I just did the last flashpoint of the game and no matter what anyone says/no matter what the game does, they cannot hurt my love of this game. So fucking fun. I did not expect such epicness, but the flashpoint took us literally 2 hours, many tries/strategy planning/socialization etc AND rolled all my star wars fantasies into one. I'm so god damn pumped that it's crazy. The social aspect really does add a lot too; I think if my party were npc's I would've been frustrated, but having a group of capable and chill people trying new strategies, giving input, fighting along side you until you finally destroy the opposition was awesome.
Star wars TOR rules. it may have faults but god damn, the last mission of my class and that last flashpoint are worth the price of admission.
The next few weeks will probably just be grinding hard mode flashpoints I haven't done yet/pvp grinding (SPECTACULAR ROTWORMS PLAY)/operations (haven't tried those) and making my gear as intense as possible until they come out with some new overhauls like the legacy system/more story content etc but even that is fun in this game.
tl;dr i love star wars tor
Star wars TOR rules. it may have faults but god damn, the last mission of my class and that last flashpoint are worth the price of admission.
The next few weeks will probably just be grinding hard mode flashpoints I haven't done yet/pvp grinding (SPECTACULAR ROTWORMS PLAY)/operations (haven't tried those) and making my gear as intense as possible until they come out with some new overhauls like the legacy system/more story content etc but even that is fun in this game.
tl;dr i love star wars tor