Gaming Thread

I've got Borderlands, but it's "acquired" so I dunno if 'tis possible to hook up online.
You should be OK. GameSpy ID plx?

As far as Dragon Age is concerned, I still think an extra party character would've been nice. However, I honestly think this is the best game Bioware has ever done. It's so epic that it's scary and it just never gets old. I've been playing for about 35 hours now and only done 18% of the game. You really have to explore every single thing just like you would in reality or you'll miss something. What a fantastic game.
I don't know, man. It's a great game, but when I see the sheer size of the dungeon crawl in Orzammar (judging from the big blank map I'm faced with as I'm beginning the Deep Roads now), I get a bit discouraged. If there's one thing I hate, it's tedious long dungeon crawls.

wtf is 'grinding'
Depending on the context:

- turning items into a powder by applying back-and-forth or rotating pressure

- dancing with groins rubbing into each other (a.k.a. American elementary school style)

- repeatedly killing the same enemies over and over without doing anything meaningful, to get XP and stat increases
I don't know, man. It's a great game, but when I see the sheer size of the dungeon crawl in Orzammar (judging from the big blank map I'm faced with as I'm beginning the Deep Roads now), I get a bit discouraged. If there's one thing I hate, it's tedious long dungeon crawls.

Orzammar was deff one of the biggest zones in the game if i remember.
Orzammar was deff one of the biggest zones in the game if i remember.
Yeah so I'm told. It's still far too big for my tastes.


I probably won't be on tonight since I'm going to see Marylin Manson...Anna's dragging me to see him because she's never seen him before and I have. He puts on a good show, however. A great show, actually.
Awright. I'll add you tonight. Be nice to have some more European friends. Mate of mine's going to pivk it up tonight, so there'll be three of us already. Siren's already taken, btw ^_^