Gaming Thread

That goddamn fucking Revenant at Castle Redcliffe is fucking laying waste to my party. After playing awhile, I have a few complaints:

What the hell is the deal with no ability to change formation? Holy shit, for a game based so much on tactics, your party formation is one of the biggest keys to success. Fuck this PAUSE, click over here, UNPAUSE, PAUSE AGAIN, choose spell, UNPAUSE. I'm all about party management, but holy shit...micromanagement is just fucking annoying.

With all the hordes of undead spawning all around you, coupled with the lack of said party formation configuration, 5 instead of 4 party characters would be nice.

I don't know about you guys, but I've got the PC's pretty fucking hard, even on Normal. I mean, it's do-able but only at a complete loss of gameplay fun; micromanagement is no longer a gameplay style, it's a necessity. Sometimes I like to pause, make a plan, and watch that plan carried out just as much as the next guy, but having to do it every single time for every single encounter just takes the piss out of it. I may as well be playing the script-based Dragon Realms instead of Dragon Age.

Also, THERE'S NO GRINDING!!! WTF?!?!? Sometimes grinding is a necessity to build up your party's strength and your other characters you've got in wait. But nooooo, I decide I wanna change my tactic and the big ugly dude with cornrows gets his ass handed to him in one smack, and why? BECAUSE YOU CAN'T GO BACK AND GRIND ANYTHING!!! Gay.

It is quite epic though.
Heh, don't forget to pull the gate latch before the Revenant...a bunch of other guys will come help you. Woulda been nice to know beforehand.
In its defense, the pace is very good. You never feel rushed through it and you always feel that there's something to do. I miss the grinding, but it's a good game anyway.
I was just gonna say. Ser Perth even told you you could let him and his men in if the fight was too much for you. Don't forget to regularly push Tab to highlight any interactive objects :)

Fuck that's right!!! I've been away from Bioware for too long. You the man, Stormy!
Hahahahhaha oh man there's even gay sex if you want....HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!! I never thought I'd see guy on guy action possible in a video game.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: I'm fucking dying here...hahahahahha!!!!!

Also, THERE'S NO GRINDING!!! WTF?!?!? Sometimes grinding is a necessity to build up your party's strength and your other characters you've got in wait. But nooooo, I decide I wanna change my tactic and the big ugly dude with cornrows gets his ass handed to him in one smack, and why? BECAUSE YOU CAN'T GO BACK AND GRIND ANYTHING!!! Gay.

How can you possibly be arguing in favor of grinding? o_O
How can you possibly be arguing in favor of grinding? o_O

Because it's fun to come back and just fucking own everything. Now I'm not talking MMO grinding...ugh. But a little grinding here and there is always good because Bioware has the uncanny ability to lead you down a path, only once you get there you realize you need more of X or something else and there's no going back.