's some truth in what you said but there has been an ache in my loins for new SW games (and mmo at that) that I'm happy as a pig in shit right now. I liked Dark Jedi for about ten minutes and then forced myself to finish that God of War carbon copy just for the story. The abilities were really, really cool and so was the setting, but the gameplay was severely lacking. You can only button-mash for so long.

Talkingbackwards, let's hope you're right and that it's something giant in scope like TES. That mixed with that sort of combat WOULD be epic. I hope they don't put it on rails.
damn, i'll join your guild eventually, but i'm just getting to other planets and everything so i can't leave my character yet! damn you character being bound to servers argghhhh

and yeah john is right, it is a pretty shit game when it comes down to it, but i love it. the animations/acting are some times so bad its ridiculous and some quests are mundane as fuck, but its super addictive, the world is engrossing as hell, there are a shitload of fun gameplay elements, some missions are fun as hell and epic, just being in the star wars universe in this fashion is legit as fuck and overall it's just a good time. probably my star wars fanboyness has a lot to do with it, but i wouldn't play any other mmorpgs, yet this one is ridiculously fun. i loved kotor and this is like kotor in modern times (but wayyy more simplified and accessible) yet it's still quite fun. the overall experience makes me forget about some of the ridiculousness that can come up.
Yeah same here. It has its obvious flaws, but I'm kinda glad the graphics have been dumbed down. I'm tired of getting a new pc every 5 years just to play a game.

It's addictive; way more addictive than WoW ever was, and for me nearly as addictive as Eve. I think I prefer Eve just because it's so much more complex, but I haven't even logged in due to playing TOR non-stop for the past three days.
Yeah, TOR rocks. I'm still not a fan of the art style (except Kaas City, which looks AWESOME), and the dialogue is frequently super cheesy, but its so much fun.

agreed but i understand their motivation, with the cartoony style they can dumb it down enough that tons of people can play it (any sith warriors looked at darth baras's mask *btw thats not a spoiler*? low texture res to the max) and from how successful it is its clearly doing its job. anyone know off hand roughly how many are playing now? i remember the budget was like 135 mil but considering how successful its been (and only getting better as time goes on) i wouldnt' be surprised if they've already covered the development cost. imagine if they could use 135 mil on KOTOR 3, it could look/be absolutely fucking amazing (but that'd never happen, damn you videogame industryyyyy).

recently some quests have been boring the shit out of me just because i've been playing so long that i skip the dialogue; on one of the planets (balmorra) there are soooo many quests that i got overloaded with them and didn't feel connection to some of them at all (so overloaded it told me to finish some quests before even accepting any more!). though after a break and going back it felt better, and most of the quests are really fun; i couldn't imagine wow because if its less complex and deep than this that'd be boring as fuck (and seeing all the cities is awesome; kaas city is amazing and nar shadaa is fucking rad).

i'm level 25 now and doing all side quests; hope to reach level 50 by the end of the class story and then i'm going to restart with a new character (probably sith inquisitor or bounty hunter) and my friend is going to join me as well; maybe i'll join the guild if you guys aren't wayyyy high above me in level by my 2nd character haha, i can't believe there are 8 classes when even being one class and doing side quests/killing things/doing pvp (FUCKING AWESOME) are so fun.
and from how successful it is its clearly doing its job. anyone know off hand roughly how many are playing now?

i remember the budget was like 135 mil but considering how successful its been (and only getting better as time goes on) i wouldnt' be surprised if they've already covered the development cost. imagine if they could use 135 mil on KOTOR 3

Contradict yourself much? :)

I don't remember how many people were playing World of Warcraft during the first month, but I would be highly suprised if this game gets even half of the amount of subscribers that game had at it's peak (11 million). Still, if it gets even 3 million, it will be making a decent profit. I also find it very humorous that someone who hasn't really even played WoW can talk about how boring that game is, or how very little they liked it, yet are playing the exact same game wrapped up in a Star Wars wrapper.
yeah and the star wars wrapper is what makes it so fun. to be completely honest i wouldn't want to do fetch quests and other bullshit if it wasn't tied into star wars lore, plus i sincerely doubt the combat in wow was as robust as in tor. the sheer amount of variation is insane, though again i could be totally wrong and i'm not ripping on people who dig wow more.

i'd still like to know how many people are playing, but seriously i would not be surprised if they covered the development cost. i know there are costs even now, but at $60 for the game (i still hate that even pc games are $60 when digital now; it's such fucking horse shit) and $15 per month for a subscription they're clearly makin some cash. i'm sure their army of nerds watching their obscene amount of servers is expensive though; those upkeep nerds gotta pay for their models and ultra premium edition collectors blah blah of every game somehow (but i guess i shouldn't be talking considering i was on nar shadaa killing thugs while i heard the city new years fireworks blasting in the background barely over the noise of WOOOSH, VERRUUM, KST KST)
Contradict yourself much? :)

I don't remember how many people were playing World of Warcraft during the first month, but I would be highly suprised if this game gets even half of the amount of subscribers that game had at it's peak (11 million). Still, if it gets even 3 million, it will be making a decent profit. I also find it very humorous that someone who hasn't really even played WoW can talk about how boring that game is, or how very little they liked it, yet are playing the exact same game wrapped up in a Star Wars wrapper.

The only things the two have in common are that they're MMOs and they share a similar skill system. TOR is basically KOTOR with multiplayer. WoW is WAY more cartoon-y than TOR as far as graphics go. Saying it's a carbon copy is the same as saying WoW was a carbon copy of DAOC and EQ. It's not a carbon copy.

TOR still lacks a few things that WoW implemented later in its life such as the dungeon queues, but it's only been out like a week and a half. It took WoW four or five years to develop a queue like they have now. However, TOR actually rewards you for grinding with the Bonuses, giving you a significant boost in XP when you kill extra mobs. Also, it's FUCKING COOL that you can have your own ship even if it's just on rails and do space missions to break up the monotony. Oh, and there is definitely something to be said for actually making you feel like you make a difference by actually giving you choices. Crafting is better and easier as well. How cool is it to send your droid to do the crafting/hunting while you take your other companion out with you? You can do several things at once whereas with other MMOs you have to stop what you're doing and go mine ore or gather herbs or some such bullshit for hours on end, sacrificing gameplay. Not with TOR.

Also, TOR has the fastest-growing subscription rate in MMO history.

The fact of the matter is, if you like Star Wars and you like MMOs, you're going to like TOR. A LOT.

Also the sound in this game is nothing short of phenomenal. This game will likely be the next WoW; I doubt it will ever have the immense player base WoW has, but it's gonna come close. Guild Wars 2 had better tighten up their loose ends and really shine with something breakthrough if they're gonna compete decently. I think, however, that simply because it's Star Wars in and of itself will land it a huge player base. People who are Star Wars fanatics like myself will gladly keep playing because we've wanted a game like this for ages.

Think about this: this is the vanilla version of TOR. WoW has three huge expansion packs. When TOR comes out with their own expansions and starts giving new classes, races, areas, abilities, etc., the playing field is gonna be blown wide open. I cannot understate the importance of it being Star Wars because just that fact alone gives it an edge over something like Warhammer or WoW. It's got deeper canon which goes back much further than everyone else, aside from maybe LOTR. But LOTRO is boring as shit.

Star Wars transcends entire generations. Here's proof.

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I'm a huge star wars nerd but i refuse to play this, the graphics alone make me question my faith in humanity, never mind the fact that space is on rails...that just makes me want to punch babies.