Fuck PC gaming. I could pay much less, with more exclusives, less hassle, and less money. PC gaming is dying, if you disagree, your opinion is wrong.
Partly right. The gaming industry is aimed at consoles these days.
Less money? Aren't you looking for another Xbox 360 since your last one broke? You probably paid 300 bucks for the last one, and now you're gonna pay at least 150-200 for another one. I've had a computer that can play every single game a 360 can play and in 5 years I've changed only the hard drive and the video card on it.
MMOs. Find a console that can play Eve Online, SWTOR, or Guild Wars 2.
Graphics. PC graphics are head and shoulders better than consoles. This is a fact. DX11? Yeah, on a PC. Go ahead and look at BF3 on PC and then on PS3. I've got it on PS3 and the PC graphics are much, much better.
Control. Since consoles are aimed at the ADD-addled FPS crowd these days, you would think they'd come up with better controls, or at least the ability to plug a keyboard and mouse in. Sadly, only on some games. Go ahead and play a FPS on a console and watch everyone on a PC wipe the floor with you. Also, CUSTOMIZATION.
Modding. Yep...all about the PC.
Pirating. I can download a game, fire up Daemon Tools, install the game, and install the crack and play whatever new game comes out for free. I've been doing it for three years. The only new games I've bought for PC besides SWTOR and Eve are The Witcher 2 (which, by the way, came out FOR PC ONLY and only now is being released 2 years later for Xbox 360) and Deus Ex: HR. Literally everything else I've played I've downloaded...and I still have them. In fact, I'm about to fire up an old game I've got on my external hard drive. Both Mass Effect games, including all DLCs, I've downloaded from torrents. I'm not advocating pirating, just arguing the fact that you say console gaming is cheaper.
Also, no worrying about getting my system bricked, no worrying about getting the system modded only to have it die on me an hour later, and no Red Ring of Death/Yellow Light of Death...WHICH THEY'VE HAD 6 YEARS TO FIX BY NOW AND STILL HAVEN'T DONE IT.
C'mon man. Everyone knows the gaming market is aimed at consoles because they've somewhat caught up to the power of an average PC, and that some games are just more fun on consoles (Red Dead Redemption), but you don't have to have one or the other. You can appreciate both. I certainly do. However, to make a blanket statement like PC gaming is dying is just ridiculous.