Gaming Thread

"Snicker Licker" LOL. That's a new one.

What a weird world we live in where people will look the other way as you freeze to death in a box in an alleyway but are super concerned with who you like to fuck.
I don't know what 3 was like, but in V, you have 108 recruitable characters, some joining the active party, others taking up leadership roles in massive battles, or improving your HQ, or setting up shop, and some even change the menu window colours or the main character's voice set. Some actually do a combination of those things.

So yeah, to form your party, you've got about 60 or 70 people to choose from, which is kinda insane.
Same with three. :)

I'm trying to remember if all 108 were playable or if some where shopkeepers...

I think what made 3 so great was it did the "different viewpoints" thing. You could also choose which of three main characters became the hero of the story.

Damn, really goes to show how much my life has changed. New years six or seven years ago was spent alone playing Suikoden 3. :'(
It's also a bit like Lords of Shadow, for those who have never played the greatest God of War game ever made.

:kickass: Such a good fucking game. Also, I don't call them "God of War" games, so much as I do DMC, as DMC was the first game to really breakthrough in the genre.
Y'know, I'm all for telling people to use google/the forum search engine instead of asking stupid questions, but the existence of google shouldn't be an excuse for people not to answer a legitimate question. Especially if answering that question takes about as much time as pointing out there's such a thing as google.

Seeing as a forum is about conversing, and asking questions and getting answers is what conversation is about.

I don't know if you are just looking for a conflict, but it would have taken you less time to type out "snicker licker" on google than to ask the question and then get angry about the reply. I understand your point, but you're getting upset over nothing.

:kickass: Such a good fucking game. Also, I don't call them "God of War" games, so much as I do DMC, as DMC was the first game to really breakthrough in the genre.

Eh, that's kind of true I guess. I would use DMC as an example too whenever people would start talking about that kind of game (people would act like GoW invented the genre). It's just that it's a whip/chain based game that feels more like the GoW games than DMC. But if you're going off of aesthetics, then it looks more like a DMC game.

Uh, if you played the game with Kasumi you find out that she likes Jacob.

I don't know how that dialogue pops up, unless you try to romance her or something, or you have both Kasumi and Jacob together all of the time. Regardless, her liking him does not make her a snicker licker; if you go by the literal definition. Unless of course she just suddenly decided to become one after Keiji died.
Damn, really goes to show how much my life has changed. New years six or seven years ago was spent alone playing Suikoden 3. :'(
Man, who cares? New Year's just an excuse for most people to go out and get hammered. You want to spend it playing games? Then spend it that way, nothing sad about that.

I don't know if you are just looking for a conflict, but it would have taken you less time to type out "snicker licker" on google than to ask the question and then get angry about the reply. I understand your point, but you're getting upset over nothing.
I'm not upset, I'm not angry, I'm not looking for a conflict, I'm just saying it's pretty sad that these days, people just point others to google instead of just answering a simple question. Like I said, I'm all for pointing people to google when they start a new thread asking a googlable question, but is it so strange that I prefer just asking a question an getting a reply from an actual person instead of just googling? It's not about effort, yes it would have been easier to google it (it'd have been easier for you to just answer for that matter), but it's about having a conversation and not being bothered to ask about a term you haven't heard yet.

People these days act as if it's unforgivable not to know something and ask a question, as if they feel too good to be bothered by an inquiry when there's such a thing as google around.
People these days act as if it's unforgivable not to know something and ask a question, as if they feel too good to be bothered by an inquiry when there's such a thing as google around.

Yeah, that bugs me a lot as well. It's only online, of course, because if it were in person I'd probably throw something at them for being dicks.

It's an internet discussion forum. Things should be discussed.