Gaming Thread

The only MMO I will make time from my life for is an Elder Scrolls one, and it's shaping up to look like that's how it's going to be.

I'm not about to say no to a Dark Elf Battlemage.

Do I want the next Elder Scrolls to be an MMO? Freya's cunt, no.
The only MMO I will make time from my life for is an Elder Scrolls one, and it's shaping up to look like that's how it's going to be.

I'm not about to say no to a Dark Elf Battlemage.

Do I want the next Elder Scrolls to be an MMO? Freya's cunt, no.

I'm still going to play both of em', because i am a star wars fan and an elders scroll fan. I enjoy fallout 3 because it does have that elder scroll feel when you play it.
I'm getting back into playing Valkyrie Profile once again. I use to have this game but I don't know what I did with it, now I just use my Playstation 3 controller on my PC and play the ROM. I forgot how great the storyline in this games was.
"Valkyrie Profile's storyline centers on Norse mythology. A war between Ragnarok and Odin is close to breaking out in Valhalla while a conflict on Earth is also brewing. As a Valkyrie, the player's role is to go down to Earth and recruit 24 fallen soldiers to join the fight against Ragnarok. As each soldier's spirit is recruited it must be trained and eventually sent to Valhalla to fight beside Odin. Deciding when to send a soldier to Valhalla impacts the game as weak soldiers may perish while strong soldiers may be useless if sent too late."
fuck I hate MMOs, I just can't play them, they're wayyyyy too time consuming and I've got other more important stuff to do.
Still playing Far Cry 2, granted I haven't been playing it that often, but I'm only 28% through, this game will keep me busy for a while ^^
Seems so, and I'm playing it on Easy first :lol: It's a tough, tough game, on the harder difficulties you seem to just "randomly die for no reason". But after a while you realise that actually you were shot by a sniper, or someone saw you before you saw them, it's very very very tactics and strategy based. While still allowing for good ol' blowing the shit outta stuff fun.

Recently I've taken to the strategy of waiting till night time before doing any missions and taking my silenced MP5 along :D
Waiting for Wrath to come out tomorrow...hopefully they'll have the digital download available and I can play it on launch. Then my next project will be to get Fallout 3. Right now too much band stuff to buy first.
I got COD 5 yesterday, coop is GREAT i had a lot of fun playing that if any of you get it we need to get a coop game or even a Zombie game going because that looks funner, but i think i need to complete the single player campaign to unlock it.

the guys i was playing with really got into it :lol:
Wrath coming out tomorrow :D.

Four 70's to get to 80 though and I'm leveling a Hunter who's only at 33 now.

Gonna have plenty of Death Knights though, gotta reserve a name then level all my 70's to 80 and wait for the hype on DK's to die down.

Can't wait :D.
Wrath coming out tomorrow :D.

Four 70's to get to 80 though and I'm leveling a Hunter who's only at 33 now.

Gonna have plenty of Death Knights though, gotta reserve a name then level all my 70's to 80 and wait for the hype on DK's to die down.

Can't wait :D.

Oh man, I see them all in the store. It's gonna be so fucking hard not to come back. Especially now that they've introduced the class I wanted from day one.

But I just don't have adequate wow time anymore. :(
If Blizz doesn't do the dig dl right off the bat, I'm gonna be pissed. I don't wanna wait a month to play WotLK.

I play on American servers, so I MUST get the US version.