Gaming Thread

I applied for the beta on Hoping for a response, I went to gamestop and reserved my copy.

When you reserve your copy you get two beta keys for the beta. (Did not know this or I would of done it a long time ago)
New Minmatar cruiser in the next Eve expansion


:lol: :lol: :lol:
So Machinima is making a Dragon Age cinematic series called Warden's Fall. Used making the DA toolset, pretty impressive. First Episode:
so does anyone have SLI or Crossfire setup? i bought a new video card today and my mobo can do crossfire so im thinking about buying a second one soon because right now its not really any better than my 9800 GT (albeit it runs much cooler) even with overclock theres really no difference, so i think i might buy a second one but does it double the GPU power or does it only give me the one card plus mabye half the other cards power?
Ahhh, O.K. Well, I don't have a lot of Crossfire experience but it honestly seems like a waste of money unless you're going to be running high-resource-using games. In all honesty, some games utilize more CPU resources than GPU resources (CounterStrike is a good example of this). I would also suggest not using Crossfire if you run multiple monitors. I run dual-GPUs but I have no intention of running Crossfire since I run three monitors. Anything you have running on the other monitors will take performance away from your primary monitor, regardless if they are bridged or not.

Anyway, to answer your question, part (half?) of the load will be transferred from your master card to your slave card under GPU intensive situations (load-balancing).
yeah im just curious because people say that the 5770 has better performance that the 9800 GT and i tried it on Bad Company 2 same setting and i haven't noticed a difference at all tbh, and this cars oc'ed, but some of the games coming out these days i have noticed the frame rate slowly dropping, especially in Bad Company 2 that was pushing my graphics card so i figured i would buy a new one thats ATi so if i don't get better performance i can buy another one and crossfire it. I play a lot of games (pretty much all day when im not out doing something or working) and my friend can get it for $166 so in a few weeks when i have the money i might buy another but i dunno...

low frame rates really bug me, i've always wondered if it is perhaps my processor (quad core q6600 2.6 GHz) thats making things slow down (especially explosions).
yeah mines OC'ed to max right now, its an EXTREMELY cool card it's idling at
42c right now and its at 960 MHz :p i would go nvidia but my mobo only supports crossfire cause its gay. but honestly besides it fucking up in M&B warband its really not a bad card, i think Crossfire it will help a lot though.
Just downloaded Allods Online, felt like indulging in a bit of MMOing but didn't want to sell my soul to WoW again. Seems pretty cool so far, I mean it's completely free but unlike other free MMOs it actually feels polished and well made.
It seems like a WoW clone at first glance but it also seems more intuitive and in-depth. Keep us updated on how it is...I may just download it myself.