Gaming Thread

Just finished Splinter Cell: Conviction.

Really cool game, but I don't know why they continue to ignore past gameplay features that worked really well, such as in Chaos Theory. Of course, the new features are really cool and new, but I found myself wishing I could do certain things in the new one that I could in Chaos Theory, like MOVING BODIES, scrollable movement speed, etc. I liked the "enhanced interrogation techniques" they added, but it could've been better. The marking ability was really cool though.

Still, Chaos Theory is still the best out of all of them, imo.
I don't know why but I don't have any desire to play the new SC. In fact, my desire to game as of late is pretty low in general, which is scary as I have been a gamer since the mid-80s. I have a shit ton of games I have yet to beat, including FFXIII and GoW3 yet I have no desire to play them. Christ, I only play WoW like 10 hours a week nowadays....the fuck?
Just finished Splinter Cell: Conviction.

Really cool game, but I don't know why they continue to ignore past gameplay features that worked really well, such as in Chaos Theory. Of course, the new features are really cool and new, but I found myself wishing I could do certain things in the new one that I could in Chaos Theory, like MOVING BODIES, scrollable movement speed, etc. I liked the "enhanced interrogation techniques" they added, but it could've been better. The marking ability was really cool though.

Still, Chaos Theory is still the best out of all of them, imo.

Chaos Theory was an amazing game, I think it's pretty universally accepted that it's the perfect Splinter Cell. Still don't have Conviction though, really need to get around to buying that.
Chaos Theory was an amazing game, I think it's pretty universally accepted that it's the perfect Splinter Cell. Still don't have Conviction though, really need to get around to buying that.

Here's my official review:

It's ALMOST a completely different game. There is no hiding bodies, and you can either use people as human shields when you sneak up on them or you can immediately kill them, much like in Chaos Theory. However, the mechanics are different and Chaos Theory just felt so much more, well, FLUID.

However, the mechanics of shooting around corners is the greatest thing EVER. It's much, MUCH smoother in this game. It seems like this one was made to be much more fluid in getting through the levels; sneak up, smack around/take hostage/break neck/double tap after kicking his knees out from under him/twist hand and kill him with his own gun/etc. Levels were more seamless and the story was done a bit better but still, the gameplay itself had me longing for the mechanics of Chaos Theory.

I remember when they first started doing this project and they showed a demo of Sam throwing people around the room and shit...this was maybe 2 years ago. I remember that demo and was really blown away, but none of that is in this game. I guess they scrapped it for the more conventional SC mechanics, which is good and bad.

One of the coolest things now is the new Deniable Ops mini-games they have. You choose one of two new characters and do the whole sneaking/killing through levels that are really about the same size as an entire SC stage. You can either be a hunter or last man standing and to tell you the truth, I had just as much fun playing those things as I did the game itself. Each scene is made up of 4 parts and you must progress through each part to reach the end. If you're spotted or do some stupid shit, more people will come after A LOT more. It's really challenging.

Also I liked the "traps" they've set in this game. You can shoot down dangling objects like chandeliers or heavy art pieces hanging from the ceiling and crush people underneath them. There are a few new gadgets that are pretty cool, and I like the ability to grab any gun in the game that's dropped. You can upgrade weapons and such and have weapons caches placed throughout each stage if you'd like to change weapons.

It's a great game, but after you play it, you'll know what I mean when you start thinking about Chaos Theory. I mean, remember the security company you had to break into, or the ship you had to scour through, or bank you had to break into in Chaos Theory? Those are still head and shoulders above most of the stuff in Conviction. However, Conviction is different in the way that there isn't any loading screen, saving, etc. It's one continuous action so it feels much more story-driven than Chaos Theory.

You'll dig it a lot, but I'd download it first like I did in case it isn't what you were expecting.
Also, I happen to be playing through SC: Chaos Theory now. Pretty neat. Is Double Agent any good?

The story for Double Agent is pretty good, and it's a good game as well but Chaos Theory is where it's at. Double Agent actually seemed more like a FPS than a stealth/silent kill game, mainly due to the fact that you weren't doing a bunch of night missions. You had to balance your trust between Third Echelon and the Neo Nazis, I seem to remember. There were a lot of choices to make. Definitely play through it to understand the story for Conviction. Double Agent is really the game where Splinter Cell becomes more about Sam Fisher than Third Echelon, and it culminates in Conviction.

The one thing I really liked about Conviction though, was that you were a pissed off motherfucker and you kill EVERYONE. There was no more trust or too much carnage or were pissed and when you weren't killing people, you were beating the living shit out of them interrogating them to find out information. My favorite part was interrogating the guy in the bathroom and headbutting him in the face, punching him in the stomach, and ramming his face into the urinal, breaking the bottom out of it. It's like a cutscene, but you can control the actions and where you are in respect to your surroundings will determine what happens in the cutscene. It's pretty neat.

By the way, have you figured out the voice of Sam Fisher? Michael fucking Ironside. They couldn't have picked a better guy.
if anyone enjoyed Jedi Academy online i owuld suggest the new mount and blade warband, think jedi academy but medieval, it actually takes time and practice to learn how to fight like in JA :p so fun plus i believe you can have two people with AI on both sides and have a battle to see who wins which would be awesome to set up, i actually bought my game but im trying to convince some friends to torrent it so we can do LAN battles.