Gaming Thread

Theres a shitton of them over at the ME boards.

Fuck you, Sony... all I wanted to do was play some god damn Heavy Rain.

Learn how to make a god damn console that doesn't have a shitty calendar.
I started to play 2, then I realized I enjoyed 1 more. Granted, driving around on those awful planets collecting metal deposits and assorted junk is major boring shit, but 2 seems to have ruined the vanguard class which I had immense fun playing in 1.
2 definitely gave my preferred weapon (the sniper rifle) a kick in the balls. Only ten shots per mission, unless you spend tedious minutes after battles collecting thermal... whatevers that are almost impossible to spot on a dark underground unless you're willing to stop for several seconds after every step to see them briefly light up. I don't understand why the SR is always so nerfed in games. It has slow rate-of-fire, and is almost impossible to use in close combat (unless you've spent so much time practicing with it, like me). The trade-off is high accuracy and damage. All weapons have this balance, with some strong points and some weak ones. But for some reason, SR's always have to get the additional ridiculous ammo penalty, whereas other weapons don't. The other weapons don't run out of ammo nearly as fast as the SR (and no, I don't miss ;) ), with the exception maybe of the heavy pistol. Games sure hate high-accuracy weapons with a passion.
The whole ammo concept is painfully stupid anyhow. 2 years have gone by and suddenly the weapon technology has gone from "can shoot forever" to clips? This is why they resurrected Shepard - the whole damn galaxy is going to hell without him/her.
I thought the Vanguards charge was utterly useless. It puts you right in firing range where you're sure to die. If you use it in a safe situation, to take out maybe one enemy, then you might as well just shoot them down.
Exactly. Vanguards were so damn fun to play in ME1. You had decent armor and barrier to keep you alive (plus shock trooper specialization for more toughness), a shotgun with infinite ammo, and a range of biotics perfect for barreling into a shitstorm of dudes and just wasting them all with carnage missiles. Now I get ammo limitations, no barrier, throw, or warp, and I have to hide behind cover to live longer than 5 seconds.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Made me want to reroll a pure soldier or biotic, haha.

I thought it was funny how whoever you saved during the nuke situation (Ashly or Kaiden), they both get pissed at you when you meet them again. Made me want to go back and save Ashly until I looked on youtube and saw the dialogue was the same.
I like the infiltrator style of play in other games, but found it unrewarding in ME1 because the other members of your team are just useless and the AI isn't smart enough to charge a sniper in cover with multiple guys to take advantage of the long reload/cooldown time on rifles. IE it's too easy