Gaming Thread


I wish I could skip the cut scenes in The Last Remnant. Seriously, if you die at a boss fight, you have to sit through 5-10 minutes of dialogue.

EDIT: Yeah you pause the shit.....DERP
I thought you guys had all been playing since the beta wtf? how are you talking about pvp being new/athiss/orange gear? maybe i've just played too much since i fucking love the game haha. I'm in a guild but tbh i mostly just use it to find groups for stuff since its a bunch of random people and then a small group which does hm ops/ops/hm's with each other and kinda is sequestered off from everyone else. you do stuff with them sometimes but most of the time they stick together (for example I was going to dps for a hm and had talked to them a bunch but then they found the last member of the group they needed and instead of hitting me back they just had one of their friends take my spot, didn't tell me and went for it and i didn't know until i checked the guild list and saw they were in the hm).

i beat syndicate and it was kinda decent but kinda crappy at the same time. i hear co-op is the shit so i'll have to try that sometime soon, but i'm so engulfed in SWTOR right now I can't really stop (i want to hit battlemaster before I start playing ME3 non stop and i'm at valor 54 so it's a longgg grind haha).

I really do love SWTOR though. there are problems, the graphics blow, a lot of the updates they do bug a lot of stuff, there are a lot of bugs, many things can be a grind etc, but the great moments truly outweigh the shittyness. going through a hm you've never done before with a good group and experiencing the story/team work, some of the great planets and set pieces (i wish more daily quests were on other planets since just ilum and belsavis gets boring as hell), great music for the most part, a lot of funny easter eggs, the class quests (especially the end fuck yeah), the feeling you get when taking on a boss in an ops, the fun and competition of pvp, upgrading gear to get awesome star wars items (getting the purple lightsaber was sooo sick) etc. I'm sure i'll burn out eventually but they keep adding content and i haven't even scratched the surface. it says i've played 14 days when i used the /played function, and i still haven't even hit 4 of the flashpoints (though i'm way over leveled so it'd just be for story), haven't hit battlemaster, need to get all that gear, only have 2 rakata pieces, haven't even done the karagga ops etc.
Guys...ok, guys....

What if..,


What if there was a game where the plot twist is like gods are aliens, though there's different mythological gods and that's the plot twist, and the protagonist chooses his country of origin and that's the god he mantles, so Scandinavia would be Thor, Amurica would be Jesus or something.

I got this idea watching Ancient Aliens.

So each country has it's rising protege that mantles a god which was really an alien, which is cheesy but how bad is this honestly?
I thought you guys had all been playing since the beta wtf? how are you talking about pvp being new/athiss/orange gear? maybe i've just played too much since i fucking love the game haha.

i've only played since mid-late january or something, and i barely got time to play very much what with playing in 2 bands, having a girlfriend, working etc :p with that said, i have a lvl 30 mercenary and a lvl 22 sith assassin
Yeah I forget that you guys have lives haha, I'm pretty lucky in that I started playing on launch day and despite work (which i'm cutting out so that i can focus more on school, straight A's and more classes) I've been able to play a lot of time due to just having school. It baffles me sometimes when I see the reallyyyy high end players on the server who are already valor 65, in full battlemaster gear or rakata etc. I can't imagine how little of a life those people have, and its funny to see them act like dicks/bully n00bs because its pretty obvious they're either a. a fat nerd living in his moms basement that plays all day, b. a highschool kid who just plays tor all day (i've seen one like that) or c. just some mega loser who powerlevels so he can take out his insecurities on others.

I haven't started an alt yet because I really want to max out everything and stomp even the top players (its pretty rewarding passing the people who were total douchebags to you and then flat out destroying them without saying anything/gloating, silent pride is definitely better than gloating like a cock) which i'm getting pretty close to. Once I have full rakata/battlemaster I'll probably start a pub alt because i'm really curious to see the pub planets/differences between the factions and then whenever a new patch comes out with a new flashpoint/ops i can go back to my insanely powerful imperial and just do the new stuff on that one.

It's going to be tough when ME3 comes out though. any players who choose not to play ME3 are going to be insanely powerful when all the people who stopped playing tor to play me3 come back haha; I'm guessing it'll occupy a lot of people for a good week or so and leave tor (especially the low pop servers like mine) fairly empty.
That franchise needs to have one more game next gen. A true return of a 7, 8, or 9 feel. Then quit.

Steve, Stormo, you've played some of the PS2 SMT games. Even Devil Survivor on the DS destroys any final fantasy ever made except MAYBE 9.
I <3 Final Fantasy. I'm sure you already know, but you will see Final Fantasy until the day you die. I beat XIII-2 and I can already tell you there will be a XIII-3. XIII-2 was actually a great game believe it or not. Highly recommend it to anyone who likes to play RPG's. Don't think it is like XIII, because it is not. It is far away from being linear like XIII was.

I love IX, that was a great game and that was also Hironobu's favorite one out of all of them. I like most of them but only a couple of the games really bothered me. X-2 was a game I couldn't grasp. Yuna with hand-guns? No thanks. I can't live with that crap. Also XII's battle-system was a hunk of garbage. They started with the MMO and they decided, "Hey, it would be a great idea to implement that style of battle into a non-mmo Final Fantasy title". No, that was terrible. It sucks ass beyond redemption. I own it and i never got that far, because I cannot play with that crap.
I don't like ANY final fantasy game. I know that's blasphemy, but I played X when it came out because it looked cool and it was only meh, I played VIII and got stuck at one point and overall wasn't that interested etc. Just doesn't seem to be my series for some odd reason.

I can't wait until they make it so you can transfer characters in TOR. It's my first MMO so i went with a low pop server thinking OH THIS MEANS IT WON'T BE TOO CROWDED, not realizing that instead it means Ilum is almost always dead and 80% of the planets have 10 people on them. I seriously want to go on a server where Ilum is constantly packed with pubs vs imperials and battles are going on constantly so I can actually see people manning the turrets, trying desperately to take each others bases, valor farming (all i do on ilum is get the bonus of objectives owned to use in pvp and armament farm with the occasional pub killing) etc. Valor farming people bitch about but I want to be in that fuck up haha; I'm level 55 right now and the grind is soooo long just doing wz's because there aren't enough people to kill on Ilum to make it even possible to gain valor there.

I'm really hoping in 1.2 they implement a new PVP match, a new ops or flashpoint and some other cool shit. most of the changes they've been making have just been nerfing shit and that's no fun, i want new content not exploit closings and making stuff i've grinded so hard on so much easier now.