Gaming Thread

"Hey Shepard! Bitch fuck shit dick ass cunt fucking fuck shit cunt ass! I'm so shit-fucking badass I don't take cunt-assing dick from anybody and I play a prepubescent fucking shit-licking attraction/repulsion cunt ass game! Fuck."

You forgot "And I'm a little girl. Shit, it's complicated!".

The good news about Jack is that not only is her character terrible, her "class" has a retarded design for anything above normal, so you'll never find a single reason to take her. Jacob is just like her, only with a lot more health, Barrier and a generally more useful ammo type.
hahah i dont hate jack nearly as much as most people do. Its jacob that I despise the most.

Only because he doesn't hit you with the good stuff when you tell him to.

I think I like Mordin, Miranda, Garrus and Thane personality wise, and the rest are just about the same in the "whatever" department; except for Jack--who is in the "I hope a Collector turns her into DNA soup" category.

And holy shit, have you seen the updated character models in ME3 for the returning members? Ashley no longer looks like someone caked on pancake batter all over her face, and both Shepards took a similar leap as what they did between the first and second games.
I just played Arrival for the first time. Do not play this if you have not yet, unless you want your faith in Bioware to suddenly take a nose-dive. Not only is it riddled with major plot-holes, any sense of "choice" is taken right out of your hands with one of the major decisions. I also hope to god that the DLC is not an indication of the "improved AI" that they've been hyping up.

Enemies flanked much more, but they also took cover in exceedingly stupid ways (crouch "behind" the tip of a table with your back turned to me?) and their movement behaviour was just like a whack-a-mole game, and they would unnaturally skate from left to right at inhuman speeds.
I've had my first official MMO rage. fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

So the past few days have been great, the sith warrior story had some plot points so good they made me laugh with joy, my character has been leveling fast, i've been enjoying the past few planets; everything is going great. so i'm on the imperial space station getting some companion gifts and i take a flashpoint mission and it says to complete foundry or boarding party. i join a group to do foundry but it says i can't, so luckily i see and join another group doing boarding party.

everythings going great, we're annihilating, and we hit the first snag with some bosses. we keep getting stomped for really stupid reason etc but nbd, we keep trying and eventually conquer.

fast forward to the LAST FUCKING BOSS OF THE FLASHPOINT. we're all exhausted and have spent 2-3 fucking hours doing this flashpoint, completed all bonus missions and i've spent a small fortune (i had raised 50k in the past 3 days, now down to 2k) and are on the final stretch. but my group keeps fucking up despite my pleas to stim up and ability up before the fight. one of them still just flat out DOESN'T FUCKING STIM UP or uses a resolve stim when our problem is getting stomped too early HELLO USE FUCKING FORTITUDE. finally its getting so bad one guy straight up goes out to look for members WHEN WE'RE ON THE LAST FUCKING STAGE, NO ONE WILL FUCKING JOIN. so we waste 10 minutes waiting for this dude until our other member has to leave, so we get one more attempt and he DOESN'T STIM UP AND DOESN'T ATTACK THE TARGET WE SAY TO ATTACK. even with him not doing it right we almost kill the main problem target and would need only one more shot, but our healer has to leave and we can't get anyone else to join.

so in the end i spent 2-3 hours, all my earnings and slavings for the past 3 days (50k), all my good items, a ton of time i can't get back and did a gigantic flashpoint with tons of stuff up until THE LAST FUCKING BOSS and had to quit before finishing it. all of that, thrown away because of dipshits who can't do everything in their power to win and are fuckikng retarded. i'm so furious its unbelievable, i wasted my entire sunday doing this and got NO FUCKING PAYOFF. i'm never doing a flashpoint again, no fucking joke. they're horribly unbalanced in that you can kill everything but then the final boss just becomes ridiculous and if you have anyone in your team who is slightly fucking stupid you're completely doomed and have no hope. fuck that noise, fuck those stupid cheap quests, i'll stick to single player stuff, heroic 2's and heroic 4's occasionally if i can find a group with some actual fucking BRAINS. i can't believe how that flushed away everything i had been enjoying the past few days. fuckikng hell. i'm going to make my next character on a pvp server so my friend and i can kill the shit out of morons if this ever happens again.
I've had my first official MMO rage. fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

So the past few days have been great, the sith warrior story had some plot points so good they made me laugh with joy, my character has been leveling fast, i've been enjoying the past few planets; everything is going great. so i'm on the imperial space station getting some companion gifts and i take a flashpoint mission and it says to complete foundry or boarding party. i join a group to do foundry but it says i can't, so luckily i see and join another group doing boarding party.

everythings going great, we're annihilating, and we hit the first snag with some bosses. we keep getting stomped for really stupid reason etc but nbd, we keep trying and eventually conquer.

fast forward to the LAST FUCKING BOSS OF THE FLASHPOINT. we're all exhausted and have spent 2-3 fucking hours doing this flashpoint, completed all bonus missions and i've spent a small fortune (i had raised 50k in the past 3 days, now down to 2k) and are on the final stretch. but my group keeps fucking up despite my pleas to stim up and ability up before the fight. one of them still just flat out DOESN'T FUCKING STIM UP or uses a resolve stim when our problem is getting stomped too early HELLO USE FUCKING FORTITUDE. finally its getting so bad one guy straight up goes out to look for members WHEN WE'RE ON THE LAST FUCKING STAGE, NO ONE WILL FUCKING JOIN. so we waste 10 minutes waiting for this dude until our other member has to leave, so we get one more attempt and he DOESN'T STIM UP AND DOESN'T ATTACK THE TARGET WE SAY TO ATTACK. even with him not doing it right we almost kill the main problem target and would need only one more shot, but our healer has to leave and we can't get anyone else to join.

so in the end i spent 2-3 hours, all my earnings and slavings for the past 3 days (50k), all my good items, a ton of time i can't get back and did a gigantic flashpoint with tons of stuff up until THE LAST FUCKING BOSS and had to quit before finishing it. all of that, thrown away because of dipshits who can't do everything in their power to win and are fuckikng retarded. i'm so furious its unbelievable, i wasted my entire sunday doing this and got NO FUCKING PAYOFF. i'm never doing a flashpoint again, no fucking joke. they're horribly unbalanced in that you can kill everything but then the final boss just becomes ridiculous and if you have anyone in your team who is slightly fucking stupid you're completely doomed and have no hope. fuck that noise, fuck those stupid cheap quests, i'll stick to single player stuff, heroic 2's and heroic 4's occasionally if i can find a group with some actual fucking BRAINS. i can't believe how that flushed away everything i had been enjoying the past few days. fuckikng hell. i'm going to make my next character on a pvp server so my friend and i can kill the shit out of morons if this ever happens again.


The flashpoints are not unbalanced. You and your team just suck. There you go, getting all butt hurt and then you go off about how the flashpoints are unbalanced and complain your ass off. Suck it up and quit bitching like a little kid. Go ahead and stick with your solo single-player stuff. The best drops are in flashpoints so have fun with your awful gear. Life must be terrible!

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i will go back to my solo stuff haha, yes the group i was with was terrible but when you're easily able to blow through everything and then cannot even make a dent in the boss that doesn't exactly seem balanced correctly. bosses should be tough yes, but you shouldn't have absolutely no chance and not be able to make a dent in them unless you have some freak luck/glitch.

the fact that i got completely fucked over probably contributes to it, but so far i have not enjoyed any flashpoint. black talon was ok, the one where you invade the revolting city was really really boring and this one was just flat out stupid in that everything was unbelievably easy and then the bosses were just outrageous.

maybe when my anger wears off at how much it buttfucked me i'll try again, but i'm not interesting in fighting hoardes of easy enemies and then a super cheap boss with nothing interesting. maybe if hte flashpoints had more group social battles or interesting aspects instead of waves of boring enemies i'd be more inclined. i've had far more fun on the single player missions or super detailed and structured heroic 4's.
i will go back to my solo stuff haha, yes the group i was with was terrible but when you're easily able to blow through everything and then cannot even make a dent in the boss that doesn't exactly seem balanced correctly. bosses should be tough yes, but you shouldn't have absolutely no chance and not be able to make a dent in them unless you have some freak luck/glitch.

the fact that i got completely fucked over probably contributes to it, but so far i have not enjoyed any flashpoint. black talon was ok, the one where you invade the revolting city was really really boring and this one was just flat out stupid in that everything was unbelievably easy and then the bosses were just outrageous.

maybe when my anger wears off at how much it buttfucked me i'll try again, but i'm not interesting in fighting hoardes of easy enemies and then a super cheap boss with nothing interesting. maybe if hte flashpoints had more group social battles or interesting aspects instead of waves of boring enemies i'd be more inclined. i've had far more fun on the single player missions or super detailed and structured heroic 4's.

indeed. i plan on just continuing on with the main story, it's really getting pretty awesome which is surprising considering they had to do stories for 8 classes. figured they'd be fairly tacked on but they put some pretty good stuff in there that really hits on what people would want out of a star wars game; can't even imagine what expansion packs are going to add (multiplayer space battles would rule but i don't know how they'd put that in with the star fox space battle style or some more menacing music in the imperial fleet would be awesome).
I've had two purples drop for me, one was in a Heroic 2+ and the other was some low mob kill on Tattooine. I've only done one flashpoint and the last boss was kinda tough but we just had to figure out his mechanics and strategize to beat him. We died twice and killed him on the third try.

Enemy, it's difficult mainly because the game is so new and no one knows all the strategies yet, unlike other games where everyone knows everything and can run through the entire thing in one go. Just have patience.

I've had more difficulty with the single-player Elites in the storyline than anything else. There was one guy I beat out of sheer luck...he was wiping the floor with me so I just started wailing on him and jumping around and I ended up killing him.

This doesn't apply to you, but there are lots of people complaining about SWTOR and how it has bugs, is unbalanced, etc. People have been spoiled by playing a spoon-feeding game like WoW for the last few years that they forgot how to game. They don't realize that the vanilla version of a game that just came out needs breathing room to grow and update. No one wants to think, to wait, to plan, to risk, etc. Keep trying and remember that this is all brand new; gear is very important in this game, especially the mods. I'm only level 30 and so far I've been breezing through the game, but now that I'm on Alderaan I'm finding it much more difficult than the other planets. It's getting a bit more difficult, just like it should. This game's bosses require much more strategy than any other MMO I've ever played, which is why it's important to have a well-rounded character. If you're DPS, you'll find you can't just put Might into everything and hope to annihilate everyone because you're going to die a lot. You need to find a balance between Might and Guardian as well. People are upset that they can't just blindly button-mash their way to end-game. Flashpoints are exactly what they should be or else they wouldn't be flashpoints and instead would be simple Heroic 4 man instances. They're made for people who know their character and have meticulously planned and carefully balanced their character not just to their own style but to what they're going to need in the future. Also, here's a hint: spread the love around to your companions. Bioware loves to kill off companions in every game and this one's no exception. It would suck if you put everything in one companion and then lost him/her/it and had to go back to some droid with a level 1 blaster to accompany your level 45 character.
Takes notes from Christopher here, Enemy. Instead of getting all fired up like a kid in Halo Matchmaking, why don't you clear your head and put that time you spend complaining and more looking at the big picture.

Have you found a decent guild to join? You do know the game has only been out for a month and you are upset about maybe some possible bugs and unbalance issues? Are you aware of all the patching that has been going on recently? Us Goons are finding all sorts of bugs but we know it is part of the game, and when some shit goes down we laugh about it or take advantage of it. I've been in many bugged situations but you find a way around them. Find a new group or better yet, a decent guild and go do those damn flashpoints or better yet go kill some world bosses!

The game is not perfect, but I am so sick of people complaining like people care. It is just a good way to get yourself muted/ignored. You can talk about these things with some decency and not belligerent like Bill Cosby after one to many Bacardi 151 shots.

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I was just raging because of how ridiculous the loss was for me; i didn't just expect to walk in and win, we wiped the entire flashpoint except the last boss which we tried at least 10 times to no avail and the biggest problem was my team mate fucking up and the entire thing making me lose so much time/money/effort for absolutely nothing with no hope to finish it. i'm not complaining about bugs or problems in most parts, but i still think the flashpoints are not balanced extremely well and i don't think anything will change that. i've had no other problems so far and i do plan/do things carefully, but this particular instance was beyond ridiculous.

i've basically been treating it like kotor 3 with some grouping because honestly thats what i wanted haha. i'm new to mmos and whatnot so who knows, maybe at some point the flashpoints will click for me, but as of now i simply do not think they're done right and are instead just a bunch of fodder in between bosses that are absurdly overleveled and follow the same patterns.

i've dug the regular quests, the heroic 2's and 4's and everything else though so maybe they're just not for me, or maybe i'll have to go back some day in the future. considering how much stuff there is in the game i can afford to swear off one part (for now) since its still hard to decide between class/heroic quests/space battles/pvp etc. i'm not one of those guys in chat complaining about the game and picking fights with other people calling them nerds and dickeaters, just that one facet bugs me (maybe its something that comes with the territory of being a real rpg/mmo n00b).
I envy Andrew. I remember first discovering the world of MMO's with Everquest on PS2 when I was 12.

Fucking bros that would walk you through quest and give you money and items. Forming a guild with your friends.

But the trolling...gods.

The Dark Elf guards had Katanas. Not hard to get, they were only level 35, level cap was 50. But I never made it past 20 due to "Alt Syndrome." Being a little weeaboo, I had to have one. Convinced some guy to sell me one. Convinced him I'd hold on to the gold to give to his other character. He traded the gold back to me. Laughed hysterically at him. He got mad.

Or the time someone made me a master of a huge guild. Immediately disbanded it.

Going on an incredibly dangerous run south to Oggok that took two hours just because I was obsessed with Ogres and wanted to look at them. (They were later added as a playable race, much to my delight) Avoiding Treants, Ghouls, and all sorts of high level mobs just to go get a glimpse of the Ogres.

Spending 50+ hours camping the Seisen monks hoping the Grandmaster would spawn and drop the incredibly rare robe. Caving and buying it on the auction system, only to get bored of the monk afterward and delete him.

The feeling of joy when you grouped up with a power-path Bard and had unlimited mana.

trains was where it was at, I remember scrambling around CB because some idiot ran into the camp outside of CB then ran back to Kelethin just to kill some newb's.
Oh god, the trains. :lol:

Remember power leveling? When a high level tank would pull 50 mobs for your group to kill, and they let you stay in the group even though you were a tank and your damage output was pathetic?

Or being a pet class like a mage or necromancer and going AFK for 30 minutes racking up XP before anyone noticed weren't doing anything?

Or the Shadowknights "Harm Touch". Most powerful spell in the game that could only be used once an hour. There was an unwritten rule that you couldn't use it in duels because it was incredibly unfair.

Or when you fucked up pulling a mob, aggro'd everything and got your group wiped, got embarrassed and logged out. I did a lot of that. :lol: