Gaming Thread

Skyrim is fun but very very reminiscent of Oblivion. The graphics are sick. The music is better in Oblivion, though. That's the best Elderscrolls soundtrack ever. King and Country is my all time favorite. One thing that annoys me is that Skyrim is glitched to fucking hell. examples: locations don't get marked on your map when you receive them from other npc's, tons of faulty physics (mammoths falling from heaven?) and very annoying as well is that characters speak over each other. the random brawls are pretty stupid. i love the fact that you can hire mercenaries now for those really tough cave-clearing quests. that's great. the magic is pretty weak, though. some of the weapons are sick. the axes are way better in this game. overall it's very good but im salivating to finally play Red Dead Redemption now that I have it.

Skyrim vs Red Dead Redemption?
You are fucked sir. I spent a lot of my time creating these and I now suffer from bed sores.

Yeah I fucked up the hand. Never went back to fix it because I UNINSTALLED THE GAME FOREVER.


I don't think you understand how big this Mitsuo model really is. It reached to the top of the skybox
Ah im in it more for the survival aspect of it. And I find the caves make a better horror feeling (certanly more of a jump factor) that even deadspace somehow. Loving it so far!
Skyrim is fun but very very reminiscent of Oblivion. The graphics are sick. The music is better in Oblivion, though. That's the best Elderscrolls soundtrack ever. King and Country is my all time favorite. One thing that annoys me is that Skyrim is glitched to fucking hell. examples: locations don't get marked on your map when you receive them from other npc's, tons of faulty physics (mammoths falling from heaven?) and very annoying as well is that characters speak over each other. the random brawls are pretty stupid. i love the fact that you can hire mercenaries now for those really tough cave-clearing quests. that's great. the magic is pretty weak, though. some of the weapons are sick. the axes are way better in this game. overall it's very good but im salivating to finally play Red Dead Redemption now that I have it.

Skyrim vs Red Dead Redemption?

Depends. Two completely different games, but as for the story, I would choose RDR. It's amazing.

Also, most of the soundtrack from Skyrim is either the exact same music from Morrowind or the exact same music from Morrowind with a choir. It is awesome, though.
Depends. Two completely different games, but as for the story, I would choose RDR. It's amazing.

Also, most of the soundtrack from Skyrim is either the exact same music from Morrowind or the exact same music from Morrowind with a choir. It is awesome, though.

and thats why its so god damn awesome haha! whenever the re-done morrowind theme comes on when i'm traversing the landscape i get so fucking pumped; the soundtrack of morrowind was wayyyy better than oblivion so it brings back fond memories. skyrim is fucking amazing and to me the best elder scrolls game yet since it molds everything good about morrowind and oblivion into one and adds new things (though morrowind is pretty damn close to as good as it and i think considering the technology differences the art/world design is better; i realllyyy hope modders take the continent that is modeled into the game and try to recreate all of cyrodill and morrowind in the skyrim engine.

also the map thing isn't a bug, it confused me too but if you see in the upper left hand corner it say added to map then it means it is added, but the thing is you don't know exactly what is added. so you'll check your map and see a bunch of new black areas, and won't know which was added. unless you hear exactly what they said its hard to deduce what got added to your map; the new system with the white being discovered, the cleared marker and black for not discovered is great, but with that addition of learning locations from people randomly it got a little bit muddled, especially if they're talking about a location you already know.
So simple yet awesome. The shout made me fuckin lol.

Anyone know if they plan to allow the transferring of characters between servers in the future in tor? Im a level 35 marauder and there's so much I've done and yet still have to do. Even once I hit level 50 I'll still have stuff I want to do and probably have 20 more hours. I'm going to create a new character to play with my friend eventually, but I'd like to transfer over at some point and play with you guys; being stuck on one server is pretty lame tbh but if that is the case I'll just have my friend and I play on whatever server I know people I want to play with are on (I also want to try a full on pvp server; god damn this game is expansive and any dlc or packs will make it even more ridiculous)
Sorry for the double post but I was wondering, why didn't they use more music from the movies in tor? If it was developed with Lucas arts and whatnot don't they have access to all the assets of Lucas? I mean if they made a deal to use star wars content why couldn't they use for example the cantina music in the cantina? Simple things like that would've made it sooo much more awesome and they use some music from the movies, yet in the space battle use the same lame ass song over and over instead of switching it up and getting the space music from the movies.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

On another note, I finished my full Renegade lvl 30 Infiltrator and that ungrateful bitch Tali died because she decided to become disloyal when I told her to fuck off and that Legion is staying. So I have yet to complete the suicide mission without anyone dying (never actually tried to be honest). Trying it again with my new Sentinel, and it better work this time. Although since I'm doing Paragon this time, now I have to worry about the Jack/Miranda fight not working out.

Also, for those that didn't know, when you cast the Sentinel's tech armor, it resets your squad's normally super long cooldowns. This was a biproduct from something they had originally added to tech armor and intended to remove, but never did. So you can basically blow their cooldowns on something, pop tech armor and do it again. This works especially awesomely with Miranda/Samara/Jacob. Sentinels also have quite a few more tricks up their sleeve than I originally thought. Not only are they the best shotgun/melee attackers on Insanity, they can also ping enemies off the map.

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sentinel is the one class i have not played as. I think I know what class im gonna choose for my final play through of ME1 and 2

Well honestly, they are truly one of the shittiest in the first game...they are truly a master of nothing, and being a generalist in that game isn't so hot. But if you play below Insanity it doesn't really matter much. You could always just pick Singularity as a bonus power I guess and pretend you're playing an Adept with tech abilities.

In the second, they are BY FAR the most durable class in the game (on Insanity), even moreso than the Soldier; and the cooldown exploit just makes them over the top.

I am glad that Bioware is actually adjusting biotics again in the third game. Throw, Pull and I think the new Adept punch will actually be more effective than they were in the second against enemies with protections still up. That was the largest downside to playing the Adept. So even if they don't fully ragdoll, they should at least stagger for a bit, or strip away a healthy amount of protection. Shockwave was actually one of the most amazing abilities in the game...on normal difficulty, and then it just become trash after that.

I just recently finished Horizon with my current...and it was literally the easiest I've ever had with any class bar none. I could basically dance circles around the scions too as the husks would swarm to me, and I could just gather them all up and have Mordin strip them all at once and then when the armor would pop, they would all die. I could also stand point blank with a Harbinger until it died.
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I'll be sticking with Vanguard.

Vanguards are easily my favorite, no question. It's just that I'm trying to finish the game with the classes I've never finished everything with. Vanguard and Infiltrator are my two favorites, with Vanguard coming out on top; but Vanguards are a pain on Insanity during the earliest levels. Sentinel is also extremely fun, if not borderline broken and sadly the Soldier is an even better sniper than the Infiltrator. Engineers are slow starters, but can be fun, while Adepts...ugh.

I hope they fixed the charge bug though. That was one of the most rage inducing elements of playing the Vanguard. "Can't get a lock", "Can't target" when you have an enemy directly in front of you with no obstacles and charge simply doesn't do anything...and then you die.
Infiltrator all the way. Oh how I <3 that sniper rifle scope slowdown.

Have you played a Soldier? They can get an even slower dilation. Because of that, they also can do more damage than the Infiltrator with sniper rifles. Not only is it easier to headshot, you get a 200% damage bonus when under Adrenaline Rush. The Widow is my favorite rifle, but you can do more damage overall with the Viper as a Soldier. My most recent lvl 30 is an Infiltrator, and if you aren't playing it like a wannabe Vanguard by running up and shotgunning with cloak on, it's kind of like "What's the point?". You get Incinerate, which is useful, and 1 rank of AI Hacking is useful, but other than that they are actually kind of weak in comparison (yet still easily one of the top 3 strongest). You don't regenerate any health while cloaked either.
Have you played a Soldier? They can get an even slower dilation. Because of that, they also can do more damage than the Infiltrator with sniper rifles. Not only is it easier to headshot, you get a 200% damage bonus when under Adrenaline Rush. The Widow is my favorite rifle, but you can do more damage overall with the Viper as a Soldier. My most recent lvl 30 is an Infiltrator, and if you aren't playing it like a wannabe Vanguard by running up and shotgunning with cloak on, it's kind of like "What's the point?". You get Incinerate, which is useful, and 1 rank of AI Hacking is useful, but other than that they are actually kind of weak in comparison (yet still easily one of the top 3 strongest). You don't regenerate any health while cloaked either.
Mm, to be honest, I'm not all that much about DPS or stuff like that when playing an RPG. I just pick the playstyle which fits the character and looks the most fun.

Soldier is not my thing... for some reason, it makes me feel like I'm playing the game as an FPS. And I don't want that.
Mm, to be honest, I'm not all that much about DPS or stuff like that when playing an RPG. I just pick the playstyle which fits the character and looks the most fun.

Soldier is not my thing... for some reason, it makes me feel like I'm playing the game as an FPS. And I don't want that.

Well, everyone can play however they like. It doesn't hurt that all of the classes offer varying degrees of uniqueness in playstyles either. Thing is though, the ME games are RPG/Shooter hybrids, they aren't just RPGs. The Soldier seems to be the baseline and simplest to play of all classes for those who don't really care about the RPG aspects as much or are coming from shooters. They get every gun and they get the best bonuses to weapon damage and can easily do headshots while running. They also have insane storm speed.


Soldier does everything other than Incinerate and AI hacking better. I still like the Infiltrator more though, kind of for similar reasons as Stormo. I also used to always have Miranda in my group if I was using a weapons based class for her squad bonus and if I could do Warp explosions, but I've found that she's actually kind of a shitty member depending on your class. She dies so fucking much compared to everyone else due to her horribly bad AI that she isn't even doing anything. Thane/Samara are better for setting up Warp bombs and they also do a lot more damage with weapons, while Mordin/Grunt are incredible for Horizon and the IFF. I never used Grunt that much other than for his squad ammo, but he can take so many hits compared to everyone else, and he does pretty good damage with the Mattock.

Personality wise I like Mordin the best, followed by Miranda, while Jack is the absolute worst in both personality and looks. It's like a thirteen year old created that crappy character.
Jack is the absolute worst in both personality and looks. It's like a thirteen year old created that crappy character.
"Hey Shepard! Bitch fuck shit dick ass cunt fucking fuck shit cunt ass! I'm so shit-fucking badass I don't take cunt-assing dick from anybody and I play a prepubescent fucking shit-licking attraction/repulsion cunt ass game! Fuck."