Gaming Thread

I just did the last flashpoint of the game and no matter what anyone says/no matter what the game does, they cannot hurt my love of this game. So fucking fun. I did not expect such epicness, but the flashpoint took us literally 2 hours, many tries/strategy planning/socialization etc AND rolled all my star wars fantasies into one. I'm so god damn pumped that it's crazy. The social aspect really does add a lot too; I think if my party were npc's I would've been frustrated, but having a group of capable and chill people trying new strategies, giving input, fighting along side you until you finally destroy the opposition was awesome.

Star wars TOR rules. it may have faults but god damn, the last mission of my class and that last flashpoint are worth the price of admission.

The next few weeks will probably just be grinding hard mode flashpoints I haven't done yet/pvp grinding (SPECTACULAR ROTWORMS PLAY)/operations (haven't tried those) and making my gear as intense as possible until they come out with some new overhauls like the legacy system/more story content etc but even that is fun in this game.

tl;dr i love star wars tor
Haven't played it, but from everything I had seen through videos, it did look a lot like WoW with a Star Wars skin; and no, not every MMORPG looks the same. Some people could just be comparing it to WoW though because that's the biggest, most recognizable game--kind of like how every single fucking RPG gets compared to Skyrim now like DA:O was used before it.

I think you hit the nail on the head when you said people are comparing it to WoW just because it's the most recognizable.

It's nothing like WoW. The graphics aren't like WoW, the gameplay isn't like WoW, the crafting system isn't like WoW, the instance system isn't like WoW, the mob levels aren't done like WoW, the area levels aren't like WoW, the story isn't like WoW (because SWTOR actually has a story you have to pay attention to and whatever you do can and will affect the outcome), and the companion system isn't like WoW. Like I said, the ONLY THING like WoW about this game is that they borrowed some ability TITLES from WoW. THAT'S IT.

Saying that it's WoW with a SW skin is like saying WoW is a DAOC clone with a Warcraft skin, which is fucking retarded.

X and VIII better than VI and XII? Come now.

VI > IX > VII > XII > FFT > IV > X > VIII > V > XIII


I didn't know World of Warcraft had lightsabers! I guess I'll have to unfreeze my account!
it's kinda hard though to put in just a star wars-ish body type. in the movies everyone had pretty much the same body type so there wouldn't be any room for variation. i like the fact that people can have highly different body types (though they pretty much alternate between skinny and super buff; i imagine mega fat nerds are like YEAH THAT SUPER BUFF BODY TYPE LOOKS ABOUT RIGHT FOR ME). I guess they could've made it a little less cartoony though, I tried to give my character a slightly muscular physique and you pretty much either can choose Jon Stewart or The Rock body types in terms of muscles.

I know most people probably don't want it and the appeal of the game is for most people so they can't go super machine intensive (in flashpoints i always end up being the one that dies/runs back into the area/tanks because my comp is way faster than everyone else) but it'd be cool if they allowed more graphics options/included some more high res stuff. I know that it'd be hard to do it for character models since they have so much gear and would have to go back and re-do soooo much, but having an AA setting in game as well as new and more expansive shaders would be pretty sweet. As it stands I have it on absolute max settings for everything and the only time it ever gets bogged down is at the start of a huttball match when everyone is fighting in that center area just blasting aoe spells and going crazy.
You're fucking nuts! Pie is one of the greatest things ever invented...especially chocolate pie with whipped cream on top and with dark chocolate crust.

Cheesecake, for all intents and purposes, is pie. I'm gonna go with pie, you heathen!
FUCK DUDE! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? I'm on Bacca's Blade in a guild full of insane people.

Conversations yesterday:

"I believe that everything should be free and every punishment should be the death penalty"

"America is still a colony, we just haven't told them yet."

(In a convo with a bunch of English guys and myself poking fun at each other)

(me) "The English have always hated Americans; they're only now just more vocal about it; before, it wasn't 'proper' to speak ill of other people. Nowadays it's not proper to speak ill of other people unless they're Americans. I don't mind. I embrace it. It's like being a real-life Sith."

(another guy) "Since you're American, I have a question...and please don't get offended"

(me) "I'm an American living in Europe since 2003. Do you really think that by now I'm not used to being shat on?"

(another guy) "Ha! I see your point. Ok, well, here goes: do you like fish sticks?"

"What's the deal with the graphics? The dude's skin is black" (he was talking about a graphics glitch)

(me) "Haha, well, maybe he REALLY IS BLACK? I know it's hard to believe, being in the Empire and all"

(another guy) "Now now, don't be racist...I eat racists for breakfast...lots of calories, though"

"I die a little inside every time I see a fat Sith Warrior."
i started deus ex human evo and it's great. it's so cool how they made it play almost exactly like the first one, but at the same time better. it feels very familiar but everything is so much better. the level of detail they went into is impressive. gripes so far: the AI is awful, and there needs to be a much larger variety of silent take downs.
That's pretty much my gripe with it exactly. Great game, great story, but fairly one-dimensional with the abilities and such. Half the abilities are useless. However, I played through another time and I don't think I'll play through it again. For some reason the original held more replay value for me.
fuck all ya'll deus ex hr is the shit.

no but seriously yeah i know what you mean. the silent takedowns start to repeat very quickly, but i think thats because you pretty much use them as much as possible and considering how many enemies there are, they're bound to repeat. combine that with the fact that most people choose lethal or non lethal, and you have a lot of repetition (though since they had to make lethal/non lethal, single/group takedowns they definitely did put a lot of work into it). the ai though i think is pretty good. they can be stupid as shit sometimes, but most of the time they are pretty smart unless you exploit obvious weaknesses. are you doing it on the give me deus ex difficulty? because that is where it gets tough as fuck.

i'd say the original and the sequel are pretty much equally matched in replay value. if you take out nostalgia (i've beaten the original at least 10 times because i love it so much/nostalgia) they have roughly the same amount of choices/branches, maybe with the original having a few more. they both have it so that you essentially can choose the outcome of the story at one point and they both have branching off paths to work different ways, but you're still fairly guided and can't for example defect to the opposing force.

the original will always be the best for me, but i'd say hr is definitely wicked close to as good. i'd say dx is a 10 and hr is a 9-9.5. the amount of stuff you can do in each hub, the insanely detailed and vast art style (which is much more expansive than the original and i seriously commend the art team for their amazing work in creating that cyberpunk/futuristic world that seems so real), the mass amount of choices etc are just mind boggling. you gotta look deeper because there are a lot of cool things like the original that you don't find upon first play through. i went back and did hr 4 times and found tons of new things (some of which were pretty fucking significant) each time, and the dlc is flat out amazing.