Just finished ME2's Suicide Mission, having NO idea what I was getting into, since I played without any information except what the game gave me. Everyone made it back, except for Legion, who got a dramatic death shot, his body left behind as the Collectors march past him. I got surprised by the Collector attack just as I was going to do his loyalty mission. He probably would have made it back if I'd done it right away. That's what you get for playing without a guide or any other info, and I'm glad I did it this way - it was one Hell of a ride. Special awesomesauce for the scene where Shepard slides across the floor to snatch the hand of (in my case) Miranda.
No romance in this game, but maybe it'll change on my second ME+ME2 playthrough. I didn't even get Kelly into bed and I had dinner with her and everything... wonder what I did wrong

Ah wait, checked my terminal for messages, there it is. Heh, "Message from: KellyGrrrl" ^_^
edit: did a search on the ME2 wiki. Seems picking Tali as Tech Expert, Jacob as Fire team, Jack as Biotic and Miranda as second Fire Team were all almost perfect choices, but the mistake I made was sending Grunt back to the surface with the crew, while I should have kept him for the Hold the Line mission and sent a squishy like Mordin instead, to boost the team's defensive skills. That would have kept Legion alive, it seems. Ah well, I'm glad I did it all without any help from wikis or walkthroughs, made it a heart-pounding rush with decisions made on intuition, instead of a checklist job.
So my checklist is:
Shepard - survived
Garrus - survived
Tali - survived
Miranda - survived
Jack - survived
Thane - survived
Grunt - survived
Mordin - survived
Samara - survived
Zaeed - survived
Jacob - survived
Legion - killed
Normandy SR2 crew - survived
Collector base - destroyed
Miranda - resigned from Cerberus
Illusive Man - pissed off with Shepard
Shepard still in a relationship with Kaidan Alenko (but cheated on him with Kelly

Ashley Williams died on Virmire
Urdnot Wrex survived the mission on Virmire
Shepard followed the Paragon path
Destiny Ascension was destroyed on the Citadel
Captain Anderson was chosen as Council member