Gaming Thread

I've got so many fucking games sitting here that I'm going insane. CnC4 (although, I'm not too excited about the changes, may hold off on playing this for a while) Dragon Age expansion and Metro 2033 on the PC, Resonance of Fate, Perfect Dark re-releasemake on the box, GOW3 and Yakuza 3 (ruined and with engrish!) on the tripple.

And then next week Just Cause 2, SMT Strange Journey...

And then fucking april... Monster Hunter Tri, Jumpgate Evolution, Nier... And then May has a fuck ton too.

God dammit. Good fucking year for games, but where am I gonna find the god damn time?
I'm sick of games like the Battlefield and COD being developed for multiplayer over single player. IT'S JUST NOT FUN. Meanwhile, we get a single player game that lasts all of like 10 hours at most.
Well, frag fests are good for what they are. If I just wanna blow some shit up and kill a bunch of people, I'll play Unreal Tournament. But what pisses me off is that almost every FPS game these days is developed around multiplayer and really skimped on the single player. Unless it's an MMO, multiplayer should be a bonus and not the main theme of the game. COD and BFBC2 had decent single player games, but that was it...they were DECENT.

This is why I download all FPS games. I'm not spending 50 bucks on a game that developers spent only a couple of months developing because they want the ADHD multiplayer market.
I find with the COD series especially that the single player is absolutely intense and it's absolute perfect for an adrenaline filled play through all in one sitting. I especially enjoy that aspect. I do get frustrated sometimes that it is not significantly longer, though.
That's my gripe. The single player aspect is quite good, it's just not long enough. I beat COD MW2 in a few hours.

I remember playing Medal of Honor back in the day and when I finished it I felt drained, not twitchy like I do in COD. It was because it was well thought out and executed.
There's a new MMO coming out called Black Prophecy that looks interesting. It's going to be free to play and resembles Eve, but with actual twitch flying like Freelancer and not point and click like Eve. Personally I love Eve but it will be interesting to see how BP works.

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And then of course there's the new Dust 514 game coming out that ties into Eve, but it's for consoles only. Supposedly D514 and Eve will be connected and the ground pounders in D514 will be mercenaries hired by pod pilots like me from Eve. The concept is really cool with the whole cross-platform co-op gaming in an MMO...if they can pull it off. It's just a shame that it won't be coming to PC, which pisses me off.

Ah well, don't spend real money for fake money. I was just kinda joking anyway. I've got a pretty decent corp right now but they're mainly an industrial one.
Bah after my 4th game I had cut myself off of ME2, but of course today (for my birthday I can only assume), they release the Hammerhead DLC. Fucking enablers.


edit: I clicked on the "new content available" link in game and it tries to sell me friggin SUNGLASSES


edit: nevermind, it was a trap.