Gaming Thread

I just found out that your account is bound to one server. You can't create another character on a different server. :(

I'm fucking loving the Sith. My "main" is a Jedi but the Sith is just so much more interesting. They're not even my play style, as I usually play something like lawful neutral, but even doing fucked up shit is fun. "Cheated on your husband with a Republic spy? You're going to die bitch, whether you knew or not; you endangered the Empire, and now you must die." So I cut her down for some dark points. I feel bad about it but it's such good fun at the same time. Oh, the dilemma.
Sith is interesting. I was having fun just being a prick the whole time, which felt like I was a bad-ass because the end result ended up with me killing someone. The Jedi Knight storyline is starting to get intense right now.

Your account is bound to one server? I don't get it, I have characters on two different servers and they both have the same name. hmmmm...
I'm bummed, school starts tomorrow so I'm going to be busy again, and I still have so much stuff I want to do in TOR. I'm level 50 sith warrior and at the last mission of my class quest (which is rage inducing, i beat the first wave of the boss and now he can 1 shot kill me out of nowhere and i have no idea how the fuck it's happening, especially since i spent this weekend making sure my character was tough as nails for the fight) but since it's been pissing me off i've been doing pvp and god damn its addicting.

every mode is super fun when you have a good team who can actually implement strategy, and the rewards are badass. I'm valor rank 19 I think now so i have a long way to go but i've just started getting centurion commendations and gear (which are sooo fucking good). I spent 2-3 hours today just doing pvp (not illum, that shit is wayyy broken) and could do more all week + operations/flashpoints (finally giving them another chance).

god damn you tor, i'll be in class hearing chemistry/politics/blah blah but all i'll be thinking is how to get resources in the easiest way to get the advanced acute enhancement 22/find out how to get one of those sweet ass purple lightsabers.
"If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single idea."

"Who I am is not the question. Those are titles, words you cling to as the darkness falls around you. 'Sith' is a title, yes, but like you, the title is not who I am. It is not what I believe. For you... it is different."

"Yes… and what are they without the Force? Take the greatest Jedi Knight, strip away the Force, and what remains? They rely on it, depend on it, more than they know. Watch as one tries to hold a blaster, as they try to hold a lightsaber, and all you will see is nothing more than a woman -- or a man. A child."

"There is more to the Sith than blind rage." -Obsidian

"lol no"-Bioware
Yeah I just created a Smuggler on Keller's Void to test.

Hmm, maybe I have to just physically go into the server list because it doesn't let you choose at the beginning.

Oh well, since I've already created a Sith Sorcerer on my Euro server, I'll probably create a Sith tank on your server since tanks are always in demand. I wonder if you can choose any server you want, whether Euro or USA...
The coolest thing about Sith is that the darker you go, you start to physically change. Your eyes become redder, your eye sockets darken, and you begin to look like evil incarnate. Awesome.
Dude there's grey with every choice you make in this game. In order to become a Revanite you have to choose light. Right now I've got 850 light points and about 2000 dark points. Some of the choices are really, really difficult too; lot more difficult than with the Jedi. I'd say more difficult than the ME series as well.
No, it's done just like in ME....exactly like it, in fact. Instead of Renegade you have Dark and instead of whatever the other was you have Light.

The reason they do that is because you cannot use certain gear unless you have a certain tier in Light or Dark, and to attain said tier, you have to have so many points in light or dark. All total I have nearly 3000 Force points, but 850 of them are in Light and the other 2150 are in Dark. I couldn't equip a piece of gear because it required the Dark II tier, so I had to gain a few more Dark side points in my conversations in order to get it. It's just like Mass Effect, only SWTOR requires you to think a bit more strategically for the gear. Sounds like an oxymoron, I know, but it's true. If you choose to remain neutral, you'll be cutting yourself out of both light and dark options for gear, and if you choose to go more dark than light or vice versa, you're going to cut yourself out of the other gear. You have to really decide what kind of character you want in the beginning.

It's tough sometimes because you get sucked into the story and you wanna do one thing but you need the dark/light points. Also, your actions have consequences in future incidents and can change the entire storyline.
Oh, AND THEN you have to balance your companions' affinity towards you through your conversations. Some of your companions will be more/less dark/light and you have to gauge your actions accordingly as well. If you completely shit on your companion and he/she disagrees with you often enough, he/she will actually leave you.
the companion system is good and all but being completely honest its wicked simple. once you figure out what gifts they like you can just spam them with gifts and choose the conversation choices they like (which are pretty easy to figure out). i still enjoy having the different companions input and experiencing their stories, but for the next bioware game they really do need to overhaul the companion system more than MAKE OBVIOUSLY THEIR DIALOGUE CHOICE, DO LOYALTY MISSION, GIVE GIFT, AFFECTION MAXED; they really need a couple more dimensions.

the light and dark system as well needs a bit of changing. i'd like to see bonuses for neutral or balanced actions because in tor you basically choose if you want to be light or dark and to get the real bonuses you have to be completely that whereas the only thing you get for being neutral is getting to have a choice of any color lightsaber crystal. I find myself sometimes choosing the dark option just because i want to increase my points to get to the next rank, not because it's really what i want to do. it makes morality end up being another system to play when rewards are tied to how dark/light you are and increase in quality as you go higher; more dimensions would make it a bit more interesting.

all this being said though i'm still having a blast. I finished my class story which was driving me crazy because the last boss has a 1 shot kill attack, so I basically tried with all different companions, tons of strategies, tons of different stims etc at least 15 times. i was pulling my hair out like crazy, then i was totally in the zone, using everything i had learned, heart racing, maybe 100 health left and i stunned him, critical hit multiplier built up and BAM, shockwave critical attack took him down, me beating him with 100 health left, 10 minutes before i had to leave for work and after 15 tries. i was literally shaking with joy as the cinematic/conversation played out; it was like a full body nerdgasm. so fucking awesome.

i do hope they fix some things though. they've done a good job so far but ilum is still wicked broken (almost no one there, i just armament hunt or when people are there its usually one side with 5 and one side with 1), and when a group of ubernerd-playallday-insanelypowerful queues up together and rapes pvp for hours it makes it not fun because no one has any chance of winning and most people give up and it just becomes a slaughter house for that group to win constantly, get more rewards, become more powerful and keep ruining pvp for everyone. i know that sounds a little bit whiney and you'll probably say OH QUIT WHINING, THEY'RE JUST GOOD BLAH BLAH but when they slaughter the other team every time, make it so every single match is won from the beginning, become overpowerful, destroy the spirits of everyone playing/cause people to straight up quit the warzone and make you even more doomed that kinda ruins it. if there were more warzones it wouldn't be a problem but often it means that every single match is just completely dominated by small groups of mega powerful players and no one else has any chance; kinda like when pvp was for all levels except at least there people were stat boosted and you had some chance.