speedy meatmonger
Yeah, god forbid they add something new, not just new to the series, but something that's not been around in every other recycled game.
Sorry, I'm just not really seeing how putting something that sure, can be found in other games as well, but is otherwise pretty unused is that huge of a deal. That it makes you "gag" over such a small addition is just kinda laughable and only makes you sound like you're sperging out over details and making up rationalisations about it as well.
"oh noes they're adding grenades like the first game had but since the second one didn't i'm going to assume they're adding them for the sole reason that other braindead shooters have them with as well!"
I have no trouble with it as it shouldn't really break the style of gameplay that we're used to by now, and it's been a part of ME before.
also i'd probably see a doctor about that gagging since I know I'd have trouble playing games with shit like that going on