Gaming Thread

P4 next, right?
Either that, or Nocturne. It's really hard to decide...

All that matters is Persona 5 is going to be announced very soon. "What you've all been waiting for." It will be the definitive JRPG of this generation
Careful John, overhyping a game before it's been released is a surefire way to end up disappointed.

Then again, it's Atlus, and they know how to make good games.

I'm telling you Stormo... I know after so many hours in P3 you might feel burnt out, but Persona 4 really is so much better.
Oh, I don't feel burnt out at all, I'm still having fun. It's 01/12 now, so I only have 18 more days to go. Grindin' it up in Tartarus like a mofo.

But didn't you also buy Nocturne? You might enjoy that more.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I'm really curious about Nocturne as it happens, so I don't know which to play first. Since Nocturne was chronologically first released, I should really play that first, then finish DDS and start DDS2, and only then P4, but it's a tough decision.

I also still have Star Ocean, Shadow Hearts: Covenant, Shadow Hearts: From the New World, Dragon Quest VIII, Disgaea 2, Okami and Shadow of the Colossus to start/continue.

So many games, so little time...
Forget Digital Devil Saga. It can wait.

Nocturne still scares me to this day. It is philisophically stimulating in a way that no other game could be. The metal/ambient soundtrack...the storyline that is scarce but strong, the grimness...only play it if you are ready to devote all of your time to it and no other game. It is unforigiving, but incredibly rewarding.

Persona 4 is my third favorite game. More light-hearted, but still very intriguing as a murder mystery novel. The characters made me feel for them so much.

I prefer Persona 4, but Stormo, I think you would prefer Nocturne. I'll say it one last time, Eric T wasn't lying when he called it the greatest JRPG of all time.

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Terraria anyone? been watching the totalbiscuit/jessie cox thing and made me want to play it, but not as much fun unless you have more people lol

I can try it out with you. I have it but only played it for a few minutes. The reason why I didn't play it much was due to the fact that I was going through a Minecraft phase :<
Just beat the pants off Nyx Avatar, fought the entire battle with Lucifer, who really is the best Persona in the game (but didn't use a single Armageddon!). Now dinner is ready, so I'll eat now and then watch the ending.

Also, if you can look at Lucifer and not go all mancrush, then you're a more heterosexual man than I am.
I thought Nyx was really easy.

No spoilers, promise.

If you go Nocturne, make sure you follow the steps to get the "True Demon Ending" so you can fight the real boss.

Also, the first demon you get in the game, save her. You can fuse her, but never discard her.

If you get the skill "Pierce" keep it! Needed for final boss.

Yeah. Anyway, as good as the first was, it really felt like an amateurish work compared to the second. Both games are very much worth playing, but practically everything people whined about from the first was fixed in the second (although the added planet mining gets old after an hour of it). The art design and production values of the second are through the roof too.

-Combat was greatly improved.
-Classes are actual "classes" now and each is worth playing.
-Side missions are all good to excellent now.
-Somewhat less of a "story" but it's a lot more personal and your squad members matter now and don't feel so much like cardboard cutouts.
-Clunky inventory removed in favor of a research/upgrade system.
-Squad AI was "improved" but they are still dumb as bricks. You're better off parking them out of LOS and just using their powers.

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You are fucked sir. I spent a lot of my time creating these and I now suffer from bed sores.

Yeah I fucked up the hand. Never went back to fix it because I UNINSTALLED THE GAME FOREVER.


I don't think you understand how big this Mitsuo model really is. It reached to the top of the skybox