gas prices ...

there was this crazy dude in town who used to purchase barrels of crude oil and just store them. everyone thought he was crazy. Well he bought it for practically peanuts in the day. i worked with his son at the fish plant one night, his dad made 60 grand profit on the shits.
today is going to be the day the prices go over $3.00 ... i can feel it ... here comes Labor Day weekend !!!

does anyone here know about this site? ... its local people monitoring prices locally around the US.
im looking forward to people at work bitching about gas prices. its funny to hear people request certain assignments based solely on their decision to live as far away as possible. meanwhile, because i chose to live as close to the city center as possible, i get fucked. well, not really. while these geniuses are driving several hundred miles a week, i put on about 50. actual to and from work miles are more like 20 a week. my point is that these fuckers get to bitch while i just suck it up.
This is incredibly gay. You know that they saw Hurricane Katrina coming and the excuse instantly popped in their head for raising prices more. It just makes no logical or economical sense. Fuckers are taking the entire public as idiots....which they are, for the most part.
Doomcifer said:
This is incredibly gay.
haha! apparently those two or three off-shore drilling stations were producing the vast majority of american oil. that one pipeline in the gulf that got damaged was shunting oil up to New York and over to California.
fuck me ... just got back from my lunch run ... went to fillup as well. streets are oddly void of traffic here.

oh yeah ... could be the huge gas increase literally overnight ... the station i go to: 2.95 regular / 3.05 super

not even a mile down the road ... 3.15 regular / 3.35 super

This is pure gouging at this point :bah: :ill: :erk:
my car has a 13 gallon tank and oly eats super ... so that is about $40 to fillup ...

most big SUV's have close to 30 gallon tanks ... that is over $90 to fillup !!!
costs $45 to fill my Volvo... I didn't think CT would have a huge hike today, but according to my friend's away message, "gas has risen 30 cents in 1 hour, wtf"

MFJ said:
costs $45 to fill my Volvo... I didn't think CT would have a huge hike today, but according to my friend's away message, "gas has risen 30 cents in 1 hour, wtf"


welcome to car ownership :loco:
our director announced that any of us who submit a suggestion on how to improve business processes here would be entered in a drawing for three $50 gas certificates...

so using my rudimentary mathematical skills I quickly deduced that I would be in the running for about 15 gallons of gas. Knowing that management likes nothing better than cheerleading rah rah shit suggestions I submitted that we could improve morale by engaging in team-building exercises and emphasizing that our agency is here to support the Warfighter.:)
lizard said:
Knowing that management likes nothing better than cheerleading rah rah shit suggestions I submitted that we could improve morale by engaging in team-building exercises and emphasizing that our agency is here to support the Warfighter.:)
hahahahahahaha awesome.

i've been seeing a lot less huge trucks on the road the past several months, thank goat. also, i think i posted that exact sentence earlier in this thread. :Spin:
yeah, the big boat I drove in the high school days would be a drain financially if in high school now.