So, I started going back through Mass Effect 2 without importing a previous save from ME1 and after about 10 hours of play became absolutely enraged at the choices it makes for you. Also, some of the dialog changes are unbearable if you've become attached to Shepard and the game in general.
- You killed the Council, way to go. (Makes sense to kill a few people to save tens of thousands but that's not how it's gonna work in my story folks. The Council created the illusion of stability and control, without them things would be chaos.)
-You killed the Rachni Queen, dick.
-Udina on the council? Are you fucking kidding me?
-New council and your toally unpatriotic choice = No Spectre status and the Alliance/Udina won't have anything to do with you.
-You go around touting "Former Spectre" status.
-The super awesome and tense romance dialog with Liara in The Shadowbroker DLC is swapped with some crap about her intentions of rescuing her friend.
That's just the beginning. I dealt with it up until I got to the Shadowbroker and immediately turned it off and started a new game. I couldn't handle it

I don't feel like playing through ME1 every time I start a new game so I guess I'll buy that interactive comic book DLC that lets you make the choices from 1. *grumble*