Now that I know you're LRD, I don't like you.
Anyway, I rented "Bully" a week ago, and it's been sitting there, untouched. I liked Red Dead mostly for the setting and story, I don't care much for games with no RPG elements in them. Dead Winter (can never remember your name, sorry), you convinced me to play Red Dead. Is this one worth it?
Blockbuster and their $15 a month unlimited game rental thing sounds good in theory, but not when they only have two walls of games (per console) and half of them are fucking FPS.
The i5 is not bad. It is a step up from the i3 because it has the CPU Boost function. Now the i7 has HT Technology, which prevails over the i5 and it is a huge difference.
You just automatically assume I'm talking specifically about video games and not my all-around computer performance. Alsoat thinking I need to rant and to justify about one of my purchases.
Sdrawkcabgniklat, nice edit. Check yourself before you wreck yourself sir
Finally, a good game. I bought Nier for 360 (It's also on PS3)
The soundtrack is godly, the presentation is great, the story is great. It feels like Zelda+The Witcher 2+Japanese RPG
I haven't been here in years. Could you guys post your PC rigs
b) talking about a PC for gaming