Gaming Thread

we're all exhausted and have spent 2-3 fucking hours doing this flashpoint

I don't know what a flashpoint is, but if it's anything like an instance/raid mad about 2-3 hours.

@John: I played EQ on the PC, and there was a somewhat rare (but not that rare) spawn that dropped a crown that was for my monk's epic weapon quest. I must have wasted two weeks camping that shit and it never would spawn for me. So I stopped playing for a few weeks, logged back in on my birthday with my character already in the spawns room, and there it was! I was also in another dungeon, that I had wasted 180 hours or so in trying to get another rare spawn to actually spawn and then drop it's loot for my final piece for that quest. I would spend every day in the room you would pull the mob to and it would just never spawn ever, and other people would talk about how it only took them two hours and that I'm just "doing it wrong" (you can't control the spawn).

So anyway, one day I'm downstairs in a group, and the room calls down that they had killed the mob and that anyone who needed the drop could come up and get it. Our group was getting swarmed, and there was another monk with us and I asked if he wanted to roll for it, and he said "no" and then ran upstairs, leaving us to finish off five mobs without him. So after we finished that set of enemies, I ran upstairs to the room to see him kneeling over the wrong named enemy, waiting for it to become lootable by anyone. I didn't say anything and waited for him to loot some garbage and then run out of the room while the real target was sitting in the corner...which I looted.

Or when you fucked up pulling a mob, aggro'd everything and got your group wiped

Can't say that I know what that's like. That's what monks or pacifism bard songs are for. Although I have been in plenty of trains from other people pulling, or on raids.
You want frustration, ask Steve and I about grinding Castlevania: Harmony of Despair :lol:
When Bioware decides to start milking ME3 with DLC, one can only hope that they put out another LotSB or three. Each time I play it, I can't help but think just how completely awesome it is for a DLC; compared to pretty much everything else that's usually offered. Also, does anyone else get a Dark Knight/Gladiator/Inception vibe with the combat music? That too is just great. Even if it's slightly repetitive, it's sooooo fucking epic and it's also some of the most memorable battle music (for me) aside from the old Final Fantasy games. It's also a bit like Lords of Shadow, for those who have never played the greatest God of War game ever made.

PS: It sucks how 360 users get a NORMANDY avatar prop if they ordered the collectors edition. I have all of the systems too, but I bought it for the PC, and am not spending another $90 for a matter how geektastic it is. Guess I'll just have to make due with a wallpaper.
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tbh miranda and thane are kinda boring

Compared to Mordin. Maybe Garrus too, but only because you already knew a lot about him from the previous game, and he simply looks cool and has the whole renegade thing going.

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wow i didn't know you guys were such huge mmo fans, guess i'll just have to wait and see how things go as i clearrrllyy have a lot to learn haha!

agreed on lair of the shadow broker, that is definitely in my top dlc's. overload was alright and arrival was pretty awful but shadow broker had a shitload of fun stuff, some great plot, cool things added and felt super epic (such as that music). i definitely hope me3 has dlc that good as well though i'm not so sure since it seems like they just got really lucky with how great that one turned out. my only real hope for amazing dlc is when skyrim dlc comes out because of how they've been talking about it, but maybe me3 will bring it as well (i'm not as huge of a fan as some people on here but i have been playing from the start with the first game so i must say my anticipation level for the 3rd is finally starting to ramp up and if i can tear myself away from tor i'm going to go back through the first 2 to make sure i have a save file set up).
Oh, and Steve's a cool guy...he's not being a dick so don't take it too harshly. It's just that while SWTOR is a great game, it has a lot of bitching and whining going on in the forums and in general from other players of other MMOs who tried it for five minutes and then incessantly bitch about how shit it is. These are the same players who complain that it's either not enough like WoW or that it's too much like WoW, when neither is true. It is its own entity. It's missing some of the lazy luxuries from WoW like the auto grouping raid mechanism, but at the same time those same luxuries tend to kill any type of community. Sure, an auto grouping mechanism would be really cool and useful, but it may be a bit too early. Servers are low for the most part. Then you have the others who are complaining that it's WoW with a Star Wars skin, which I have no fucking idea where that comes from. Aside from the skill similarities, it's nothing like it.

Steve is a hardcore gamer, as am I. It's just that just like any other MMO, there are plenty of fuckwits who bitch and complain about shit because they want everything NOW NOW NOW, and they have no patience or appreciation for seeing a community grow as well as the game. These people are skipping cutscenes and powerleveling to end game and then complaining that there's no gets a little old after a while. We know you're not doing this, but just realize that a good MMO is more about the community and not the game. I've wasted umpteen hours in raids, only to have the group fall apart at the end because they act like's the nature of the beast, and it's going to happen again because that's just the luck of things. However, sometimes you'll get a great group and they'll just face rape everything and will end up giving you all the loot because what they're looking for didn't drop. The pendulum swings both ways.

The best thing to do is find a good guild: preferably a helpful, friendly, PvE guild who likes to help each other (that's what guilds are supposed to do, after all) and work together. Learn each other's playstyles and offer assistance to each other even if it's running them through a flashpoint you've already done and can't get any XP from. Going through an MMO completely alone defeats the purpose of an MMO.
Compared to Mordin.

Not really. Mordin was fun, but besides his quips and stuff I left him to his laborations. Now Zaeed and Kasumi on the other hand
Ah. Well, at least Bioware is doing something right.

"A new reputation system rewards those players who'd rather not conform solely to Paragon or Renegade Shepard. Now playing it straight - sympathising with some people and snapping at others - will also grant you some unique dialogue options. Importing old saves will mean you start with extra reputation as well..."
It's not just buying them because they're DLC characters, but because they come with extra gameplay and that's what made it worth it, the same as buying any of the other DLC missions. The Kasumi DLC was really enjoyable, it just so happens she is also a useful team member to keep around. The Zaeed mission sucked but he's free so no big deal.