Well, I just read something that's almost gag inducing. Bioware has been finishing up on the new powers and some of the more decent sounding ones they couldn't get to work properly, so they decided to go the boring, mainstream, braindead monkey route. Now everyone has a grenade "power", and not like Zaeed's, but more like an actual grenade. The Adept now has a "biotic grenade". Seriously? That's like giving a Jedi a mind control or force wave grenade, and Adepts could already combo into a Warp explosion. Sentinels get a "lift grenade" whoo hoo. Even though they might be pretty useful, the whole concept is just utterly lazy to me. And they are actual physical grenades, not just a placeholder name to describe throwing a ball of condensed biotic power that has an effect. I hope they at least try to create some rationalization behind these other than grenades make Adepts more "manly"! One thing I'm not sure of yet though is if it eats one of your cooldowns, or is seperate.
The Adept's original power was called "Overpower" which was an activated passive that allowed the rest of your powers to be more powerful for a limited amount of time. That too sounds somewhat boring, but it also added slightly more dimensions to the gameplay and would have given them something that they could have actually used and it would have made sense. Kind of like a berserker mode--they probably couldn't balance it right though and it ended up being an ability that people would make sure was active 100% of the time, so it kind of defeated the purpose of having it as an ability instead of just making it's bonuses baked into the base abilities by default.