Meh, RE4 on the Gamecube (I think that was the one) was pretty cool in terms of gameplay, but Spanish cult members acting like zombies? Seriously?
Yeah man, those were the "not zombies".

I actually thought they were kind of cool, because I am not fluent in Spanish at all and often their calls just sounded really creepy. Especially the monks chanting in I think Latin in the castle area. The game was a pretty big departure from what it had been doing before, but that's why it was considered a breath of fresh air in a majorly recycled series.
RE2 to me is still the epitome of the "survival horror" aspect of the series, because it took everything that was cool about the first game and ramped up not only the production values, but the gross out and creep out factor by a lot. RE3 just felt like more of the same with no real innovation, unless you consider a very annoying antagonist that yells "STHARZ" every five minutes progression. ReMake was incredible simply because it showed how good the first game still was, but gave it an enormous facelift. Their original plan was to do the same thing with 2 and 3, and
I could not fucking wait for 2 to get the same treatment. But then whoever was in charge got sand in his vagina when the DMC series outsold ReMake. Zero was ok, but just more of the same again.
What made CV stand out so much was the new technology they were using for it, and it had a pretty cool story--but Leonardo DiCaprio didn't really impress me in that game.
The best thing about 4 was that they ditched the tank controls for the most part, and the increased speed of the enemies made them seem more dangerous. It lost a lot of the creepy atmosphere, but made up for it in spades through superior gameplay and monster designs. Plus Leon was back.
And as cool as 5 could've been, I uninstalled it halfway through because I just couldn't take it anymore. It was so repetitive and I absolutely hated the control system.
I don't know what the hell happened between 4 and 5, but I absolutely could not stand the controls in 5 at all. I finished the game though, even tried to get all of the hidden medals at first, but then just stopped after beating it once, and I never ever had the urge to play it again. I think I've played RE2 at least six or seven times, and RE4 at least four times over the years.
It's 2012. I wanna see at least a little innovation.
Yeah, it's just sad when the innovation comes at the cost of losing your identity. I really have no issues with games like Gears of War or Halo, but I just can't stand playing them personally and do not want a "horror" game to be just another straight up action game. I want to be startled. It might seem hypocritical when I like the ME series so much, but the whole class system and ability to choose powers and such at least breaks up the monotony, even if the majority of the gameplay is still shooting guns. Plus they have a story beyond "beefcake roidbros take on the evil dominion/empire/invaders/combine".
Oh yeah, almost forgot (been meaning to mention this for a while now); if you've never played the
Dead Space games yet...DO SO. Both of them are the best Resident Evil games that Capcom never made and blow 5 the fuck out of the water by a longshot. I liked it so much that after renting and beating the first through Gamefly, just bought it from them...and I almost never buy a game that I rent and beat. The atmosphere in the first game is simply incredible. Not just due to the lightning and things jumping out, but the audio is insane.
what game doesn't have that, new and old
Hello Kitty Adventure doesn't.
Old, but still amazing. It's like Event Horizon meets Aliens meets Resident Evil.