Gaming Thread

Just started a dual-wielding Elven rogue. Lovin' it so far. I keep getting awesome decapitation finishing moves. Vaughn's head was liberated from his body. This may be more fun then playing as a warrior. More strategy needed, indeed. I think I'm gonna go for duelist and assasin, have my party be me, leliana on bow, wynne on healer, and allistair on tank. much different than the DPS-centric lineup of my last game.
Beware of not having sufficient crowd control. The fights where two dozen things jump you are near unwinnable without some sort of sleep/ice/crushing prison type stuff.

Being a rogue is mighty badass though. I soloed whole sections of the game just sneaking through and removing traps then ganking the mages by surprise and slipping back into stealth to pick off the rest one at a time. I soloed Orzammar proving as well.
I can't wait for Bioshock 2.

I need to get into dragon ages...I created a warrior but I am just going start over and do a mage.

I think borderlands is fun I enjoy it.

Still playing Ass Creed II. I almost have all the glyphs. (Unlocking the File scenes and puzzles are crazy). Need to get the feathers and shit. Need to get one more crest for the ass statue and I should be done. I'm trying to get the 100% Sync.
Final Fantasy 13 is confusing... on one hand the battle system is pretty cool. On the other hand, the enemy designs, especially the bosses, have way too much HP, so it's not a matter of strategy or skill, but of endurance. The story, what I could pick up of it with my limited wapanese, was pretty lame as well. The characters are just carbon copies of characters from other FF games (the designers basically said "who are everyone's favorite 6 characters? Ok, recreate them) except adding more "annoying".

Snow is particularly annoying... his dialog consists of "I WILL PROTECT EVERYONE FROM THIS MENACE" repeated for 42 hours. Hope is also pretty annoying... very whiney, granted he improves a bit after the 20 hour mark. Fang is probably the worst character of the bunch. She has these unexplained bipolar fits that confuse the fuck out of you. Every time she had a scene I was just confused and my attention would drift elsewhere.

The ending was especially bad... but I'll leave out the spoilers. Very short and anti-climactic (and very reminiscent of another very popular Final Fantasy's ending).

The leveling system isn't too bad, and the optima system (essentially just jobs that you can switch on the fly in battle) is moderately cool. On the other hand, spells are relatively useless for the most part. I very rarely used them. The summons look cool, but really aren't that much of use until the end of game when they finally deal some decent damage in gestalt mode. Early on their only use was to be a damage magnet.

Worst aspect of the game by far is the fact that you can't switch party leaders in battle, and often time the game forces a leader on you due to whatever perilous event is occurring at the time. Unlike most though, I had no problem with the game over if the party leader dies. I did have a problem with the fact that when you get a game over you can just start right where you left off. Death really has no punishment aside from a drop in the rating of the battle, which most couldn't give half a shit about since it REALLY doesn't matter and was a pointless addition to the game.

Music is good, probably the best post-nobuo soundtrack a FF game has had... but a few songs will get stuck in your head since they often use the enviroment music as the battle theme in that certain area... and for the most part there is no victory fanfare.

Also, the game takes FOREVER to really open up... think about 20 hours till it loses it's extreme linearity.

Overall, better than ff12, but still a far reach from the final fantasy's of years long gone. Hopefully they get their shit together between now and FF15, but I have serious doubts on that.
Why does everyone hate on FFXII? It was different, sure, but it's not like it was awful like X-2.

Because XII was horrible? The battle/gambit system was a joke to the point where you didn't even have to touch the controller, it did all the work for you, the characters (aside from Balthier) were one dimensional bore-fests whom were out of place in the grand scheme of the story, the license board was just an annoyance in terms of equipment (a stat/level based equipment system would have been much more reasonable), the story was really slow and really pointless and really lacked any drive for progression... I could go on for days about just how fucking bad that game was.

As for FFXIII, Square's becoming a caricature of themselves. I mean, those character names are so idiotic I feel my IQ dropping every time I read them.

Nah, that ain't bad... what's bad is what lightning's real name is (spoiler alert: it's Eclair, a tasty pastry and the french word for lightning).:lol:
Yeah, I imported. First time I ever got a preorder import within a reasonable time frame (Saturday morning) too... shame it was kind of a stinker.

Hopefully my next import preorder (End of Eternity, or Resonance of Fate in the US/EU) turns out better. Demo comes out on the wapanese side of the live/PSN today at some point, can't wait to hit that up.
Because XII was horrible? The battle/gambit system was a joke to the point where you didn't even have to touch the controller, it did all the work for you,
It relieved me of all the irritating little spells I had to cast to clear ailments and buff, which is something I almost never do, due to the annoyance of having to recast them all the time. Besides, the gambit system was optional - you could (over)use it however much you wanted. I considered it a great advantage, letting battles flow without having to constantly scroll through menus. And besides, even with good gambits, you still had to intervene very often.

the characters (aside from Balthier) were one dimensional bore-fests whom were out of place in the grand scheme of the story,
It's Square! Their characters are always flat stereotypes with robotic dialogue.

the license board was just an annoyance in terms of equipment (a stat/level based equipment system would have been much more reasonable),
I liked the Licence Board, and even if you didn't, you still can't deny that a level/stat based system is overdone, lame, and no innovation whatsoever. At least Square tried to bring something new to the board (get it?). The only annoying thing about the LP system was that it was so slow to upgrade, and I don't mean earning licence points, I mean spending them in the menu. Especially for your reserves, who'd accumulated tons of LP you never spent, it takes ages to open up all those little squares.

the story was really slow and really pointless and really lacked any drive for progression...
I dunno. At least you weren't travelling around the world talking to everyone every time the story progressed hoping to find the right person, based on vague and useless clues you got (FFVIII).
The license system was broken. At least in 10 it wasn't until end game that your characters became the same. You max the license board in no time. The dialogue was awkward, everyone spoke in this weird monotone voice, 12 was just a drab, plain game.