In what ways have they improved the game besides graphics? Can you do more things in it besides build up your forces and swarm the other person? Did they add RPG elements to it or something? What are these "game mechanics that vastly improve it"?
yeah see I agree that it's the same but I think it's still pretty fun anyway. I obviously don't know all the stuff they added but the campaign seems more thought out, they have new units, graphics are better, the new physics stuff is cool, the whole thing where (SPOILER MAYBE?) you're on the main battle cruiser and can buy new units, upgrades and all that stuff depending on the money you make on jobs is pretty cool and just in general its taking a good thing and making it better. I wouldn't say its the greatest game ever but having my force of like 50 marines swarm and dominate a zerg base in 3d graphics and hearing the squirts and screams is pretty intense haha