Gaming Thread

GTX 260 performs much like a 9800 SLI configuration

o rly? i was bummed when i bought the 9800GT and realized the 260 went down in price like a 3 weeks later :p my 9800's fine though and came with COD4 and 5 (which i let a friend borrow and he lost wile moving grrrr) but ill prob upgrade when i get a chance. Double the stream processors and onboard ram sounds nice, then mabye i can play ANNO 1404 on full.
I'm running a straight 260 (not the slightly improved refresh version) and Batman: Arkham Asylum is the first game I have encountered where I couldn't play it smoothly at maxed graphics settings. I had to back down from Ultra to High textures and back the AA setting from 16 to 4. Fallout 3 also lags a bit when playing a melee character in VATS unless I turn AA down to 4, but this is something specific to how the game handles melee combat in VATS as I can run a sniper at max settings without issue.

Edit: I run at 1920x1200 wherever possible
Borderlands: Awesome Game. Hilariously enough, its more of a first person fallout than oblivion w/ guns was.

PC version still has some "problems" (see: clusterfucks), but what's new in the realm of PC gaming these days.

I've been playing pretty much since it released on steam yesterday. First game I've felt good about pre-ordering in ages.
The 4 player co-op is where the game shines the most. That is, if gamespy's gay fucking excuse for a multiplayer service wasn't such a pile of putrid horse shit. Thank fuck for virtual lan programs like Tunngle.
Does it have a good Single Player mode?

It's decent enough. Compounded by the fact that you can jump in and out between single player and co-op with the same character.

87 bazillion different guns to be had (their estimate, not mine), granted... fuck yeah for randomly generated loot. And new game+ mode. 4 different characters (or classes, whatever you want to call them for this game), each with 3 different skill trees, obviously being able to mix the 3 trees for the class to build to preference.

The only downside is that the dungeons aren't randomly generated, though, that tends to make every environment very bland so it generates well when it's actually done in a FPS setting.

The setting is quite falloutish (not the gay 3rd one), where everything is over-exaggerated in a humorous manner. Puns and references are everywhere.

I give it my seal of approval.

It's really Diablo meets Fallout meets first person shooting.
The 4 player co-op is where the game shines the most. That is, if gamespy's gay fucking excuse for a multiplayer service wasn't such a pile of putrid horse shit. Thank fuck for virtual lan programs like Tunngle.

im installing it now, im looking for someone to try lan with, my friend cant get past the graphics apparently and all my other friends are consolers :p

I've been waiting for this game for a long time and even though the graphics are lame im hoping it will still be fun.
the graphics are lame

What the fuck? Why is it that so many people can't handle cel-shading? Just because it isn't yet another fucking "OMG UNREAL ENGINE EVERYTHING MUST BE SHINEY AS FUCK" game doesn't mean it can't look good.

Also, XIII was badass.
it just looks bad, the graphs are fine but cel-shading is fucking retarted and should never be used besides the super occasional good one, but i can easily surpass that so far its pretty cool, prob much better with friends though.

EDIT: plus when i first heard about this game and saw some of the early screenshots it looked awesome but they come back like a year later and spring this cartoony thing on me when i was expecting non-cartoony ones.
What the fuck? Why is it that so many people can't handle cel-shading? Just because it isn't yet another fucking "OMG UNREAL ENGINE EVERYTHING MUST BE SHINEY AS FUCK" game doesn't mean it can't look good.

Borderlands shows that the unreal engine can be used for more colors than brown and bloom!