Gaming Thread

Lynn, if you need a voice actor I'm up for the cause.

The Redguard DLC, in my opinion, would have brought us to Stros Mkai from the 1998 game Elder Scrolls Adventures, there was a living dragon there who served the empire. And Orsinium is now right by the Hammerfell border. Who lives there? Orcs. Who do Orcs worship? Malacath. If you look in the data files, Malacath was the ONLY god who had high levels and status.


At least Todd Howard said Elder Scrolls Online is 100% non-cannon.
I have more questline mods than the real game, I haven't played into that yet. Falskar is pretty good, a little drawn out at times. Shadow of Meresis, um.. Interesting NPC's has some neat quests.
Persona 5 for the PS3... Can it really sell? I'm sure it will do fine in Japan, but I fear for its market elsewhere. The spinoff on 3DS looks nice. As does Zelda:A Link Between Two Worlds.

Come on, Stormo... I hate handhelds, too. But, don't fight it. Get a 3DS, if only for SMT IV!
I'll look into emulating one first. I hate playing on a tiny screen.

Same, and after using the video out on the PSP, and it only using 1/3 of my total screen space, gave up on handhelds. Sorry, I'll take a 42'' over a 6'' thanks.

Skyrim stuff: I think someone already posted about G.E.M.S. in this thread somewhere, but here it is again.

Also, super old, but still awesome:

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Latest trailer for "Skywind" the mod with the ultimate goal of adding the entirety of Morrowind to Skyrim and it's engine. Been in constant development for more than a year and still in it's alpha stage. Can't wait for this to be finished. I think you can download the alpha version somewhere, but I'd rather wait. I think the payoff on waiting will be good.
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Could be nice if it's done well, a la World of Darkness.

Which won't be out for another five years.

If then.

Doesn't matter...even though EA is behind it, a new open-world Star Wars game is on the horizon and I'm excited.
Latest trailer for "Skywind" the mod with the ultimate goal of adding the entirety of Morrowind to Skyrim and it's engine. Been in constant development for more than a year and still in it's alpha stage. Can't wait for this to be finished. I think you can download the alpha version somewhere, but I'd rather wait. I think the payoff on waiting will be good.

It also looks like they fixed the biggest flaw that the other graphical overhaul mods just couldn't do previously...the fucking awful combat. Even though Skyrim's is still just serviceable, it's still leagues beyond Morrowind's in most areas. Now if they hold true to the original Morrowind though and also incorporate the original spells.../nerdgasm!

Skyrim was way better than Oblivion, but Morrowind still had the most interesting setting.
So I'm playing the TESO beta, and not even TES is exempt from idiots.

"This game looks a lot like Skyrim. Is it the same world?"

I think everyone in chat publicly shamed him for about an hour.

As far as the game goes, it's not bad for an MMO. The gameplay is a lot like Guild Wars 2 meets Skyrim...that's the best way to describe it. The spell system is really fantastic and has some really cool spells, both passive and active abilities. It's skill-based as well as level-based, so although it may be considered TES-lite or Diet TES, the principles are still the same. There is no "Prot Warrior/Destro Lock" type of character creation. All your skills branch out into new skills, and which branch you choose determines how you'll play your character....not like WoW with the skills, but more like a real RPG. For instance, I could either keep my familiar and level him up to do better shit, or I could transform him into a different familiar altogether with different abilities, and I will never be able to go back to that old familiar without completely retraining. It's definitely NOT a WoW clone, but it IS definitely an MMO. You immediately know you're playing an MMO, but it doesn't seem to follow the usual trappings of MMOs and doesn't follow the standard generic formula. That said, the single-player games are of course much deeper and tailored to you personally, but if you don't utterly detest every single MMO every made (Stormo :)), then you will enjoy it if you like TES lore and storylines.

Graphically it's a feast for the eyes and is really beautiful. It runs really well on even low-end machines, as we're trying it also on my old dual core PC, and it has pretty much everything TES has as far as lore goes: Mages and Fighters guilds, classes, races, lands, cities, characters, stories, etc. The MMO tank/dps/healz "holy trinity" is completely dead in this game and non-existent. In this way it resembles GW2...however, I didn't really like GW2. It was still just a bunch of fetch quests, only you didn't have to return to turn them in. I've played for two days and every single quest is voice-acted with a cut-scene and has a direct impact on your story.

Bottom line, don't expect to have your mind blown like the first time you played's still an MMO and still has the limitations every MMO has: sacrifices must be made for performance and server limitations. However, I seriously doubt this game will go F2P like SWTOR did. It seems to be doing everything right where SWTOR did everything wrong. I still play SWTOR because I love SW and the storylines, but TESO is superior in every way.
So I'm playing the TESO beta, and not even TES is exempt from idiots.

"This game looks a lot like Skyrim. Is it the same world?"

I think everyone in chat publicly shamed him for about an hour.

God. I got almost halfway through this before realizing I had read TES as "FES" and was wondering what the fuck was going on. I thought there was some random Persona MMORPG coming out, and none of what you had written was making any sense. :lol:

About to play Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PC) soon!