the companion system is good and all but being completely honest its wicked simple. once you figure out what gifts they like you can just spam them with gifts and choose the conversation choices they like (which are pretty easy to figure out). i still enjoy having the different companions input and experiencing their stories, but for the next bioware game they really do need to overhaul the companion system more than MAKE OBVIOUSLY THEIR DIALOGUE CHOICE, DO LOYALTY MISSION, GIVE GIFT, AFFECTION MAXED; they really need a couple more dimensions.
the light and dark system as well needs a bit of changing. i'd like to see bonuses for neutral or balanced actions because in tor you basically choose if you want to be light or dark and to get the real bonuses you have to be completely that whereas the only thing you get for being neutral is getting to have a choice of any color lightsaber crystal. I find myself sometimes choosing the dark option just because i want to increase my points to get to the next rank, not because it's really what i want to do. it makes morality end up being another system to play when rewards are tied to how dark/light you are and increase in quality as you go higher; more dimensions would make it a bit more interesting.
all this being said though i'm still having a blast. I finished my class story which was driving me crazy because the last boss has a 1 shot kill attack, so I basically tried with all different companions, tons of strategies, tons of different stims etc at least 15 times. i was pulling my hair out like crazy, then i was totally in the zone, using everything i had learned, heart racing, maybe 100 health left and i stunned him, critical hit multiplier built up and BAM, shockwave critical attack took him down, me beating him with 100 health left, 10 minutes before i had to leave for work and after 15 tries. i was literally shaking with joy as the cinematic/conversation played out; it was like a full body nerdgasm. so fucking awesome.
i do hope they fix some things though. they've done a good job so far but ilum is still wicked broken (almost no one there, i just armament hunt or when people are there its usually one side with 5 and one side with 1), and when a group of ubernerd-playallday-insanelypowerful queues up together and rapes pvp for hours it makes it not fun because no one has any chance of winning and most people give up and it just becomes a slaughter house for that group to win constantly, get more rewards, become more powerful and keep ruining pvp for everyone. i know that sounds a little bit whiney and you'll probably say OH QUIT WHINING, THEY'RE JUST GOOD BLAH BLAH but when they slaughter the other team every time, make it so every single match is won from the beginning, become overpowerful, destroy the spirits of everyone playing/cause people to straight up quit the warzone and make you even more doomed that kinda ruins it. if there were more warzones it wouldn't be a problem but often it means that every single match is just completely dominated by small groups of mega powerful players and no one else has any chance; kinda like when pvp was for all levels except at least there people were stat boosted and you had some chance.