Nocturne is a safe bet otherwise, try checking out other Atlus games too
Fuck yeah odin sphere.
Magna Carta isn't that bad... actually, I'm just still trying to justify my purchase of the game and the artbook package. It's pretty horrible. AND I STILL HAVEN'T FIGURED OUT IF THE MAIN CHARACTER IS A MALE OR A FEMALE!
Other kick ass ps2 RPGs/weight gain supplements:
Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2
Shadow Hearts and Shadow Hearts Covenant. Granted, the first isn't as good as the second. There is a 3rd, but I like to ignore that because it blew jew shit out of the case as soon as I opened it.
Mana Khemia is pretty awesome if you like little girls and alchemy and shit like that.
Phantom Brave, if you like strategy RPGs and little girls and shit like that.
Suikoden 3 and 5, 4 was shitty and boring and gay for black cock
If you like strategy RPG and grindan, and wish to be FAT AS FUCK, Disgaea 1 and 2.
Steambot Chronicles. Granted, its more than JUST an RPG, think Dark Cloud with some Suikoden, and some other shit, its fucking awesome but way under-appreciated.
Dragon Quest 8 if you're not gay and like women.
Atelier Iris, kinda like mana khemia, but awesomer and not as many little girls. Same goes for the sequel.
Enjoy the weight.