Gaming Thread

Yeah. I mean, I can understand being eager to see the story progress, but not doing loyalty missions, that lets you miss out on 50% of the story, not to mention that doing loyalty missions is a way to get to know your characters, so that you could at least have felt immersed during the 50% you did play.
yeah, maybe thats why I only gave a fuck about garrus since I already knew him and thought he was legit from mass effect 1. Summer starts soon and I'll definitely be replaying it; isn't there an option to start a new game that has your character with all the stats from your previous game you finished? eh either way i'll just do it haha
Wow man, Why would you buy a new game only to care about previous characters? That seems a little wasteful.
Wow man, Why would you buy a new game only to care about previous characters? That seems a little wasteful.

I didn't buy it and I was more curious to see the actual story like with the reapers and how all that tied in and I was more than satisfied in that department. I guess I just didn't count on how much effort they put into the whole team and the relationships there since I only really cared about shepard's immediate goal and character and I took it for granted. When I have tons of time I'll give it all the time I have (hopefully by then mass effect 3 will be close to release haha, i can't wait to see how it ends!)
Yeah it really is, I was surprised at how much I loved it. I hardly have time for games (damn you regular life responsibilities!) so I had to play it randomly on weekends for multiple hours at a time and I loved every second of it haha. I heard Just Cause 2 is good but I don't really like those kinds of games, the last one that I liked that was like that was Crackdown but I had to sell my 360 and all my games to pay for band stuff =(
Now this, I am quite proud of (and NO, I wasn't playing on Easy!)
