Yeah, but this is EA. They wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
Speaking of Bioware, thank the gods Hambeast isn't part of the Mass Effect team.
I couldn't get past the third sentence without wanting to punch my computer monitor due to her illegible sentence structure. Good god, holy shit.
I'm convinced that people who say, "LOL grammer is stoopid n e way, who cares?" have never read a book in their lives. If they had, they would realize just how DIFFICULT it is to read poor grammar and sentence structuring. It's downright frustrating.
Oh Come on Now was it really That bad, bad enough that You really Wanted to punch your monitor? That would not be a wise thing to do and Would be bad, because your Monitor would get damaged and your Hand would probably also be damaged real Bad.
FUCK DUDE! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? I'm on Bacca's Blade in a guild full of insane people.
It made you laugh. It made me cryLol Stormo made my day.
I'm curious to see how Reckoning is, but I don't think i'll be buying it unless the reviews are amazing. It looks good yeah, but the art design I don't really dig, the whole setting is kinda meh and it kinda has to prove itself to me. The only things I'll be buying day 1 in the near future are Syndicate (FUCK YEAH FUCK YEAH) and ME3 (fairly fuck yeah).
try the demo
What's the cheapest way for me to buy a used 360? Never got to finish Skyrim cause mine broke. Also need to do the ME re run. Amazon?
I couldn't resist:
Just need to know the cheapest way I can get a 360.