Gaming Thread

I love the SMT series, but I can never admit any of the games are even remotely close to the level in terms of story telling and gameplay that FF4, 5, and 6 were. Especially the early SMT games... holy fuck were some of those fucking lame shit. Not to mention in terms of accessibility, the final fantasy series is about 30 times more accessible than any SMT game.
SMT = Shin Megami Tensei = the Persona games, right?

Yes on the first part.

BUT! Persona games aren't actually SMT games... that title was just added to it due for US/EU sales reasons as persona 2 (the half of that game we did get) sold like utter shit, they felt that saying they were part of an already established series would help garner attention (kinda like how square adds final fantasy to pretty much any product). It actually happened to work.

In terms to their actual placement, they kinda count as spinoffs, but non of the actions of those games have really been addressed by the SMT series. Honestly, I don't see how they can include them as Persona 3 and 4 went off in their own direction and have pretty much nothing to do with the first 2 games in the series, which were very related to each other.

Also, we've only gotten 1 "actual" SMT game in the US, which was Nocturne. Next year we actually get another one localized, for the DS, which plays a lot more like the older games. Doubt it's going to sell well in the US since it's style is dramatically different than what the US has experienced before with the series' spin off games that have been localized.
I see. I don't think they were ever released in Europe... and if they were, I've never encountered them in shops...

Most of the ones released in north america have made it over to europe, however they don't exactly print to many of them so most shops won't have them. Usually gotta hit up websites for em.


Anyway, just got done playing the End of Eternity (Resonance of Fate) demo for about 3 hours. I dig it. Cool thing about the demo is that every time you beat it, you can play it again with harder enemies, different drops, etc.

The battle system is really cool... I'm calling it real time turn based third person button mash strategy tactical battle system (the rttbtpbmstbm).

Kinda hard to explain in text, but I shall try and type this up for multiple places with one big ass post:

You have 3 characters on the battle field. You can make a move or skip the turn. Now, if you move freely with the analog, this gives the enemies can all move freely during the, however you stand still, everything stops, and you can press a button which enters line mode. In line mode you, well... setup a line for your character to move in. Now there are two elements you must be aware of, which is Resonance and enemy/environment trajectory... the "resonance" side of things is aligning your characters movement in a certain manner where it crosses the direct paths of your other characters. Doing this adds a Resonance point.

A resonance point can be spent to do an awesome tactic which involves all 3 of your characters moving at once (switching places on the battle field) only spending one character's turn phase, to deal massive damage. Should note that if you move outside of a resonance trajectory, if you have resonance points you'll lose them.

Now, after selecting the trajectory and area your character will run to, you can now start doing some attacking. Attacks vary depending on what weapon you have, and this is really important for the damage aspect as there are 2 types of damage: Scratch and regular. Scratch damage indicated by the color blue, is caused by shit like sub machine guns and the like. This number seems huge, but it's actually not as damaging as the number would lead you to believe as this damage is only temporary and if you don't keep up the assault on this particular enemy, they can gain this energy back and it'll be a waste. Regular damage, cause by pistols, grenades, and shit, is of course, straight up damage. The number is lower as it's attacking straight at the enemies health...

As for actually attacking, you character starts running on his course to his destination, and in this time you can order him to jump up in the air and the like, for some more classy attacks. You're able to attack when your character has aimed in, this time varies on the distance, weapon, and weapon proficiency that you have... in the case of resonance mode, it will switch between characters in real time and you'll be doing this with all 3. In the case your plotted line leads you into an environment brick wall or some shit, the characters movement cancels. Canceling can also be done with the simple press of the cancel button. You can jump over a lot of shit as well, but pre-plotting your line, it's best to move your character into a place where the trajectory will both keep you away from enviroment, and still in the resonance of the other characters.

You also have 2 weapons (it may increase at some point due to level or something, i'm not sure though) which you can equip. If you equip 2 of the same class of weapon, you can use them both in the attack phase, or you can equip 2 different ones and switch during the pre-attack phase depending on the kind of damage/enemy you're running into. NOT sure if you can use 2 different types weapons at the same time, but it may become an option in the full game later on or something.

And that just about does it for the battlin... as convoluted as it sounds, it actually becomes VERY fluid and quite fun after you figure out the little quirks and systems about it. It also has to be one of the more "different" J-RPG battle systems in ages, and hopefully (if it sells well) a wake-up call to some J-RPG developers to go back to the drawing boards and get a bit fucking innovative.

Can't say shit about the story since in the demo there was... well... shit for story in the demo. Can't wait for the full version, and I can only hope it's good and not like last year's tri-ace offering of Star Ocean 4... another game with great gameplay but a not so great story in terms of RPGs this generation.
Nocturne is nothing like that. Any and every enemy in the game is recruitable, the game is hard and unforgiving, especially with the true ending. Great character customization, there wasn't much story but the story that was there was fucking awesome. It's dark, you even indirectly fight god and actually do fight Satan.